Why does pol think the US and Russia will be on the same side of a war?
Why does pol think the US and Russia will be on the same side of a war?
>Something that will happen
Putin and Trump are about to show the elites of the world the middle finger.
Because pol is full of delusional cucks, like this guy
The amount of stupid muh Russia and muh US vs the world threads is getting unbearable as of late, like it's 14 y.o.s with no grasp of world events
Trump's president now.
>Falling for the alliance meme
Clearly you retard shills are new recruits because the older 2 month interns at CTR quit and committed suicide but this place runs on memes.
No one thinks that, there will just be stable relations and not war.
>like it's 14 y.o.s with no grasp of world events
Because that's exactly what it is, retards have become the majority
Whole thing geopolitically is strategic need to be close to Russia to check China. If you aren't between China and Russia you are fucked. Clinton's string pullers are ugly folks and we were headed down a scary path.
because we're on the same side against Islam
>Putin and Trump are about to show the elites of the world the middle finger.
Is that why Trump put them in the white house?
They can help us with out little muzzie infestation.
We don't have to occupy the same land or airspace. We just divvy it up and start spraying.
Can't be on the same side with a dictatorship like Russia because Russia's main thing is to resist the US. It would collapse without confrontation with a powerful outside force.
Op is so pants on head retarded hes got me agreeing with leaves.
Because pol is not part of a small clique of criminals at the CIA, who are the only people doubling down on this cold war nonsense.
Becase eventually the whole world unites to finish off the juice.
Only retards think that, all this is just steps in the final attack USA will make on Russia and fuck them over for eternity
It's all been set up
It's delusions like this of confusing Russia and USSR that keep me worried about future of humanity. We got embargoed by more than half of civilised world, and 2 years later the biggest affects of this are fall of Rub value and diversified economy. Puting and gov has approval ratings that make western leaders sweat with envy,
RF isn't going anywhere. This isn't hard.
You will never piss in Laci Green's mouth
Putin has bigger approval ratings than kim jong un tho
Because Trump is president
Yeah, having a leader liked by the people is a really bad thing, literally dictatorship. I think we should call the french and ask them to send Hollande here.
Yeah, but unlike KJU there is are reasons for this:
1)He really is a good politician, the only things he can be criticised for is shit economic policy, or it was before sanctions, and corruption, which has been on steady, if slow, decline.
2)He pulled country from a non state to global player in 16 years.
3)KGB are propaganda experts. They make MSM brainwashing look inept, childish and inadequate.
That third point is the reason EU/US is losing their shit over russia. Not "hacxxors".
wishful thinking.
i want to fuck she
Cause the narrative isn't heavy enough for the US to go to war with Russia.
Experts or actual Journalism? I guess you can make up an Ambassador death...
I dunno what my post has anything to do with yours. No they wouldn't off our own ambassdor unless they wanted a war. But to answer the rest of your question, MSM has abandoned investigative journalism in favour of being ckickbait opinion merchants. Russian media has real investigative journalism and they never lie this days. On the other hand behind the scenes putinbots are a real thing, so is fake news, tho those never get released from one of our official channels, but pushed out trough social networks on temporary sites. It goes on and on and on.
It's really impressive, really. And it's not targeted, they do it pretty much to everyone who they see as opoosition all of the time.
Trump surrounded himself with Putin supporters, has Putin's sympathy and presumably is sympathetic towards Putin.
Because they haven't figured out that Isis is fighting hippies preventing us to build a pipeline