Daily reminder that the only good jew is a DEAD jew And this is isn't even an opinion, this is a FACT
So go ahead my brothers, kill the males, murder their babies, empregnate their wives
Anyone that's jewish is worth less than a dog turd on the pavement; MURDER ALL JEWS
Colton Sanchez
Juan Robinson
>impregnate their wives >make more Jews
Isaiah Clark
Have you killed any? if you havent then shut your dirty leaf mouth and gtfo.
i may hate the ones in power but theres alot of jewish people that do have hearts. so buzz off you maple syrup needle dick.
Levi Rodriguez
Doesn't it cancel the jew bloodline if a female turd (jew) breeds with a white person?
If it creates more jews, than by all means rape the jew women and proceed to bash their skulls in until they become good jews (dead jews)
Benjamin Watson
Jeremiah King
Fucking idiot. Jewishness is passed down matrilineally. If your goal is extermination, impregnation does the opposite. Stupid leaf authoritarians can't even genocide right
David Butler
Elijah Nguyen
Well my bad then Rape them and THEN murder them Win-Win situation for everyone
Sebastian Cox
Why are you so fucking stupid that you hate Jews vehemently but don't even know what constitutes as a Jew?