Which of You Anti-Semites Did This?

Sup Forums will defend this.













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Makes me sick that you faggots would do this.

Hire me to shill for you

Looking for a part-time job

Fluent in english and advanced memetics

Shills aren't real. Nazis are.

Tl;Dr version
>Jewish organizations start harassing Richard Spencer's mom
>forcing her to sell her business and probably her home
>demanding she denounce her son (already said she doesn't agree with his extreme views) and donate what she gets from selling her house to open border groups
>Sup Forums started reporting them for harassment

That's Nazi propaganda. Fake news at its worst.

This is a huge happening but Sup Forumss to fucking stupid to care. Jews are trying to force a women from her home based on free speech of her son! And they're using MSM to discredit us when we call them out!


That's a funny way to spell free press.

You don't realize how sick this is? Thanks for providing the delusional side m8. Jews are literally using a tactic from communist china

I cant piss that far, or id piss in the jew cunts mouth.