Christnigger hate thread

Christnigger hate thread


White catholics are probably the only reasonable Christians left. Protestants are just off their rockers.

*tip cross*

>protestants are
you're painting with a very wide swath

Destroy the churches, problem solved.

All I've got to say is their the only ones you hear about doing shit like this.

Sounds like they are about to lose their tax-exempt status, after the cops bust in and take the illegals anyway.

>claims to be white and stand for white traditional values
>denies christ

Fucking kill yourselves you autistic fucks.
He is the king of kings, and the lord of lords.
Christ was the most influental "human" to ever exist and almost all of your sense of ethics, and morality is derived from this man.
Pay homage, Repent, and you may be allowed into the kingdom of heaven.

What do you expect from a sect of Judaism?

I'm confirmed Catholic.

my gods are germanic, like my ancestry

>claims to be a devout christian
>doesn't capitalize K and L in King and Lord

Done on the very same place where ficki-ficki happened

"RULE OF LAW" is oppressive white culture.

Stop oppressing these criminal migrants with "RULE OF LAW"

>White people actually created a religion to worship cuckoldry

Makes you think

welp, Churches WERE for asylum.

They'll pick up and leave if you cut off the support to the Sanctuary CITIES and suddenly the gibs dry up. And if they don't? Well, by gum, they might actually be decent folk.

their infallible Holiness Francis, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God said Trump was unchristian for wanting to build a wall rather than a bridge to mexico

your cool bro

Cool but you dont see christians calling your god nigger, or any other derogotury name.

I just woke up cut me some slack.


Cucks like this should be treated exactly like the immigrants would treat them. As enemies.

Yeah we all hate him. The pope dosent represent us he represents the Vatican.

middle eastern religions do not belong in europe or north america

you should be deported with your christian spic brothers

canda and the us were built on pagan values corrupted by jewish christianity



lol this shill faggotry cant REALLY convince white men to sabotage their spirituality, families, and nations, r-right?


Any churches harboring these invaders should be burned to the ground. Treason can not be allowed.
Magic isn't real, retard.



listen cuckstain, since you believe in equality, why don't you move to mexico, which was built on christian values

rather than living in the white man's societies, built on pagan values of honor, virtue, and strength


Church immunity only applies to citizens of the US by law.

more likely than who? atheists?
yeah, no. reality says otherwise

well the bible does tell you to accept people with open arms!

woof, this one sure is working for his shekels huh.

stop trying to corrupt white goyim.

>Christnigger hate thread
>when atheists make part of the majority of LGBT, feminism,pro immigrants groups etc
Atheists in a nutshell, fucking up the world but act like they are intellectuals.

>sabotage their spirituality, families, and nations
But that's what Christianity wants. Christ said "your family and people don't matter, only worshipping me matters."

your filthy church corrupts people more kikestain, by teaching people equality and to adopt black babies

all this is, is a ruse to get muslims to convert. "Oh these people are nice! This religion is nice! NICE!" Since when has christianity cared about anything more than making more christians.

I couldn't comprehend being so cucked. I'm completely lost on this picture.


Chapter and verse please.

So fucking disgusting i almost vomited.

Gas every catholicuck

Christ literally said that if you don't take care of your family, you're worse than a heathen.

Generation Z is supposed to be the most conservative generation in a long time.

But Christians won't fucking benefit anything from this.

If the Catholic church weren't a bunch of cucks, they'd be experiencing a huge surge in young people joining the church right now in Europe, with the New Right popping up everywhere.

What fucking retards.

Kick out the Pope, elect a conservative pope(pic related) and maybe Catholicism wouldn't be completely dead in white communities.

Thats a very "special" bunch of people in that room

lol suck some more nigger toes

Those are Methodist retard. Read the whole article.

Fake news you probably made your self

>white catholics
their cuck levels are only matched by the cuck levels of white libs. both equal in their traitorous ways towards their race and culture

>all this is, is a ruse to get muslims to convert
The fuck are you on about? No, it's spics and churches wanting to keep them around because they love those subhumans.

No doubt a future headline will be "Sanctuary Church Is Forced to Turn into A Mosque"

Where were they during Obama's terms to protect the 2.5 million deported then?

From fedora to brownshirt in less than 5 years. Impressive. Really makes you think about what happens when you don't have any morals or inherent virtue.

>muh thor

we should observe the rites and rituals of our ancestors and not be cucks.

>hate religion
>choose to hate the one that's least violent and has lead to the development of the west

You guys are no different than feminists who choose to hate European/American men and not men in actual oppressive places like Saudi Arabia.

Just whiney little bitches.

Really makes ya think

How so? Every Catholic I've known was conservative. Yeah there's Europe but that's Europe for you.

70% of Jews vote Democrat
70% of Atheists vote Democrat

Really activates my neurons


the kikestains destroyed our history and culture and forced my ancestors to convert to their stupid, weak religion

kek shits on your pathetic god

the ogdoad existed long before christ


>hurr durr religion is for dumb people
>Left wing is smarter than right wing, and almost all intelligent people like scientists and doctors are left wing.
>hurr durr religion is more likely to be left wing
where were you when Sup Forums was 100% cognitive dissonant propaganda?

Either you are admitting you are retarded, or admitting you are a lying sack of shit. Which is it bud?

Islam is obviusly worse but chirtianity is cringy as fuck as well.

funny how that chart does not show the pagan vote. i bet pagans were more supportive of trump than kikestains.

it is obvious that kek does not want me to tripfag

that is why he has started denying me

i am sorry my lord

Cucked n Fucked


>White catholics are probably the only reasonable Christians left.

We should create a new religion
Christianity is far too cucked to be followed

Not quite as bad as you think, they were "adopted as embryos" accdg the article. My guess is they saved them from abortion or something.

And of course not one single white male on that cover, WHAT A FUCKING SCAM

What's cringy is you're illiteracy.

Isn't it amazing that fedoras have all the cuck porn saved and share it with each other gleefully?

nah, every pagan i've met was uber-liberal

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who still believe this sandnigger kike cult worshipping a hippy nailed to a piece of wood.
Kekism and Euro-paganism is the way to go.

Slave morality at its worst.

those people aren't real pagans, hell i see shitskins in that crowd

just the same as you can't be a conservative christian because the bible calls for open borders

Why are leftists so aggressively against religion? It doesn't affect you. Let us honest Americans live our lives with the freedom to practice our religion

No one thought to ask the fat faggots with utilikilts and drinking horns full of mountain dew

freedom of religion leads to multiculturalism, we need state teachings in order to keep the countries nationalist

>Why are leftists so aggressively against religion?

They're aggressive against Christianity, not religion. They'll defend Islam in particular until the end of time.

amazing how you can see the guilt in their faces

>november 18th

If by fedoras you mean canucks, then yes, amazing indeed.


>hell i see shitskins in that crowd
most pagans are shitskins

>the bible calls for open borders
chapter and verse please

> We need dem programz cuz tyrone can't keep track of his kids

>the patriarchy has forced my gender to be reduced to being paid 33 cents for every dollar. Men in America and Europe are stupid and weak and deserve nothing more than my scorn

>my oppression is still oppression you cis scum male! How dare you say otherwise. You're just mansplaining and that's sexist.

lol those fedora memes really hit a nerve

no they aren't fool, real paganism is seen in europe and is clearly all-white

>has a cross on his flag
enjoy being a slave to the jew

what does that have to do with my post? feminism is wrong, but what i said is historically accurate.

Not just leafs.
The monkey does it too
The burger

Christian churches have been infiltrated by cultural marxists just like the government, universities and media have been. It's all part of their plan.

You are implying that i'm a feminist just because i don't share your religion?

in this moment I am euphoric. Not because of any phony science, but because I am enlightened by my faith to the true master of the universe, Lord Yahweh, protector of Israel and the twelve tribes

>you're mansplaining. You are ignoring the historical fact that as a women, I AM being paid 33 cents for every dollar. That is oppression! Those women in Iran that get acid splashed on their face? I feel their pain. It's because all men are evil and men in America that force me to earn less are the worst!

Holy shit the Calebs are out in force today. You can really tell schools out.

Ther ehas to e a mid-way point between the state not infringing on religious rights and just letting "religions" do whatever the fuck they want, right? I'm so sick of this arrogant church attitude where they act like laws don't apply to them in the slightest

I can't believe that its 2016 years after the birth of our lord Yeshua Christ, and people still deny his divinity. Its almost as if they never even read the ancient Judaic texts that specifically confirm his divinity. I swear to Yahweh, if I wasn't living in this athiest ruled society today I would go all deus vault on these heathens