The """"Polish"""" truck driver was actually an Ashkenazi Jew
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show us proofs it was a polish national
that's the owner of the truck company you dumb polack
His cousin was the driver.
Judeo Islamic values are real.
>His cousin was the driver
I'm pretty sure he holocausted.
Ran over 6 gorrilion people and was holocausted at the scene.
holy shit the kikes are attacking germany
No surprise there, Poles are mostly Jews.
media blackout in 3....2....
you will never hear of this news item again.
Wasn't the driver killed by the guy before he hijacked the truck? I saw that the original driver was the dead passenger
We don't know, however, neither driver, or most likely a potential killer of a driver, was really Polish, or truly European.
What was the company name?
His name is Ariel. Of course he's jew
>Ashkenazi truck driver crashes into Christmas market
>Dönmeh Jew assassinates Russian ambassador in Ankara on the same day
What does it all mean?
Doesn't make sense, need more backstory
So he was polish. Poland is jew.
This is EXACTLY how Poles started WW2.
>Jews assassinate Russian ambassador and crash a truck in Germany with no survivors
You need a good motive to drive in bunch of people.
Source saying his name
It wasn't the fucking driver.
By drive like a woman?
That's the owner of the comapny you moron.
Kikes. It's always them.
poor guy, idk why are you so edgy. he was just guy making for a living and murdered by some filthy muzzie. edgy cunts.
Welp, its time to round up the jews and start another WW.
kikes want non-kikes to go to war with each other
And then they blamed it on Germany. The biggest stunt Poles ever pulled was making the world believe Germany started WW2.
This is sad. I am sad now.
re-open auschwitz.
Ariel Żurawski is not the drivers name. It's the name of a company (and truck) owner, he was even talking to tv journalists from Poland a couple minutes ago, but the driver is some other guy.
No, the driver killed they guy who opened the vault
Poles, why do you hate us?
We give you clay.
We give you Euroshekels.
We give Polish expats in Germany almost half a billion Euros in welfare annually.
Why do you still hate us?
janusz died and it's your fault
We will give you a new Janusz, a better Janusz.
Why do you still hate us?
So did some sandnigger still this polacks truck, or did a polack ram it or whats going on?
Kikes have stupid names.
pls be recently converted to islam
If you started WWII over a scenario like this it'd be pathetic. Just how insecure are you?
>We will give you a new Janusz, a better Janusz.
Do you have the technology?
Why would the Jews make their own seem bad? Wouldn't they orchestrate behind the scenes?
Oh wait, I'm not disturbing the circlejerk am I? soz
We don't know if he was killed by a muzzie, ISIS claims are not a valid proof.
War is never pathetic. War is god.
Gentlemen, we have the technology.
we don't hate you
kike=/= pole
> poles doing mass murder on christmas
Yeah this is a dis-info campaign going on, 100% and I don't even like poles.
Fling lots of shit and hope some of it will stick, who the fuck is even "reporting" this shit, find the fucking driver.
>Polish driver in Berlin
>Drives through Muslim district
>Muslim jumps in the truck, shanks the driver
>Takes over and drives into the crowd
Fucking retards that's the real truck driver
There were two man in the truck
One escaped, the real truck driver was dead
Jesus fucking christ that's fucking nuts. Is that confirmed to be what actually happened?
>we don't hate you
O RLY? You and Swissfags are the worst when it comes to insulting good, upstanding Germans on this board.
It's probably because your flags have the same colors. You're, like, twins or something.
A jewish terror attack in Germany
Any source?
Berlin police says they grabbed the suspect, but don't say anything else
Wait so Jews did this?
I fucking hate you all. Your land was given to us by Stalin, no thanks to you. The shekels you gives us are nothing more than reparations. I'm disgusted slimy, degenerate western creatures like yourself even breathe the same air that i do. If it was up to me that breathing would cease immediately.
Steve Lemme is dead?
I hope super troopers 2 is finished
I can fap to this.
I want to know as well, like wtf IT'S ONLY MONDAY!
>tfw soon can get dream job as an oven man
I get to keep the soap I make and gold fillings I find right?
Its jewish blood
No it's not confirmed
Driver was Ariel Zs cousin so very likely a polish jew
The popular reactions to this stuff is more frustrating and frightening than the attacks themselves. Pussy Muslims in trucks don't scare me but guilt ridden white men do
I guess they don't call Swissfags "mountain jews" for nothing.
Still, I have to ask: Et tu, Jacek?
Death of Germans worms makes me wet. I hope more polish trucks will be stolen by muslims. I hope Polish goverment will work with terrorist to givem them many trucks.
Welcome to your first day on Sup Forums, jews are behind everything vile and wrong in this world, this law is as solid as thermodynamics at this point.
>Muslims in trucks don't scare me but guilt ridden white men do
I'll let you hold my hand if you're cute :^)
He wasn't the driver you moron a mudslime killed him and took his truck
>makes me wet.
You must have a beautiful, moist vagina.
>Jews finally take killing goyim into their own hands
Bout time
Ah, well thanks for spoonfeeding me guys.
Where did the phrase "This is unacceptable" go?
Fucking jew he didn't even used a formal suit in the wedding, I'm not talking about a tuxedo or something expensive but at least some classy clothes.
What does "Et tu" mean?
Except they work for trump then Sup Forums is ok
(((Trumps Cabinet)))
Well at least we got a dead Pole out of it, so I guess things aren't looking too bleak.
A Muslim killed a Jew. What a shocking surprise.
his wife looks like the joost
>What does "Et tu" mean?
I think it's Arabic for "Please ravage my anus".
He Revenged Jews and Polaks in one strike
И ты, Бpyт?
Sir, this is not the right time to be making light of this.
check flag I'm very tall and handsome
>Polish Truck Drivers
>it was da joos
You all are pathetic.
No, he wasn't. It was a sandnigger muslim.
It means something like "And you too?", Did you study history of Rome?
You may touch me now.
>Ein Sprecher der Berliner Polizei sagt, es werde weiter geprüft, ob es sich um einen Unfall oder einen Anschlag handelt. „Wir haben bisher keine eindeutigen Hinweise, weder in die eine noch in die andere Richtung.“