When White Nationalists say that Asian countries aren't being fucked over demographically, they are wrong. It's just going to look different. Rather than letting foreigners into an already racially nationalistic country, the (((people in charge))) emasculate the men, making them too nervous to approach women. While this is an issue in the West, it is nowhere near as bad as it is in Japan. They are making gf bots so these omega males can have the pleasures of a girl without the work (or babies). The Jews know that Japan was probably the strongest Asian nation, so after the second world war they created this birth crisis so Japan would no longer be what it once was. Rather than being genocided from the outside through immigration, Japan will be genocided from within through dysgenics. Here's a video to show how bad it's getting: youtu.be
RIP Japan
>the (((people in charge)))
>They are making
>they created this
Is that holography?
because nigga, I have been waiting for this tech for ages no.
oh yes, them.
and the tech is coming along
Can you load your waif and have her do lewd things?
or, maybe they don't want to work themselves to death for a dragonlady
Dammit these fucking webms are great
I want one
MGTOW is a purple pill (controlled opposition). I assume you are being ironic because of your related pic.
Reminder that conquering Gaul didn't stop the Gaulians (present day French) or Romans from making white babies. These Waifu bots will stop Japanese from making Japanese babies, and heck white men are being emasculated too so they will stop making white babies. What a shitty world we live in.
> making them too nervous to approach women
No, Japanese women consume as much Western media as white women in North America, they are exposed to genetically superior white males and dont want no gook rice monkey.
post unsafe.jpg
That's just because of dysgenics.
there ya go. Is it still forbidden to post porn in the OP?
This is not a blue board (SFW) so I think you're safe. Don't go posting this kind of shit on /k/ or /fit/ and expect to not be banned tho.
>they created this birth crisis
What crisis? The one where the birthrate has been rising since 2005?
>tfw the jap still has a bigger dick than me
Fuck you cunthole give me some of that waifu action too.
Porn is forbidden in Sup Forums, check the rules.
Why is this board considered NSFW? Oh that's right... *looks at pic related*
Japs are naturally pretty red pill and so avoid needy, demanding bitches.
Plus they have the best immigration policy in the world so it's not like they need to breed to try and save themselves.