I just tried to red pill one of my closest friends on the Holocaust. I picked him cause hes one of the smartest history nerds I know and a huge sceptic. After months of compiling evidence I finally showed it to him, went back and forth for an hour about him and I don't think I convinced him of anything. Has Sup Forums ever successfully redpilled someone IRL?
> Has Sup Forums ever successfully redpilled someone IRL?
Yeah, after a night of cocaine and drinking whiskey with my good friend (He already was semi redpilled) I sperged out and pulled the whole "let me tell you about the jews"
Robert Russell
I redpilled a wishy washy lib friend of mine on Clinton. He didn't vote for her and was even bashing the left for a while but after the election he was right back into social norm shitlib mode.
Jason Gray
>coke with just guys
Not surpised at all leaf.
Thomas Wright
>''''smartest'''' history nerd >huge '''skeptic'''' was he a nu-male intellectual? you cant really save those
Eli Cook
No you dumb reddit faggot, that's why we show them Sup Forums have fun not having a best friend any more faggot
Charles Garcia
No absolutely not
Ryan Cook
Did you try to prove that the numbers were exaggerated or did you go full 1488-it-didn't-happen-but-I-wish-it-did on him?
Elijah Lee
I told him I thought the numbers were extremely exaggerated and there was no solid proof that gas chambers actually happened