>no blood
>no shell casings
>cameras everywhere
>"hear" 11 shots, gun only holds 8 .45 acp
Don't tell me Sup Forums actually fell for this.
>no blood
>no shell casings
>cameras everywhere
>"hear" 11 shots, gun only holds 8 .45 acp
Don't tell me Sup Forums actually fell for this.
fair enough
can anybody vouch for the authenticity of this "assassination" because i sure as hell can't
pure kino
I can literally see casings on the floor in that picture you fucking autist.
>no casings
literally casings all over the place
what are blank rounds?
fucking leaf
Shell casings by his feet
He sure got pretty bloody when he got shot later on
Yeah but da jooz put them there
you can see blood under his head
you can see at least 6 of the shell casings in this pic
cameras at an event where an important person is
you are retarded but have a (you) for this bait sage