don't get distracted by these shitty false flag happenings.
Pizzagate is real
Lucas Rodriguez
Tyler Hall
Relax, we are more complicated to deal with, if we keep low key for now.
>we never forget
Oliver Hughes
uh... maybe I should get into politics.
Jordan Robinson
>cp ring by high-level politicians
Clearly FAKE-NEWS1!1!11!
Juan Ward
what? who is "we"?
Asher Torres
life is not fair
Chase Baker
wtf I love Chloe now
Colton Scott
can't blame him for putting his special cheese topping onto those cuties desu
Lucas Baker
why is no one ontopic?
who the fuck is chloe?
Jack Fisher
>didn't get laid until mid 20's and ywn experience the forbidden fruit without the possibility of severe consequences.