habenning right now.
habenning right now.
>mfw it's a shitskin doing it on purpose
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du musst nen punkt zwischen facebook und com setzen
You germans are cucked beyond belief. The comments are pretty sad
guys, this is getting out of hand, this is too much after 6 months of complete silence
the link doesnt work
Germans will do Nothing
>80% CDU
Nuke us please
May OD on happenings since going cold turkey since June
Put a dot before com. Sup Forums doesnt allow facebook links
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yes i just realised kek
My parents just got back from germany.
They visit the christmasmarkets every year for a weekend with a couple of friends.
I'm glad they are back.
My dad told me when my mom wasnt listening that he could not believe that it was the same germany he visited a year ago, the streets where full of non whites.
Hier ist die Mutter von user. Er hat wegen dir einen Anfall bekommen. Die internetpolizei ist informiert!
>Lets not asume it was muslims
>3 attacks in ONE day
>Just a coincidence
I never quite realize how much Tigers look like gingerbread houses.
This is gonna be a good Christmas
Schau dir den Penner an wie er filmt.
And it gets hit. Fucking Journo
Why the hell would you hang around that truck?
For all you know that shit is filled with explosives.
You couldn't pay me to film that, I'd be kilometers away from there.
LOL you'll love this comment! You evil germans killed jews in the past, therfore, you cant complain about muslims killing you!
ok from what i gather this is a failed NICE STYLE terrorist attack that ended only with a Christmas stand being crushed, watch how the media stays dead silent, will have to wait for stefan molymarine to shed light on this
reported as a (((fake news))) you racist.
I wish I could, Hans. I wish I could.