How cucked is Great Britain, scale of 1-10?

How cucked is Great Britain, scale of 1-10?

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just here to beat the aussie
>first post best post

About as cucked as America

I don't think young people watch the Oscars let alone whatever this is.

>dont tell stories, instead make hamburger commercials that meet diversity quotas

Lol art dead


My feelings were hurt, via non inclusivity, upon consuming art! A hate crime!

>scale 1-10

Perfect 10
Glad my ancestors left that shithole for freedom

>Great Britain
>implying Britain is great


>Glad my ancestors left that shithole for freedom


>not returning to your eternal homeland
>living in some colonial shithole
>being a Republican

I'd say they're a bit worst than US at this moment

This is how most television shows and cartoons feel like now. Like the producers focus more on which race to hire and where they should stand for the quota and spend like five minutes on some dull story where a white person must be stopped.

I prefer my comfy island far more than that shitty island on the other side of the world

You better be shitposting

I'm making an indie movie and a trap is a supporting character
Not trans or anything, a trap.

Does this count as diversity? There's a scene where it's assumed he got raped but the rapist is still a protagonist/hero. He says he's straight too. I wonder what the Libs will think

Also any of you cocksuckers in MA? I need a backup actor in case the guy I want as a Wehraboo turns down after reading my screenplay.

Well we don't have trucks mowing down our citizens for one thing. Oh and we've never had a nigger in charge.

>ITT: americans mad because they now realise they shouldnt have betrayed their english overlords

Nice meme but we don't get arrested for singing Kung Fu Fighting at a karaoke bar


wait whats that thing in the top left of your countries flag? oh yeah it's the union jack
>and you call us cucked

didn't you hear? you're just a state.

The fuck is a bafta?

>I'm making an indie movie
So you and your noodle armed sniffling friends and the one fat girl you know are going to stand around in a park or a city alleyway in late afternoon (before the niggers come out) and waste camera battery on faggotry.
Good to know.

Nah, me and a friend are going to higher people and get the rights to shoot at a fake monster inna woods while putting our all into acting and special effects

you could make the argument that whites are underrepresented in movies, because the majority of "whites" in movies are all jews.

>Nah, me and a friend are going to higher people
Get someone to proofread the script before you start.

Relax, this just means noone will be taking BAFTAs seriously anymore.

They are only shooting themselves in the foot with this.

is the trap a nigger?

I wont stand for my artistic vision being meddled with
Haven't casted a trap yet, hard to find one. But the planned character isn't a nigger, in fact the movie is all White since there's no need to throw in a token black.

britbongistani oscars

We have
>Allowed to shoot niggers
>Freedom of speech
>Diverse landscapes in a huge country
>Big cars with cheap gas and huge houses
>Everything is cheap as fuck
>No fag queens or kings

USA is the best and no one can refute that fact

nothing "Great" about it any more


>Everything is cheap as fuck

Except healthcare.

>slate won't normalize Donald Trump

I'm gonna make a movie called Bafta, and it will be an all white cast with nothing but white supremacy.

stop supporting them
every click/view/bought ticket is giving money to people that hate you
stop doing it
tell others to stop doing it
all ya gotta do

That too, actually. Mine costs less than my cell phone service.