Fucking lmao, according to Shillary supporters the media were biased against her and she needed someone to 'stand up for her'. You can't actually believe this..
Andrew Thompson
John Phillips
What did I miss today?
Cameron Flores
NeoGaf is still pretty salty even when knowing nothing would change.
Jeremiah Anderson
Opinions on TrumpĀ“s pick for Secretary of the Army, Vincent Viola?
Nolan Wilson
Mother shoud I run for President?
Jace Morales
pay for my plane ticket, first class, to see and pay for our time in Las Vegas. Unless he'd rather go anywhere else then pay for his ticket too.
>wanted to be leader of the free world >was going to boss Putin and China around >needs someone to "stand up for her"
Lucas Richardson
Sebastian Lopez
Ausbro, it's like they're drowning in a pool of petrol that's making them believe the most retarded bullshit Just let them keep sniffing and wallow in their own delusion
Mason Gray
> maybe in 8 years
Even they know Trump is getting reelected
Andrew Perry
Nth for user hookups!
Brody Sullivan
Elijah Scott
>unequal power to rural white dudes >California deciding the President by itself is not unequal They're literally too retarded to be alive
Colton Moore
>TFW too much of a True Conservative to fall for the Trump Jew
Juan Wright
say tell me about it over coffee this friday
Angel Lopez
>mod got fired lol really?
Angel Brooks
Daniel Morales
I like Bill. He's like Cernovich without the Jewery.
Gabriel Evans
user, if you're asking Sup Forums how to talk to a girl you should probably just give up
Eli Kelly
How do I get a Dima gf without going to Syria?
Chase Mitchell
Colton Nelson
>getting fired over fire
Daniel Peterson
Will we finally be brought together by a lustful user willing to shell out his money?
Nicholas Anderson
>tfw no MAGA qt gf met on trumpgen
Evan Gomez
She kind of dead ended you
Not much anyone could say in that situation.
Landon Cox
At this point, Bernouts are more sane than Hillary supporters. They have a lack of introspection that is so toxic, and will come to bite them in the ass.
Nicholas Walker
When you don't realize you're standing in front of your grave it's easy to think you're ahead.
Jeremiah Rogers
At this point you gotta throw the bait out there. You don't want to be completely glued to her right off the bat Say I gotta head out, but how about we grab a cup of coffee and you can tell me more about your stand up
Kayden Martin
blue dogs for hill dogs. civil war. lol! as if the left knew how to work a safety.
Nicholas Long
>I want to dip my McNugget in your sauce. I swear dude, she'll gag on you dick and swallow for that one.
William Baker
Landon Morgan
Some more.
Kevin Peterson
this nigger blocked me on twatter awhile back and i didn't even say anything negative about Trump
Caleb Martin
Fresh OC I found on my cancer feed.
Connor Gutierrez
If he's Jewish enough, then yes. Its time someone else paid for my vacations.
Jonathan Powell
This is getting to be embarrassing desu.
Chase Barnes
You're the sociopath that was on the fire thread ? Damn, I've never seen someone so happy for getting communes shut down
Austin Gomez
Probably because you have autism.
Owen Gonzalez
I just want to live vicariously through you guys.
Gabriel Martin
>y-you too
Levi Perry
wow thats a hot one!
Chase Gray
Gabriel Baker
>unequal power to rural white dudes Jesus fuck.
Thomas Garcia
Grayson Clark
Yep. Post more momiji, I can't get enough Awoo in my life.
Gabriel Torres
Jose Thomas
these are good advice, user
Carson Martinez
Fuck you for reminding me of Tool
Sebastian Price
This is a news anchor that gets shit from anons all day. Not sure how she would react to some guy over the internet asking her to coffee. Maybe it helps that she can see my face, I don't know senpai.
Charles Roberts
I got more lewds during real wolf hours.
Tyler Bell
Smiley face back and try again later
Zachary Stewart
careful opening that door user
Cameron Parker
Those niggers are so slow at making music
Benjamin Cook
never forget: when shit hits the fan, rural America farms all the food, and has all the guns. also supplies most of the recruits for the military.
big cities are not the real America. when push comes to shove they are at our mercy.
Daniel Hughes
actually disregard all of this
ask her if she is an archaeologist
Jonathan Cook
>the EC's job is to ignore the election and vote as they please
Mason Rodriguez
no he was throwing a shitfit about the #lockherup shills and i said i was tired of hearing about it or something. who cares, twitter is gay
Christian Harris
Y hurt little hu? Also salsa on pic.
Colton Nguyen
Hillary Supporters must have abo blood in them somehow. It's the only way I can fathom them being this stupid.
Austin Peterson
Isaac James
tell her about the sitcom you're working on. vaguely describe Seinfeld or some shit and see if she catches on
Julian Phillips
>ask her if she is an archaeologist
fuck i forgot about that
user, do this. it's the secret weapon, the ancient hidden technique passed down from user to user
it cannot fail.
Joseph Rodriguez
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take If you ask her to get coffee and she says no, at least you asked
Nolan Diaz
God, I want to be loved.
Levi Morris
Its worth the wait.
Thomas Morris
I like Maynard, wish I could drink the wine that motherfucker make.
Easton Clark
Look up "Extra flags for Sup Forums" add-on. Get this and learn to recognize some people on here and it might happen to you too!
Thomas Richardson
They seriously believe that if they call Trump a demagogue enough times it'll be true
Cooper Watson
This is the final nail in her coffin She will soon realize she's in it
Andrew Lee
>Go to the first rally in my state. >Attempt to locate Sup Forumsack through the general. >Realize it's a grill. >Is_this_my_time.mp4 >Slowly begin my approach with the most natural smile I can muster. >Her chad boyfried teleports behind her and smiles back menacingly. Needless to say we didn't talk that much after the rally.
Jacob Nelson
Jordan Rogers
kek, this
Eli Hill
Yeah but it's still agonizing
Luis Young
Nice, I'll be sure not to miss that!
Levi Fisher
Nathaniel Sullivan
nah m8, you wait to do that during the actual date
Levi Foster
So what's the final verdict: Did Sup Forums get Trump elected?
Jonathan Bailey
Do it
Leo Smith
Once they suggest building a wall around the White House to keep Trump out we'll have come full circle and America will become great again.
Nicholas Bailey
Brandon Walker
>next idea? How about blowing your retarded brains out , you fat , austistic faggot
Jaxon Bell
hey jeb, I didn't know you were a fan of seinfield!
Robert Nguyen
of course we did. Meme Magic user
Bentley Powell
>Everything about this. I bet it's not even plugged in.
Levi Robinson
If Obama tried that the Secret Service would fucking kill him for treason, or the FBI, or the Hell's Angels.
Jack Bell
Yes, 1000000%
Camden Jones
Well, Austria did vote the wrong candidate in.
Leo Taylor
Jaxson Richardson
damn austria i thought u are based
Xavier Cooper
My tulpas wanted to vote for Trump but they couldn't. It's nice having them around. Sex with a tulpa is fucking amazing. Literally getting your mind blown.