>europeans have mandatory organ donation
What the fuck is the matter with you statist shitheads?
>europeans have mandatory organ donation
What the fuck is the matter with you statist shitheads?
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh organs
>>europeans have mandatory organ donation
we do?
yeah, unless you opt out your body is property of the state
>He isn't an organ doner
Taking my kidney was a bit painful, but I'm glad I wasn't selected for heart donation or liver donation by the state, so I'm thankful!
We don't in fact
We will next year though but the new PM will revert it
at least they don't harvest organs from live political prisoners like the Chinese
There's nothing wrong with this, as long as opting out is possible.
Most people don't give a shit either way, and making it opt out just increases the amount of available organs to save lives with.
That being said, you DO have the right to straight up add your organs to your testament and can exclude people you don't like, I'm not even kidding.
No we don't.
I'm an organ donor
>heart is shit due to several infections
>lungs are shit due to chain smoking
>liver is shit due to early age alcohol consumption and garbage
>kidneys are shit due to drinking nothing but soda all my life
well at least they still have my colon
I don't need my organs when im ded
Gotta keep them Rothschilds alive forever!
>>europeans have mandatory organ donation
Wales has opt out we have opt in
I signed up for organ donation initially then opted back out after I reconsidered
Why wouldn't you want your corpse to save lives if that option exists?
What the fuck will you be needing your organs for after you've died?
Its Roth's children, you moron.
>parliament votes opt-out organ donations by 1 vote
>1 minister missed the voting because of a delayed train
>he would have voted opt-in
wew lad
How do you even know that? You've never been dead.
>be you
>be klaus von schwarzenegger
>get hit by a truck in the latest muslim attack
>chance of surviving
>sent to hospital
>get put on operating table
>"oh, he is an organ donor, he never opted out"
>left to bleed out
>organs go to abdullah
Scotland is opt in so i signed up years ago.
Do your family get cash for organs in US?
Absolute communism.
Please destroy them, towelheads.
>you opt out
pick one
Probably not.
It's another episode of Yank mistakes Europe for one country.
No we don't. Even in fucking Belgium, the EU's laboratory, we have to ask to our local administration if we want to be an organ donor.
The issue is that sometimes, you aren't dead when they take it away. One man once had his organs taken away from him while he was still sentient. Only reason we know he was still sentient is because he started screaming in the middle of the operation.
No you faggot, Germans do not have this, you have to opt in and carry some sort of Donor ID.
>be yuropoor
>get beheaded
>organs save 5 pro-refugee demonstrators
Which lives? Maybe it saves someone who goes on to do something you explicitly disagree with and now you're morally culpable in part
Its fine as long as you are donating your organs to whites.
Merica mad.
still needs to go through senate
Enjoy not getting your organ after failure american.
Unless you opt out they can ask your family to donate your organs. If you opt out, your family can under no circumstance give permission for donation; if you explicitly opt-in, your family cannot rescind.
That's pretty much the system in European "opt-out" countries. The only situation where they take anything without asking anyone is if you don't have next of kin.
To be expected since it was a retarded PvdD member, anyone who works for that joke is bound to be a functional retard.
Hopefully the Senate will block it.
We don't, it's voluntary
And have your organs go to Shaq'foo or Wallaweed?
We don't.
When I last died they were going to transplant my leg to a refugee, but my dad stopped them.
We still have the right to veto that, its not too bad.
There are literally no downsides to donating your organs after your death.
Why should i care?
Im dead. And if I can help someone after I die its good
We don't
i thought only a country or two in EU had that going on, don't remember which
anyway, its a good thing
because people are too lazy to register we make use of their lazinessto deregister
saves lives of working people so why not
Implied consent is still fucked up tho
Should always be opt in otherwise it's basically a statement of state ownership of your organs unless you opt out
>Do your family get cash for organs in US?
who cares im pushing daisies
Doesn't the donor and reciever have to be of the same race? Or was that just for bone marrow?
i am the senate
Some religions and superstitions require body fullness to experience proper afterlife.
Also if Day Z comes around, you might want to be a proper zombie, and not a limper.
Your statement is partially true. You are by default an organ donor, but you can refuse, but that makes you a massive cunt. What the fuck are you going to do with your organs when you're dead? Do not bother to answer if it includes superstition.
Just say it's against your religion.
Savinbg Muslims with your organs that then keep people alive that mooch of the social system and commit terror attacks.
I would gladly donate my organs to European non Muslims.
>I'm really going to need my Harry and cornea after I die like a fag
this is what is ideal, usually when you first go to the DMV they ask if you want your status printed on your license
So opt out?
RH factor and blood type mostly, then some genetic compatibility.
Skin color or other such markers used in racism don't matter.
Organs are all the same for very different markers.
Hell you can get a cow heart or a pig pancreas.
How's this: if you sign as an organ donor and keep your body healthy, you could receive a tax deduction proportional to how healthy you are. If you're offering a valuable trade good, your organs, you should be paid for it, and it is a great idea for the government to encourage its population to be healthy.
Maybe they'll put my organs in someone i hate and that lets them live on to have kids and thus im directly increasing the proportion of people i hate in the world
>oh no I need my organs for when I'm dead
I would make a statement on my will that my organs do NOT go to:
>immigrants that are on any form of welfare
>any form of non-white
>homosexuals and trannies
Otherwise my organs are gucci to be given to whoever needs them.
>anyway, its a good thing
>So opt out
You just don't get it do you?
we should have opt out honestly.
who cares you're dead
Nah but I'm not retarded
I'd make it pretty simple
if you're not an organ donor you don't get donor organs
>not wanting to kill someone after death
look at this retard
Seems like a good thing. Destruction of the human race couldn't come faster
egyptians kept them in a jar next to the mummy for a reason
(((secular humanists))) leave
Rote Schilde, really, Ferenc. Doesn't matter: least we can do is give our masters a few more years.
Receiving an organ of someone of a different race, especially when there's sub-saharan africans involved as either the donor or recepient, greatly increases the chance the donor organ is rejected by the body.
>tfw the leaf is based for once FeelsGoodMan
Do you have any idea how the organ donation process works? That would never occur, ever, and if it did that would be a massive ethical and moral disaster. It does not happen like that.
>For dead donors, the process begins with verifying that the person is hopelessly dead, determining whether any organs could be donated, and obtaining consent for the donation of any usable organs. Normally, nothing is done until the person has already died, although if death is inevitable, it is possible to check for consent and to do some simple medical tests shortly beforehand, to help find a matching recipient. The verification of death is normally done by a neurologist (a physician specializing in brain function) that is not involved in the previous attempts to save the patient's life. This physician has nothing to do with the transplantation process. Verification of death is often done multiple times, to prevent doctors from overlooking any remaining sign of life, however small. After death, the hospital may keep the body on a mechanical ventilator and use other methods to keep the organs in good condition. Donors and their families are not charged for any expenses related to the donation.
>What the fuck is the matter with you statist shitheads?
hear the american accusing others of being statist
Get out roach. Not welcome here
Whats so wrong with this?
Ever had a family member in the hospital dying because they couldnt get an organ when perfectly fine organs are all around them in dead people that havent signed to donate?
Didnt think so edgelord.
>get killed by drunk driver
>drunk driver survives but only with my liver and kidneys that have been harvested
fuck off burger
Your grandma sucked black cock, fuck her
no we don't
I do like the ability of being able to hold something over someone after im dead
I wish you could set up like a tournament where the persons relatives have to compete for your organs
Can't wait till Putin and Trump come to exterminate your colony. It'll have that nice crunching sound.
We should have a cockroach destruction timer
Why you should opt-out or never opt-in to organ donation
Organ transplant is the most corrupt business on the planet. The people who are literally giving their internal organs, while sociopaths with scalpels murder them. Opt out today, and never become an organ donor.
no it isn't
i see no problem with that tho
Organ harvesters welcome!
Like you'd have to kill 5 niggers in broad daylight before you can get my kidney or some shit
It's not mandatory.
As a native speaker you should know what the word 'mandatory' means.
yeah, let them compete in wipeout
Or even those perfectly fine organs in living people who are privileged white males that don't deserve to live.
Why the fuck should we live in a voluntary society where people have a choice when it comes to their body let alone their personal property?
Communist thinking
>hurr durr everyone owes me something
so autopsies should be opt-in as well right?
because there are people who woke up during them
not here
In France you're an organ donor by default, but you can ask to be removed from the list.
Which is probably the most sensible system.
I love British humour lol