Terrorist attack in Berlin?

Is it a terrorist attack? Is it a Muslim?

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They din dooo Nuffin.

Do you really need to ask?

It was one of the new Germans.

They're just like any other German you bigot.


It was a pole, so it was a radical catholic.

no it was a tanned German

Official German state TV:

ZDF heute Verified account

"Gegen 20 Uhr ereignete sich der Unfall. Ein polnischer Lkw-Fahrer ist in die Menschenmenge gerast." (Berliner Feuerwehr)

Around 8PM there was an accident, a polish truck driver ran into a group of people.

Told ya so.

>GDA [...]
>Gdańsk plates

Sorry but learn to understand this first.

Syrian refugees !=! this one Turk

Maybe it's a false flag attack, the truck is from Poland.

nah it was a gay white man from San Francisco you faggot

>t. musluman

Say that again, please. Sounds like music to my ears coming from a pole.

It has been confirmed as an ISIS attack... sorry a sandnigger muslim shit islam is cockroach heaven go fuck some goats attack

How many more innocent people need to die before we finally ban assault trucks?

oh no maybe it's the society


truck attack confirmed to have had racial motives
KKK members can be seen celebrating in the distance

Pic related was the vehicle, I'll let you work out the rest

Even if he was Muslim you know soon we'll be getting the "He's not a real Muslim" narrative.

War es zufällig ein polnischer Muslim?

it's because of the crusades

Was ist hiermit?


Muslim confirmed!
