Muslims literally are the polar-opposite to the left's agenda, why are they shilling so hard for muslims are they literally retarded?
Why do leftists wanna import the most conservative people on earth?
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They hate you and want the West to die, the same people fighting for immigration now are the ones fighting for armed communist revolution a couple of decades back
Cultural Marxism
They see no value in their own society and culture.
they are brown
They hate whites and the west.
once you realise that the left's ultimate goal is to destroy the west, their retarded hypocritical alliances make a lot more sense
because everyone is equal, you racist :)
because they actually care about helping refugees from war zones
it's not complicated
You seem to imagine leftists are serious about human rights and shit. That is wrong.
What they are actually serious about is totalitarianism. And for that, Islam is perfect.
leftist thought process:
>racism is bad
>racists hate brown people
>muslims are brown people
>I am a good person
>therefor, I'm not racist
>therefor I like muslims
by dissolving borders and having a one world government the leftist idea is that that will result in a utopian, peaceful and enlightened planet.
The left hates the West and White people. It really is that simple.
There is no confusion. There is no double-think. It all comes down to this.
Leftists think all conservatives hate anyone non white and or foreign. Muslims are mostly brown and foreign therefore they like them.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It's that simple in their retarded little minds. They think they're shitting on conservatives and aiding their ideology but in reality they're ultimately hurting themselves. Degenerate libs would be the first to go in an majority Islamic country.
What are you taking about?
The left's policies are about self destruction and ethnic self hate.
Bringing Muslims into the white world is just another way to destroy it.
Everything is going according to plan :c
Undoubtedly, the ((( people ))) behind the scenes pulling the strings want the west to die, but the masses of followers are genuine in their beliefs. It is cultural Marxism and critical theory that teaches them to hate and feel ashamed of any cultural or societal norm, and to ignore/forgive any wrongdoings done by non-whites. The Marxists won the culture war when they infiltrated the education systems in the 60's, and it's been downhill ever since.
also until the desire for war is gone, loss of countries would just result in race war instead
and on multiculturalism, even in multicultural citites like london and new york, the different races all congregate into different parts of the city
leftists are against nation-states
The left were originally anti-establishment and counter-cultural in the West. In the cold war that meant sympathising with authoritarian communist regimes to piss the establishment off, even though it was clearly against their interest.
Once communists were no more, there was a desperate struggle to find some other entity to support. After 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq, the muslims took the role that authoritarian communists used to have, and so now they support them.
Make no mistake, the left does not actually care about muslims at all, they just like to piss off what they see at the established order in their homecountry. This is why you'll see leftists like pic related. I guarantee this man does not know a single thing about islam or being a woman, but he knows these are issues that will be "shocking" to most people AKA "The Establishment", so he goes on national television as a "transgendered muslim", even though there is no such thing.
should have added:
exactly like Islam
(((Leftists))) are kikes.
transgender muslim. lol what a fucking showoff!
They are modern day Marxists. Replace 'the bourgeoisie' with 'white men' and 'the proletariat' with everyone else.
There's your answer.
The term is cultural marxism.
Yes. It's quite clear.
muslims are just oppressed workers who have yet to realise the extent of the struggle against capitalism. Once they are educated and renounce their primitive peasant ways they'l surely integrate into the peoples of the revolution
You're all wrong, they do it because it makes them feel good. They were indoctrinated into thinking that racism is the worst crime a person can commit. By being open to strangers they get to stroke their egos and feel like good tolerant people. The leftists don't hate the west, they just prefer virtue signaling above all else They are weak and egotistical, it's as simple as that.
Former liberal here,
It's like a high. You get addicted to the thought of doing good and helping others. You use that as your major value, the one thing that defines you above all else, is that you are a human bean who believes all humans have the right to live in any country they want. Especially if they are brown-skinned or Islamic, because that makes them a minority in your country, and minorities are always, always discriminated against by white majorities. Actually, you don't treat these minorities as other humans, but rather like puppies who can't help themselves so you have to be there for them.
You can have many qualities like quirkiness, geekiness, short temper etc. But the one thing that you start being the most passionate about is your worldview, and that means willing to overlook two important things - (1) the muslims might not like you back and (2) the minorities might not always get along with each other. These two don't matter because it's more important to you to care.
It's kind of a twisted addiction, completely suicidal, driven by the same impulses a girl would have for volunteering at a violet pit bull shelter. Remember the bowl of skittles argument? I used to hang out with people that thought it was worth eating the whole bowl, people that would unironically say things like "it doesn't matter if there's a terrorist attack now and then, it's not their fault, helping refugees is more important"
Women want strong men who oppress them.
If they can break free of that oppression, then their men aren't strong.
When they do break free, they look for stronger men to oppress them.
Feminist Men are weaker then Muslims.
The left supports anything that destroys white supremacy
This, it's not altruism at all, it's suicidal egotism.
You ruined a great webm
Deep down, they know Muslims are shit-tier and they wanna poz everything good in the world.
Muslims vote liberal.
White rural and suburban retards vote for conservative parties.
As far as I'm concerned, I prefer Muslims.
thats wrong. the left only pretends to be about "equality" and shit. what they really are after is a one world marxist government with no borders, no races, no cultures, nothing. just one big blob corporate culture manufactured from a central location. and muslims help bring that.
Just replace "Rome" with Europe.
This is the difference between liberals and conservatives. If Mexicans voted 95% Republican, you wouldn't give a fuck about a wall. It's all about what helps your team win.
Liberals see human beings, who have lost their homes and communities, and have nowhere else to turn, and want to do something to help. Agreeing with their politics isn't a precondition for acknowledging their humanity.
Now is that altruism naive and misguided? Yeah, probably. But I'll still take that impulse over pigheaded fucks like you who can't even comprehend motives that aren't self-interested.
The vast majority of white leftists actually believe all races are equal except in appearance.
They were told this their whole lives and they never question it because at a subconscious level, their minds are afraid of the implications (that they've fucked up the world) of it not being true.
And then you have non-white leftists which I would say a majority of know that race equality is bullshit and are intentionally seeking the destruction of the white race.