Sup Forums's opinion on spartan society?
Sup Forums's opinion on spartan society?
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they were gay desu
very homosex
Yeah but the huge difference was that they still fucked pussy to raise more soldiers.
A pretty effective reminder of how specialized and idiosyncratic a society can become when it is sufficiently small.
Also, Thebes was gayer.
A very admirable society, but its greatest weakness was its inability to adapt.
And inability to adapt is a death sentence, no matter how how brave or strong you are.
Watch out, here they cum.
I wish i'd grown up as psycho fascist aristocratic bum predator.
thebes even had a group of super soldiers that specialized in fucking each other in the ass
People had limited ability as far as concepts like personal ownership were concerned - soldiers had to eat in communal barracks and you would get punished if you were caught eating things on your own.
Really they were a lot like a more militaristic, more oppressive version of the USSR in many respects.
A fun experiment but wasn't sustainable and couldn't have worked at all without slavery on a massive scale
They had the best soliders in the world at the cost of their whole civilization
Late era Sparta had hardly changed since its inception and the world had moved forward while they did not, eventually they were destroyed and absorbed into Rome
There wasn't slavery involved. Helots lived an easier life than Spartans.
I'm sure that's exactly what they told the helots.
Wrong. They fell because they relied so much on non-spartans, perioikoi and helots, and the city of Sparta itself. They could never just move somewhere else.
If they were smarter they would have seen the sustainability of a more barbarian nomadic lifestyle like that of northern Europeans.
Who survived and built upon the ruins of the Roman Empire?
Northern Europeans.
So what you're saying is, when Europe falls, the gypsies are going to take over?
>Easy life
IIRC they waged war on them every year to keep them from revolting.
The utter scum and dredges will always prosper when Noble Giants fall
cucks and beta orbiters
They had to make the woman look like a young boy on the wedding night to accustom the groom to vagina after years of giving/ receiving bum love
3/10 gayaf
>Who survived and built upon the ruins of the Roman Empire?
>Who are the Italians?
raped little boys, were all raped when they were soldiers, allowed women a high status position
Are now a series of small hills in greece, that is their legacy in the real world.
Cucks, massive cucks
They wont miss a step, either way
Maybe not take over, but they will have very little to lose when the fall comes. They wont feel the collapse very much at all. People in cities will feel it the most, people who depend on so many of life's unsustainable modern luxuries.
Those who spend their life using firewood to warm themselves, who use horses for fucking transport to this day and are able to provide all their for themselves in all their essential needs, they wont lose anything. They'll survive the fall.
I do like the idea of making lead bars the currency to render it valueless. Absurdly brilliant
Never accomplished anything worthwhile and betrayed their fellow Greeks several times.
>spain, portugal, occitania, italy, yugoland, greece, bulgaria, turkey
>northern european
kys pls
Gay jocks who molested little boys like the rest of Ancient Greece. They lost to turbo gay Thebans.
i don't know man, when the spartans got cucked by a trojan they burned troy to the ground
pretty based
They were Illyrians
>how specialized and idiosyncratic a society can become when it is sufficiently small.
And how such a society is far less able to adapt to its environment. There is a reason Athenian society survived for so long, while Spartan society vanished. A society built on militarization and the heavy use of slave labor for domestic production cannot survive in anything other than constant warfare, and no society can breed fast enough to ensure this.
>Northern Europeans
Who were not nomads. Courtesy of Roman influence they developed civil society. Had they remained as they were before, they'd have gone the way of the Spartans.
Spartans literally believed that getting cucked by a younger guy meant """your""" kids would be strong.
Based. Wish I lived there. Life would be so much more meaningful and glorious.
>Who are the Italians?
Literally northern European nomads called Ostrogoths and Lombards. Learn your history
The Romans of old are long fucking gone my friend.
Different Spartans
Pre-Doric invasion Sparta was an Akhaian (or possibly Ionian) city. When the invasion happened it became an entirely Dorian city and didn't claim continuity from Mycenean Sparta.
Sparta outlasted Athens, you pleb
Homo closet prick
Well you are right they weren't nomads exclusively but they were obviously able to become nomadic with ease.
Northern European tribes packed up their shit and moved around europe quite often.
Britain did far more for western civilization than Italy.
Good work if you could have gotten it
this guy knows his shit
pre-doric sparta was badass, after it became a pedo haven
A heroic European ideal society
Lets see now: Italy makes ''Lamborghini, Ferrari, Pagani, Maseratti, Ducati, MotoGuzzi, best cuisine and best vines''
England makes ''M'G, Land Rovers/Jaguar(now indian propriety) terrible food and nothing else''
Sparta rose to its peak during its Doric society, though. The only thing that stands out from the Achaeans is Achilles, and even he got btfo by some faggot
A psuedo-communist homosexual society that failed quickly and was only possible on a massive amount of slavery. A meme people who had practically no contribution to classical Greek society other than professional hoplites.
You forgot Aston Martin, which surpasses all Italian supercars.
James Bond pls
Not in any meaningful sense of the word. Sparta became an irrelevant town, and Spartan society vanished. Athens underwent political upheaval over the centuries, but its society remained.
They were like the zulus except the zulus did not rape all the young boys that they took away from their mother to train them.
What you on about fag.
They fucking sided with the Persians in a war with Athens and got BTFO
Lots of homosexuals and a serious tendency towards financial corruption. Plus they got their shit kicked in by Thebes.
t. stupid nigger with std
>Behind is mass of TOXOTAI KRETEKOI
>The only thing that stands out from the Achaeans is Achilles
Literally all Mycaenean history is Achaean history. And Homeric "Achaeans" don't necessarily equate to Arcado-Cypriot Achaeans. It's possible by all means that the Attic-Ionic society rose from Achaeans that were pushed from Peloponnese by Dorians.
is true
Spartans took their children at 7 and raped them during training to make them violent sociopaths
Zulus took their children at age 13 and did not rape them
In what sense has it remained? No individual aspect of the city states was retained after its unification by the Macedonians.
>Athens underwent political upheaval over the centuries, but its society remained.
>old greek language; dead
>greek polytheism (and all its holidays); dead
>ancient greek genetics; erased by turks
>greek democracy; shit idea in the first place
but its society remained
>>old greek language; dead
Well Old English is dead too...
Their society was too isolationist, so they couldn't compete politically or economically with the other nations, military was their only strength. So once they took over Athens, their society started to slowly decline and fell into degeneracy, cause they just weren't prepared for all the wealth and power they gained after Peloponnesian War, their civil institutions were too weak and undeveloped to resist corruption.
Ah, I thought you were referring to the Achaeans who would wind up enslaved by the Dorians
So are a load of Germans right now.
you got two thing right and both of them are fixable
I can also confirm that nothing has remained, dunno what the leaf is talking about
Our language is literally as old as old Greek and Latin and large numbers of our people still speak it.
Basically Helots were far more in terms of numbers about 10 times. So Spartan society didn't have the appropriate number of free citizens-hoplites to balance the numbers and increase their birthrates.
Free man citizens if they were lucky and strong enough to survive the harsh military spartan system, they would possible fall to death in one of the noumerous battles. Meanwhile helots (not slaves) were increasing numbers without having to fight for the state. Peloponessian war was the tomp for the collapse of Spartan Agoge, the greatest and most manliest system in the history of Mankind.
God Bless Lycurgus
>>old greek language; dead
Modern Greek is closer to 8th Century BC Attic-Ionic than Modern English is to 12th Century Middle English.
Greek has had a remarkably conservative evolution after the development of Koinē. Phonology is essentially identical to late Koinē, changes in grammar are minimal, and loanwords make up less than 5% of the vocabulary.
>>greek polytheism (and all its holidays); dead
The idea that Greek Orthodoxy is an abrupt change of old traditions and belief systems is absurd. There's more continuity than you possibly think, albeit behind the guise of Christian lore. About half the Christian traditions in Greece are repurposed from the old religion, and so are plenty characters. Jesus = Dionysus, Panagia = Athena, Father = Zeus, St. George = Thracian Horseman, etc.
U gon get annex'd.
Middle English is a creole between Old English and Norman French, so no, it's not as old as Greek and Latin. It's actually one of the few cases (if not the only one) of a western language you can genuinely call a "new" development.
>Helots lived an easier life than Spartans
>Helots were ritually mistreated, humiliated and even slaughtered: every autumn the Spartans would declare war on the helots so they could be killed by a member of the Crypteia without fear of repercussion
State enforced homosexual pedophilia. Little boys were literally assigned to adult men who they had to sexually take care of.
cucks governed by women
>believing Athenian propaganda
Don't believe anything the boylovers tell you. They just jelly.
Βρεkεkέξ kουάξ kουάξ amirite
But all of Greece loved boys
>Peloponnesian scum detected
you guys are the true olive niggers
>About half the Christian traditions in Greece are repurposed from the old religion
Well yeah same applies to most christian denominations because Europeans aren't going to accept ALL of our fucking original cultures to be wiped out, but it's still obviously not the real deal.
In my country (wales), some people still actually practice ancient druidic paganism as an organized religion. We still speak the same form of our ancient language pretty much. The English tried to wipe it out completely but it's seeing a revival. We have the same genetics as we did up to 2000 years ago. Britons were never enslaved or replaced by Romans, Anglo-Saxons never replaced the native Britons in Wales.
We're literally the same people as we were way back then. It's why we have an actual pagan flag.
I'm talking about WELSH you mong.
Cymru am byth!
>civic nationalists actually believe this is good for society
I'm not a civic nationalist at all
>In my country (wales), some people still actually practice ancient druidic paganism as an organized religion.
Yeah, there are a couple "neo-paganist" organizations here as well, but I honestly don't think they are doing it the right way, because they have adopted a very distinct anti-Christian rhetoric. I think a more gradual conversion (or at least opening) of the church to more tradition beliefs is the way to go and would be more successful.
Ooh, nice. How is Welsh doing? Is the younger generation exposed to it in school, media and the like, or is it going the way of the dodo? I love Celts, and it breaks my heart that they are losing cultural ground. They feel like our distant Mediterranean cousins.
I didn't say you were
From what I understand our druidic paganism here still has a pretty good grasp on most of their old traditions, they're nothing to shake a stick at.
They've been visited by the queen and things like this out of respect. They are the same druids of old, yet some of their practices would be outlawed by now I'd imagine.
Old footage I know but they're still around.
Welsh language seems to be doing great. I know quite a few people who have learned Welsh through school here in south wales. I have to admit I can't speak it fluently myself yet but I am learning now.
Thanks medbro greek polytheism was fucking dope
o rite sori m8 my mistake
t. SIDF.