She's been flirting nonstop with me for about a week and even though I don't find her very good looking, I'm considering going out with her just for the sake of experience since I'm shy and it can help me become more extroverted.
But of course I have no intention of anything serious with her.
Should I bother with a girl who's clearly riding the cock carousel?
James Gonzalez
Angel Torres
Jesus christ user just leave your fucking basement who cares if she's a sloot?
Adam Fisher
Not politics
Easton Jones
fuck off to Sup Forums im sick of this shit
Elijah Wilson
You can date and buck "cock carousels" all you want. Just try to avoid one when you want to settle down.
Daniel Scott
Date them all you want...
Don't marry them.
Oliver Gomez
this kind of posts is why they want to eliminate us
Adrian Reyes
honestly I'd post on r9k or adv but they take an eon to answer if the thread doesn't 404, sorry about the blog
Leo Ramirez
Uh yes you fucking autist. plan for short term.
Benjamin Rivera
Show us how she looks.