Happening in Berlin

Religion of peace strikes again.
A few mins ago a truck drove into a christmas market in Berlin.
Due to N24 there is at least one dead person so far and a bunch of injured (no numbers jet).
Policemen said it was most likely a terror attack and not an excident.
Will update soon.

Other urls found in this thread:


dead count got higher. still no number.

Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

congratulations to angela merkel, more blood on her hands

who coult have gussed : the driver of the truck is still on the run .

During the Nice attack it was like 2-3 deads at first.
Expect 20-30 deads, 30-50 injuried tomorrow.

Right wings death squad when???

I thought the Christmas markets were playing middle eastern music to appease them. I guess it didn't work


"the motivation of the driver is still completly unknown" t. yours lügenpresse

when will they stop that shit .
we all in8w why he did it

hold steady user .. we need to unite first
Europa is awakening

new numbers:

~ 50 injured

"a few" dead

muhammed is still on the run

like i said
it's like pottery.

Have a Nice day.

you have more than prayers from me German bro .. axis born . axis loyal

nothing new so far.
the shitskin is still loose.

supriseingly n24 is not in full damage controll mode.

I hope German lads find this driver and go medieval on his ass

9 dead confirmed by authoritys.

9 dead confirmed by authoritys.

this ;)

SEK ( SWAT) has been deploit. lets hope they will massacre the shitskin.

Is it confirmed it's a shitskin?

its a poorlack the winged hussar lmao

9 dead at least

looks like the media has become the usual call from Mutti.

" we should not draw quick conclusions. it may after all have been an excident"

* get . not become

but everyone knows it was sven

statement from police soon to come.

Still wont stop die lügenpresse from lying will it, and MSM and liberals will refer to whatever lies available to push for more immigration

Who else could it be Sven ? Who else would attack a christmas market ?

>blames muslims without it even being confirmed

Religion of piss.

suspect was arrestet by police.
"not 100% clear it realy is the driver"

nothing to do with islam he is polish stop trying to convince yourselves

"we do not have informatiok about the nationality of the suspect"


yea it was probably the russian hackers who hacked the truck, right?

I like how Merkel has stopped trying to suppress the terrorism from existing.

She learned last January this method is no longer effective.

She probably went into a new strategy of suppressing the accuracy of how many died, and how many wounded.

Jetzt neun.

Dumping the memes from de Nice attack

the front passanger was found dead in truck
probably died in the crash


Atleast 9 dead and more than 50 injured


Only a dead Biogerman is a good German.

the new strategie seems to be " we need to learn to live with terror. its inivitable in our open society"

Any info on him?

Truck was Polish, but I heard that journalists already spoke with company owner and a driver, so probably got stolen.


Has Merkel apologized to their Turks yet?

It's just a new commercial for Euro Truck Simulator 2! But the truck is a Scania, maybe they should add new trucks...

police has anounced the people of berlin to stay at home and not to spread rumors or "so called fake news" ( they realy said it this way)

What You Have Inherited From Your Ancestors You Must Earn Before You Can Own.

The Most Precious Possession You Own In This World Is Your Own People

no. only info was that he died in the crash

This professor discussing Germany on Sky News is pretty red pilled. Droppin' truth bombs left and right.

and here we go again " could have been a poor man who was radicalized by the horrible pictures we saw from allepo in the last days "t. your state foundet propaganda channel known as ARD/ ZDF

how are the young germans handling this shit? (do they care or just taking selfies with the bodies)

acording to the lügenpresse the atmosphere is "pretty relaxed for such a horrible evening" so i guess we are getting used to it.
merkels children are probably cheering every time some of their freinds kills a few germans.

I think you can infer it

It was a polish terrorist attack.
Brave mujaheddin of Ayatollah Rydzyk.

I'm kind of glad this happened, first of all it's in Berlin so probably nothing of value was lost and second the conflict between western civilisation and islam is unavoidable and should be initiated asap, at the moment we still have them outnumbered.


the chucks at ARD still chilling for the excideng possibility.
"the driver may have had a heard attack"
holy kek thats a new los even for our lügenpresse

Deus Vult


Thanks obama

statemant from Mutti Multikulti has arrived.
"its realy shocking and i'm mourning with the victims"


What a terrible tragedy, i hope the driver is okay.


There's nine dead Hans. But don't spread rumors or the Kripo will visit you. Have fun living in the Caliphate tho.

>Had a heart attack
>Corpse not found in or near the truck

Are they even trying anymore?

I fucking called this six months ago. Fucking stupid kraut faggots. You deserve it for being so retarded. From this point forward I have no fucking sympathy for you cucks. At least when these shit skin sand niggers attacked us we started two wars and killed thousands of them in return.

deus vult .
may we all get the oportunity to bath in muslim blood.

Is it normal to only go on Sup Forums during happenings?

no they are in full panic mode.

Where else can I get the truth and not FakeNews?

You don't have to be so aggressive. We're in this together. There hasn't been anything like 9/11 yet, so you can't really compare our inaction to your war. Have sympathy with the ignorant, yet good germans that lost their lives today.

>watching sky news
>did you see how the attack happened yourself?
>I-I'm sorry, I mean, did you see the INCIDENT yourself?

Maximum overkek

I'm sorry

it's not about that, it's just that Sup Forums is boring outside of it, all these people do is argue about the same shit (e.g. who is white) or color maps

Yes. Someone even modified the four panel running guy comic for this. Could someone here post it?

So what we know:
1. Truck is on polish registration plates
2. Last contact with pole was around 12:00, he was waiting for unloading in front of some company and "there was loads of muslims haning around" -his wife said
3. They tried to phone him several times between 14:00 and 16:00
4. Thats family's company, he was almost co-owner, working for them since 16 years.
All from polish news

Poland, your memes suck

Is this where we bring back the "Ban all assault trucks" meme from Nice?

tfw too intelligent to die

>mfw shitposting with a thick layer of irony on twitter
>only talking about the "positive" benefits of unwatched mass immigration
>people threaten to call the police on me for hatespeech

German twitter is the absolute maximum of cuckholdry.




that was the old version

you have to upgrade to christmas edition

i will think of this when the next completly unexpcted nigger chimp out happens in the us and the apes will be portrait as opressed freedom fighters again.

these fucking devils think there are only two types of people left (the international hyenas and the passive sheep)
how little they remember from history
stay safe user, stay clear headed .. you're not alone (I deleted a lot of what I intended to say for safety)

On the First day of Christmas Mohammed Abdul Al Hakim sent to me a Lorry attack that killed my entire family.

Breaking - Organizer of attack named:


Fuckers on France24 already starting the #notallmuslims bullshit.Also anyone calling it a Muslim is raycissssss!!!

tweet this to them


So diz meanz war?

On January the 5th, she also said she was shocked.

But she had already known about it for 5 days, because she suppressed the rapes for those 5 days.

This cunt is lying through her teeth.

Hey man, we can't assume motive. The lorry was clearly deeply disturbed.
>implying that not everyone capable of killing other humans en masse is disturbed by default

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand he's dead. Body found inside the truck



Can someone shop OPs image to cross out days and put hours instead. In light of today's happenings...

i dream of merkels rotting body, strung to the Brandenburger Gate with a rope around her neck every night desu.