Anyone else feel kinda bad for our German bros?

Anyone else feel kinda bad for our German bros?

No they deserve it.

Play stupid games win shitty prizes

:(((((((((( if only they were more tolerant

No, they did this to themselves.

They are practicing the old teutonic rite of "weeding out the weak". It's an annual occurence where the eternal Teuton starts a random war with the neighbours and either wins or complains about it for the next 1000 years. In the process, he gets rid or the weak. Now that the eternal Teuton is building his European empire, he needs other ways of ridding himself of the weak, so he'll start a civil war. It's like christmas for them, just with blood and intestines everywhere. They are fine. Pic related, they live in symbiosis with the eternal kanglo

to be fair they dont have any control over there
their governmnet has been making them cucks for ages
they are to blame not the retarded germans
if germans hadnt been subverted they woulda expelled them for sure

No. They deserve it, we all deserve this. We stay the sheep or we become the wolf again.

>3rd attempt at ruining Europe

No. They should have been destroyed completely the first time.

it is the future they made for themselves.

>It's an annual occurence where the eternal Teuton starts a random war with the neighbours and either wins or complains about it for the next 1000 years