
THEORY: the Mayan were right.

The mayan calendar was not an end of reality, but a maximum of the variable. Where defined predictability ends, like an integer overflow

So in 2012 when the calendar ended, the simulation we exist within started slipping from its nominal variables. these inconsistencies built up. in a desperate attempt to try and get it back on track, the controllers tried to patch up inconsistencies by merging timelines. however, these time line swaps are butterflying in unpredictable ways and causing more instability, necessitating more timeline patches. all of these unprecedented events are patched in from different timelines

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yeah everyone knows that. get on the meme magic train and start influencing this comfy af simulation desu

When working on a system built from many complex algorithms, what is the first step you take to find the issue?

>reduce the variables

So, in the past, when these instabilities built up, the simulation would kill off large percentages of the population, in order to reduce the permutations of realities they had to keep in line.

These problems are not just an effect of these inconsistencies, they're also a force to rectify them. If the system was inherently stable, it would mean that as the simulation gets more and more unstable, the system will naturally try to start reducing variables.


You got the happening fever son
Shitpost furiously till exhaustion is the only remedy

pretty sure thats what im doing

Part of the problem with posting here though, is we're just pushing around the same variable.

assuming there are near limitless variables in the system, Sup Forums would be like setting the same one over and over, like:

while(true){ a = !a };

its a pretty small sandbox to be messing with.

There has to be a more effective, far reaching way of testing the limits of the simulation and looking for inconsistencies





idk about the rest of you, but I would almost rather it all unfold.

I live a good life - but the thought that I could be there to see it all end? Almost too tempting to miss

if they told me a nuke was dropping in 30seconds on my city, I'd probably climb to the roof, stand up, face the blast, and know once and for all what it all means

Another thought - maybe they are doing white box testing?

maybe the controllers are more powerful than I gave them credit for, and can control the timeline carefully.

however, they have a niggling inaccuracy somewhere, but are struggling to find exactly where (a complex system with many variables).

So, rather than test the whole system and get the same slightly wrong answer... they're purposefully pushing certain events down dark timelines, to make sure that the appropriate effects happen.

For example:

>see that for input x, output y is sometimes slightly off (See berenstein vs berenstain)
>it's a big system, tough to test everything
>instead, blow up an airport somewhere. something to get everyones attention
>watch the rippling effects throughout the simulation
>check every effect, verify proper causality, and then continue down the chain
>at some point, if there was an inconsistency, it would be discovered in the chain

They just have been having trouble finding the issue, and are having to do bigger and bigger tests to get bigger causality chains to verify

>when autism makes this much sense

Would not the "tests" become more specific instead

Yes but broader at first to know how far back to go, then specific to pinpoint the inconsistency

The number we give to the 'year' is literally just a number

It has no meaning, the world could easily be easily using another calender and it could be 6523 right now


Welcome friend..

The question remains is reality a While TRUE loop OR is it a never ending recursive function.

Is there a max to the STACK?!?

>muh timelines
>muh Matrix

Read Rene Guenon. 2012 marked the end of a cycle, the end of the Kali Yuga to borrow a term from the Hindus. We are the beginning of a new age and a new cycle. There must be a worldwide cataclysm that washes away the chaff before the cycle begins in earnest. Expect worldwide destruction.

Variables fuck up sigh will be that we are able to shoot fireballs again.

Apparently Muslims believe it's like 1453 or something right now.

Who are the "controllers" that you speak of? Gods

Does anyone has that giant loli get from yesterday?

schizophrenia must be fun

Gangnam Style reached a billion views (youtube) on 21 Dec 2012.

You know you're trolling


What would a system reducing the variables look like? Maybe:

>pinpoint the location in the simulation where an inconsistency is likely to be
>send some sort of actor to the location, an actor that is willing to do whatever it takes, no remorse, single-minded antivirus if you will
>once there, destroy any possible bad variables nearby, regardless of the innocence of those specific variables
>a localized reset to zero will remove an issue if that variable was what was inconsistent

sounds like... hmm

We are the ones controlling the simulation. Every single one of us.

however you phrase it, it's up to you.

the point is, we're inside the simulation. imagine it's a box. they are just whatever is outside that box

Fuck off blanka

Shot op cunt

You're kind of saying it's like the Earthdawn/Shadowrun universe. That magic is cyclical, that it had ebbed away and in 2012 that loss of magic trend reversed and we're seeing it making a return. Kek being reborn, meme magic, etc does seem to point to something like this.

Interesting theory.

Kinda like the fourth dimension.

and the mayans didn't say it would end in '2012', they said it would end that time celestially, whatever year it was on their calendar

>current year
is this year, no matter what integer you label it with. if I say something will happen next year, doesn't matter what number I put - add one rotation around the sun

The simulation will revert back to 2011 days.

Our internal simulations have been leaking into the main system. We are not supposed to be approximating intelligent systems within pseudosims. It's part of the Simtec COM-andments

>European truck simulator (today)
>hitman (today)
>frogger (nice)

Games are leaking and fucking us.

a never ending recursive stack sounds terrifying unless the stack is infinite, then it's effectively just a while loop again

>white threads

sounds like you describing the millennium bug.

...are you a Microsoft?

But the contollers would have to *be there*, in "person" so to speak, to control the main actor.
Just like Jesus was God (the controller) incarnate....

idk if there's a real scientific meaning to fourth dimension... but it's literally just whatever is outside our universe

I know the feeling. I love my life, I think i reached already some nice goals but i have much more planned.
But if there should be an end to all and i get to witness it, i think it would be honoured to be able to.

Well just like how as 3D beans we can see and control everything in a two dimensional plane, they can see anything within our third dimension.

Terrence McKenna already covered this with his timewave zero theory involving increasing "novelty" in reality as a natural procession.

It's literally time, my man.

is that the asymptote?

if our universe really is a simulation (simulation 0)

and if civilizations do evolve and increase in complexity and computational power

then eventually, the system within the simulation (simulation 0) would develop the ability to run its own rudimentary simulations (simulations 1+)

as the simulation within the original simulation (1) approached the complexity of the original one (0)... it would become theoretically impossible (as in, if n is the complexity of simulation 0, a simulation that could run that one would be of complexity n+1, and n can never equal n+1)

this would lead to serious instability

I have been thinking about this simulation from that Elon Musk's interview, but not able to connect few dots. Maybe my masturbation pattern has been influenced by this simulation badly. The timeline keeps collapsing where its my time to masturbate and I am not even kidding. Maybe people who are running this simulation found out that they are also a part of higher simulation, they panicked and gave up control of our simulation and started unwinding their own which led to timeline collapse in their timeline which has double the effect on our timeline. This explains my masturbation habit from 2012 and my failure to get what I want.

or maybe I just stopped giving fucks.

stop masturbating

Has anyone else become cross eyed lately? This sounds crazy but I noticed last year that I was becoming cross eyed and I never had this problem. Its especially bad when I try reading or sitting in front of a computer or television that project information. I'm seeing double and cant focus, I also get headaches. Last night I was watching a speech by Donald Trump and couldn't focus so I closed one eye just to get rid of the double vision and I saw Hillary Clinton having a speech. It was fucking weird. With both eyes I saw double vision and Donald Trump and with one eye I saw Hillary Clinton. I thought I just had problem with my eyes but I'm pretty sure now that this is related to 2012 and diverging timelines. Hillary Clinton was supposed to win but because of divine forces related to 2012 Donald Trump won instead and now I see both timelines in certain situations where the changes has occurred.

Yeah that may be the case. Even establishing global variables within any simulation >=1+ could cause conflicts with the top level sim (which may not exist if we are in a recursion).

Either way it spells big trouble. When Amen was introduced in year 0 the constant repetition by us caused huge bugs and conflicts with the Amen, Bmen, Cmen systems, such as raining frogs.

I can't really comprehend that a being beyond our comprehension would adhere to our concepts of "panic" or "give up"...

however, theoretically...

>it is much easier to reach into a simulation you have complete control over (simulation 1) and fuck it up, reduce it's ability to grow in computational power, than it would be to invent ways to expand your own reality (simulation 0)

ie much easier to kill ants on an island you have control over than to invent the concept of a bigger island


Well a while loop is destined to repeat it self. While a recursive function could change its flow in a way by changing the underlaying function.

This is a huge issue. Mass replicating objects can cause errors all the way through the system. As we have created computers, our ability to mass replicate memes is pushing the main sim to its limits.

once upon a time Mongols destroyed Asia

they fucked Asia so motherfucking hard throughout hundreds of years of decadence and mercenary barbarism that today, China has more Mongolians in it than the entire population of the country of Mongolia.

why would today's events be unordinary? how are they on-par with past events? shut the fuck up; you're too sheltered and naive.

Sorry boys, I.... I.... I...
Have broken the simulation.

I have completely fucked up, at least that's what I think. So, maybe I am in simulation 1 and can control it and turn it all around for once.

its fine lad, just watch it burn, worship the great happening upon us and see how probability dies, death to entropy.

I am trying.

Can confirm, currently living in mayan lands. Digits say so

It doesn't end, it just begins again.

You're bound to the cycle, until you're not.

>once upon a time Mongols destroyed Asia

see >1206

I'm 10 steps ahead of you, buddy

close, but everything has always been a choice.

"bound to the cycle, until you're not"

sounds suspiciously like automated garbage collection in managed systems

how do you fix it?

was it ever working?

how would you tell when it was fixed?

If you want an interesting perspective.


>maximum of the variable. Where defined predictability ends, like an integer overflow

What the hell does this even mean? Can someone please translate? I read the OP twice already and am still lost as fuck. Timelines? Patches? I will give you the parallel worlds theory, but the rest of it doesn't really make sense to me.

*I* know that you can't comprehend what others are comprehending here. that you're simply not capable of integrating the chaos and confusion of the modern world into the logical conclusion, that reality isn't as logical as it seems. so instead of simply being bewildered with your small mind and grasping what you can, you attack outwards at anything you can't identify or recognize, with what small cleverness you're capable of.

there's no way, isn't it? or that's what we think. There's no right way to explain it. We will never be able to tell whether it's working or not.

integer overflow: wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_overflow

if we are within a simulation that has complexity N

and we, somehow, develop our own systems that approach N

there is no way that a bucket N big can contain N things - it needs to be N+1

a real, physical bucket would have to overflow, or expand, to hold the same volume. A mathematical system, with rigidly defined limits, has no concept of overflow or expansion.

What happens?

and we cannot be sure about simulation 1 and simulation 0, because there might be something more than binaries outside this timeline.

theoretically, (at least to the drunk bar-napkin level of accuracy we are keeping up here) thats probably true

if you could step back far enough to comprehend our reality, you'd by necessity be outside of it

you know in pokemon red and blue your maximum stat value was 999, and if you statted up after that, the value would roll over to 0 and then you'd get a hilariously low number

There is no overflow. A system adapts by adding a new dimension.

Sums are now carried over into a new part of the bucket.

>we cannot be sure about simulation X and simulation Y, because there might be something more than alphabets outside this timeline

The simple answer is life is amusing.

Your purpose is to seek and create grander amusements.

The most difficult questions are paradoxical because to us, paradoxes are amusing.

God is the most amusing concept of all.


That makes the most sense. Thanks for the digestible analogy.

So basically, we're in uncharted territory and accelerating our own unpredictability?

You guys shouldn't have taken a toke of that DMT In 2012


2012 was the beginning of the end

Anyone else reminded of the ending of Assassin's Creed 2?

the possibilities are innumerable.

if so - those who cannot perceive the new part of the bucket would merely see information disappearing and chaos as interactions that don't make sense because of incomplete variables happening

>druggy pepe

ITT : Nihilism inducing by all sort of shills in order to decieve and push Sup Forumsacks into pessimism and depression.

It won't work though, you tried everything to take this board down and you didn't succeed.

We will continue exposing the jews, pedophiles and traitors. You won't get away from your crimes.


Havent played pokemon, but why would it be 999?
It should be 255

It starts stacking elements that were different in the system inside the same bucket.
>race mixing
>transgenders that are neither male or female
>no borders no countries

like a hash collision?

To take a system of Size N and fit it into a box of size N/2... you'd have to have half the items artificially similar within that reference frame

I was watching some Louis Theroux from the 90s the other day; what world do we live in now? Where did our home timeline go anons?

it's the "Maya" not the "Mayan"

This is your home timeline.


our meme magic is building up.

soon a very powerful power will try to stop us from evolving our meme magic

I was thinking more dirichlet's box, the system must, to survive make everything fit, at least for a while before overflowing, and the symptoms would be elements with different once, distinct properties colliding and creating a degenerate hybrid.

What would a Jesuit avatar need to do, hypothetically, if he could not be affected by this "Glitch"?
I have been discovering the Next for a while...

Well first ask yourself his does the set of all sets contain it's self? Most of the best mathematicians belittle that it does, so you probably have nothing to worry about.

yep, but i only get this when I spend too much time on Sup Forums and my vision gets tired, maybe you need glasses, for me though i just take a break from using the computer and rest my eyes, either way you should probably still go to the doctor

it isn't a set though. The container itself exists and the items themselves have logical requirements

the simulations don't have to be complex in any way.

one simulation could just be a function that points towards a set of objects - a function that contained a function that did that would at least need to have the logic to pass on the pointer... I think.

However, my computational theory is rusty, there is probably a theorem that proves this either way