What's Trump's presidency going to be like?
Please tell me it won't be like the Bush Presidency.
What's Trump's presidency going to be like?
Please tell me it won't be like the Bush Presidency.
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It's going to be funny when the economy tanks (it will regardless of who's there) and drumpf gets blamed
It'll be glorious.
It probably will be just like Bush. Trump has already backtracked on all his promises. What happened to "Lock Her Up."
It'll be better than the niggers.
it'll be even worse
It's going to be full of liberal tears and leftist infighting.
I'm a die hard Trump supporters and that shit already has me concerned. If he gets everything done on his 100 day plan I'll be happy.
It'll be worse lol. I'm guessing NK will nuke us.
He won't do anything except suck the cocks of Russia and big business. He's a charlatan who was memed to the whitehouse.
Keks prepare your anus user...
ask the jews
nk nukes can only reach sk and maybe japan
He can't call for prosecution until Obama is out. Can't risk Pardon. Sit tight, you'll see.
Trump will stand in front of the white house shrugging and smirking while a bunch of guys in striped black and white shirts with little bandit masks and beanies tip toe behind him and stuff money into brown sacks with dollar signs on them.
Actually it will look like a bunch of confused rednecks trying to figure out how Obama is still fucking them over.
>Actually it will look like a bunch of confused rednecks trying to figure out how Obama is still fucking them over.
Can't wait for all the right wing retards to blame Trump's fuckups on Obama and Hillary even though the GOP has all the power
It will be even worse.
a fucking leaf!
4 years
plz be my ai gf
>actually expected Hillary to be prosecuted
don't believe everything you're told.
Before the election, the stock market was to drop 2000 pts if Trump got elected. It is up over 8% in the largest post election rally ever. Guess you must have sold all your stock like the other lefty losers.
Rex Tillerson being appointed means the proxy war will be over in Syria.
Trade deals will be better.
Regulations will be less stricter.
Lower taxes for businesses.
Manufacturing will skyrocket in the USA... which will also help other areas of business.
Trump is not a Clinton/Bush.... the USA is safe for at least 4 years.
It might end up being okay, and this is coming from someone who thought that the world would end about a month ago. Be grateful for what you do have, whatever does end up happening. There are no guarantees of anything, ever, with anyone.
I think it's funny that you go after the leaf, rather than go after the Aussie who actually said it. Not, like funny haha, though because you are a fucking leaf.
It's already better than the Bush presidency and he hasn't even been inaugurated yet.
if we build a wall and deport every illegal our economy will explode (agriculture in particular)
holy fuck I need to browse Sup Forums more, this is the best thing ever.