Well, it's now official. Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America

Well, it's now official. Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America.

Normally I'm able to just laugh it off, but every so often I'll just be driving or something and think, "Oh god, Donald Trump is the president." and feel embarrassed to be a human being.

I hope you're happy because we don't really come back from this. The presidency has been permanently reduced. There are no limits anymore. Your kids will have to sit in a history class and learn about Donald Trump because he was once president. "Grab her by the pussy" will appear on bulletpointed lists in powerpoint presentations they have to watch and copy down.

Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself fucking libtard.


Nice bait. Did you find it on Reddit?

view these next few weeks as a head start, shill...

Kill yourself Dominican Republicunt.

you lost get over it

The best part is that robo-Don and robo-Obama will stand side by side in the Hall of Presidents until we are all bathed in cleansing atomic fire.

Cogitate on that.

One Piece fags are Leftists.

Why am I not surprised considering how much reddit and tumblr slang occurs in their threads.

Sorry for the hacking, America