You're at your job when all of a sudden this guy comes into your store, holds weed smoke into his mouth...

You're at your job when all of a sudden this guy comes into your store, holds weed smoke into his mouth, and yells "AYO LOUD CHALLENGE"
How do you react?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ask politely for a puff and for him to leave

ask for a puff

enact a citizens arrest and call authorities on him for carrying a controlled substance

>"ihavetodothissoidontgetfired, hitmeupafterigetoff"

Ask them to leave after their video is done.

so what do we do about african american imprisonment rates? is the white man tricking black people into doing things like this?

i shoot him and claim he was trying to rob us.

everyone else there agrees

>the most german answer ever

what do they think this proves?

Offer him my daughter's virgin pussy, so I might be able to watch him pound her into submission and squeal for help after I furious jack off my tiny white dick.

Introduce him to the fire extinguisher challenge.

I approve of anons answer.

blaze dat shiet boi xDddxd

I'm not gonna call you a degenerate but you should realize you are probably gonna be fired if you're caught on camera smoking a blunt

i never understood how people can smoke weed in public places. if i go to a park to smoke there, i get fucking paranoid and crazy when i see people. i would completely freak out in public because of the fear of getting locked up...

Some of these people look like they are pushing 30 and they are acting like a 14 year old for a social media stunt. CNN told me blacks are doing fine tho.

>That's going to hurt their careers when their employers----

BWAHAHAH!! Sorry, I just can't.

I don't understand this. What's the challenge and why is it called "Loud"?

How is this a loud challenge? He barely speaks.

"If you didn't bring enough weed for everyone then fuck off!"



>why is it called "Loud"?

i think the point is to be as blatant / obvious as possible.
letting all around you stare in awe as you spark a bong in the toiletries isle of k-mart.

Its basically irresponsible niggers doing what all prohibitionists fear what will happen after legalization and smoking drugs out in public, in front of children, and other subhuman shit

This is the same reason we even have gun control conversations. Some '''''people''''' just can't control themselves or be trusted

call the cops

I don't give a shit if people smoke weed in public. It's not like you get second hand effects from it like the tobacco jew.

I would probably do nothing tbr since smoking weed is better than stealing the merchandise

'Loud' ... retarded nigger lingo. Let me guess, these tough guys are doing this in Massachusetts or whatever state legalised weed.


No, black youth unemployment is sky high in America so these morons have to fill their time with "challenges" like this

well thats nice, but 99 percent of people don't want some nig blowing pot smoke in their kids face at the grocery store

Draw my carry pistol.

Pull out a handgun and "smoke" him.

Sounds like a personal problem

As in, you're a pussy


Nigs tried this in my business before and th get asked to leave, or i take the blunt, or i call the cops if i'm busy.

This shit hasn't happened in a long time because i have cops come through three times a week on the weekend when these nigs come out.

fucking college towns.

Weed is called loud u fucking morons

I'm not sure how the other autistic folk have gotten this answer wrong bud the word Loud is referring to the weed. Loud challenge = annoy people in public with weed smoke

Man its been a while since ive been on pol, you sir are bitter like a lemon

Shoot him in the face.

Ioud = weed smell is in the air.
it's just switching the senses.

not by normal humans

Said the fucking nigger.

fuck you and your weed. catch you morons near me doing this stupid shit your're gonna have a big problem. fucking niggers

Well done Sup Forums

Shoot em, thought I saw a smoking gun in his hand

Do you smoke the blunt after taking it? I mean normally i would, but i would never share a blunt when some puffy nigga lips have been on them

I don't get paid enough to deal with that shit. I'd just ignore it.

It's called loud as the smell of cannabis is extremely pungent and will cut through other odors

It's a loud smell

Also, weed is fine, better than tobacco
not degenerate
go make another kratom thread or pill thread u cucks

>mfw black guys in my area always boosting about the bud they get
>mfw one time some guys ask me at beer store to sell them a twin
>mfw do it, give them my number if they wanna grab again
>mfw the next morning I have texts from 5+ people saying "YOO I hear you got that REAL LOUD"
>mfw have to change my number because of this

I don't smoke dumb ass. Meanwhile, you probably smoke the tobacco jew. Fuck off.

I threw it out but I was tempted. I pitched it because of the lips deal.

according to the logic of many on Sup Forums
eating food is degenerate as degenerate people eat food

Lol niggers still acting like their young no wonder it's uncommon to find successful black people.

blacks don't eat pussy don't worry about the herpes

Disgusting. blunts are for nigs

"This is a hospital, get the fuck out."

I don't smoke anymore and I want to get back into EMS. I also don't care to get high.

Pass the blunt senpai

Smoking on the street is one thing

Smoking in stores and the like is just rude

No idea what that even means.

That's because you live in Germany, full of self-righteous cunts.

>bow head slightly

>shake head from side to side in a frustrated no gesture

>"fucking niggers"

>go back to work