Because there were hundreds of AA placements, mortars and artillery that zero'd every inch of that beach. AS soon as a plane would go over, it'd be shot down, as soon as a tank would land, someone would call in artillery and/or mortars. Infantry and paratroopers and a lot of both were the best way to take the beach, and it worked.
Blake Foster
Why did they want the beach so bad? They really though it's worth it to lose all of the people instead of waiting or something!
Liam Thompson
Best place to set a beachhead was in France, it's vicinity and stretch from Germany gave the allied troops a chance to mount a sizable force against the Germans, while meeting up with troops in Italy and north Africa. This also gave enough time for Russian forces and German forces to be widdled down enough for the allies to march into Germany.
Lincoln Hall
>without aircraft OP, I'm sorry but you might be kind of retarded
Kayden Barnes
You gotta land somewhere, and we landed on lots of beaches.
How else would you get to the mainland that was controlled by germany?
Zachary White
This was towards the end of the war right? Right before Germany got fucked and they got fucked all over?
Jace Hill
Yes, Paris was the end goal of the Normandy invasion. Perfect spot to set up allied command and control on the mainland while they battled towards Germany.
Zachary Morgan
Germany also got fucked as soon as they lost their edge in Moscow and Stalingrad.
Kayden King
I am monitoring this thread for more WWII history stuff
Levi Rodriguez
>germany wrecks poland >germany is attacked by britain and france >germany wrecks the rest of europe sans russia >lets brits off at dunkirk >usa enters >allies wreck italy >D-day to get back france
Noah Foster
Jesus fuck you americans are retarded, we bombarded the beaches with artillery and we did bomb them but they were dug in.
"we" british wanted to come up from the mediteranian and protect our territory in africa and the middle east. It was the americans who wanted to attack head on at the most fortified position.
After we stalled in italy, the americans threw a bitch fit and started crying and demanded we beach on normandy even though it was a fortress.
Canada fucked shit up because y'all are fucking pussies, same with the krauts.
Jacob Perez
Jack Ortiz
why didn't we just find a cliffside and throw up a ladder/??
Luis Scott
Fucking leaf lol
Ryan Rodriguez
OP said tanks and aircraft, not artillery. There weren't that many aircraft nor tanks on the beach during the Normany Invasion. They didn't rolling on till most of the pills were taken and allied infantry routed German infantry.
Anthony Fisher
They actually sent tanks, amphibious ones, look up "sherman DD". Unfortunately because of the bad weather most of them sunk.
Adam Perez
woah there, when you hear "allied powers" canada doesn't exactly come to mind
They did,planes didn't take out the targets they needed to, tanks were ill equiped to land on the beach so many sank and the biggest part is troops were needed anyway.
Henry King
Forgot my pic
Owen Torres
>Why did we go in without any tanks or aircraft?
Parker Rogers
>Pol is not google
Asher Moore
oh cool also I didn't see the end of saving private ryan, did we win?
Connor Campbell
>germany is attacked by britain and france
How so, the entirety of the western front sat there and did nothing about Poland.
The french took positions along the Maginot line and the Brits cooperated with Denmark forces to stop the Germans.
When did this ''attack'' that seems to put France / England in the side of the aggressors happened?
Wyatt Harris
We had tanks but they all sank in the sea on the day and the planes missed their bombing raid target.
James Parker
Yes but sadly Tom Hanks didn't make it. He will forever be remembered in The Da Vinci Code movie 3.
Zachary Martin
Take a book out of the library OP, you're not going to get a satisfying answer out of pol.
Libraries - a wonderful world awaits you!
Start with books with lots of pictures ;)
Anthony Peterson
Hitler supported Islam, and that shit couldn't be tolerated. Freedom is our inheritance, will you fight to defend it? Deus Vult!
Lincoln Williams
Do you ever get sick of being the king of faggots when it comes to absolutely everything? Christ what has canada even contributed to the world? Syrup and a hatred for canadians?
Camden Jenkins
Which book? I figured I could read a Wikipedia article but I'm kinds drunk and I never thought to read it until I started this movie
Brayden King
There was a scheme to have Patton stationed in another part of England as a part of a feint invasion because the Germans were terrified of Patton and gave two shits about anyone else in the American military.
The weather was absolute shit for days. Naval and aerial bombardments were ineffective.
The paratrooper drops barely succeeded.
The Allies would have been BTFO if they hadn't fallen for the Patton trap.
On paper, there is absolutely no way the invasion of Normandy should have succeeded.
Blake Howard
> What happened here?
White Christians killed White Christians.
> Why did we invade it?
Because of Jews.
> Why did we go in without any tanks or aircraft?
We went in with both. The tanks sunk in the water because Jews designed them. The aircraft dropped paratroopers behind the beaches who got lost because Jews designed the tracking system and it failed.
> What led up to this invasion and why was it so important?
The Rothschild's banking family and their globalist branch families / minions financed both sides. All in a plot to control the world.
Jace Wood
You guys are forgetting that german tanks had a secret spot where all you had to do is shoot it with a pistol and it would explode.
Nathan Thompson
>without any tanks or aircraft
was gonna explain but fucking hell educate yourself
Caleb Mitchell
lol Canada got RAKED at dieppe
Jose Perry
>attacked by Britain and France They declared war on Germany because Poland was their ally bur didn't attack, the whole reason Germany captured France was because France hadn't attacked Germany. Germany only did as well as they did because they they got the jump on everyone and attacked everyone first.
It was essentially "threatening us is grounds for full invasion" and then immediately acting. Whether the Germans were right to do so and just being tactically brilliant or they were being too touchy and war thirsty is up to you to decide
Justin Lewis
Stay asshurt yanks, you basically did nothing in both world wars, yet that doesn't stop you from sucking your own cocks and making a million movies about you saving the jews.
Luis Cox
Parker Butler
>the whole reason Germany captured France was because France hadn't attacked Germany >Germany only did as well as they did because they they got the jump on everyone and attacked everyone first
But that's completely wrong.
First things first. France fell for many reasons and many of those reasons were due to internal political conflict.
Theres much to be said about what happened in the front lines. Some examples are:
1. The faith the French had on what they considered to be the impenetrable Maginot line.
2. The German plan to do the exact thing they wanted to do during WW1: go through Belgium
3. The French failure to realize the potential of the German army and the probability that they would choose to go through the Ardennes (contrary to watch everybody believed).
4. The complete reorganization of the German military and the independence of the three main battle groups: aircraft, panzer corps, foot soldiers. Leaving the French with not much room to counter their tactics or to outmaneuver them.
5. The inability for the French to visualize the capabilities of combining the mechanized battalions and the aircraft; believing this war would be fought like the first. In other words, things happened too fast for them to realize what was going on.
Noah Hall
The war was over at this point, the United States air Corp bombed the shit out of Germany and it's manafacturing capability.
It was a waste, the only reason to invade was was to beat Russia to Berlin and to prove the US military could do it.
Jace Roberts
Had France attacked first, they would've been stomped by a superior enemy who managed to come up with more efficient ways to wage this new form of war. And such early efficiency was, ultimately, one of the reasons of early German success and the final nail in the coffin for the French.
Nicholas Jones
War between Russian and Germany was inevitable.England ruined everything by giving Poland a guarantee. This made them act with retarded bravado rather than just giving Germany the Danzig Corridor.
The British and French should have just fortified the Rhine and let Germany and it's satellite states deal with the Soviets.
Sebastian King
Americans were supposed to attack at night but for whatever reason showed up at the crack of dawn. The boats that drop off the troops didn't have a turret while the British version did.
Americans were playing on Hard mode in comparison to Jeuno.
Oliver Wood
Which they couldn't, and lost half the continent to communism
RIP to everyone's ancestors who died in this pointless war
Owen Lopez
The bombings didn't really have a substantial effect on manufacturing. Losing Silesia pretty much spelled the end of the war though.
Aiden Brooks
This pretty much, while I have no problems with us stomping the shit out the japs, we should've just left Germany and Europe in general alone. I just can't see how the European front was our war.
I feel like it was only inevitable we'd have to fight in Europe with the Japs and Germanu being allies, was it a stupid move for Germany to ally itself with the Japs?
Cooper White
>was it a stupid move for Germany to ally itself with the Japs?
It was stupid to ally with the Italians.
Jason Gutierrez
Seemed like a good alliance for the Germans. The Japs would carve up British and French holdings in Asia and Attack the Soviets from the east. They probably didn't think they'd do something as foolish as attacking the U.S.
Jack Allen
I guess what Im trying to say is, had Germany not been allies with the Japs, could the US not felt compelled to fight in the European front or Hitler need to declare war on the US when the US delcared war on the Japs?
Angel Watson
Basically yeah. But I think in the long term Hitler knew they were a bunch of pussies and could smash them the instance he wanted to.
Leo Sanchez
But it wasnt pointless, Hitler and the stupid nazis were evil and killed 11 million jews.At least thats what my 11th grade history teacher Mr.Goldberg told me.
Eli Carter
Following up on the 33
Italians have never won a significant battle ever in history.
And if they did. I'm sure mercenaries from Germany/France/etc were absolutely involved.
Hudson Smith
What about the Venetians at Lepanto or the fact that a significant part of the Spanish legions were made up of Italians?
Jaxon Sanders
Casualties at Omaha made 0,5% of overall USA casualties during the war. It was worth considering what they gained in return. Now check the casualties in the battle of Stalingrad and consider whether fighting for some shitty ruin of a city was worth it.
Lincoln Cook
Most Americans hated the idea of getting involved in a foreign war, but I don't doubt FDR could have come up with a scheme to link Germany to the attack.
Joshua Sanders
>consider whether fighting for some shitty ruin of a city was worth it
Rerouting the German army and stopping their advance on the caucasus oil fields wasn't worth it?
Hmmm really makes me think!
Carter Carter
>Italians have never won a significant battle ever in history
It wasn't necessarily their fault. It was some of those who were in the upper branches of the state and in the military who did wrong (Mussolini being the most important one).
Consider that this was the thought of a Italian general prior to the war:
>''Lets first enter the war, then we'll see what we can do''
Same cases can be seen prior to the invasion of Greece and the incompetence of Mussolini to see how it was a shit plan, refusing to discuss it with people who actually knew about war.
Levi Butler
Why not just shell the bunkers with battleships?
Elijah Bailey
funfact, it was the weakest spot in the German defense
Benjamin Baker
Then they'd know where you were planning on attacking.
Nolan Smith
Aiden Russell
except in world war one... you know, the war you guys came 4 years too late for...
Blake Campbell
declaring war legitimates immediate acting
Kevin Wood
what the fuck were you doing during US history class in HS?
Asher Wilson
It sucks, FDR was a real son of a bitch, not counting his stupid programs like SS, he let Pearl Harbor take a hit to get Americans riled up for war.
Although I'm sure war with the Japs was inevitable, we had no business fighting in Europe
Isaiah Rogers
They did, but missed whole artillery strike like in 1km behind defence line. So for the first people on beach it was big surprise.
If you read closely, whole operation Overlord was fucked-up - many amphibious tanks didnt even make it to beach and sunk in the sea.
Ryan Bell
Also, a deception op had the German High Command convinced the Allies were going to invade at Calais with Patton leading the charge if I remember correctly
Evan Perry
yep, rommel got pretty fucked, also because the funds he'd have needed weren't available
Levi Campbell
Normandy was actually very lightly defended in most places.
Though they did have tanks it probably would have been much worse if they sent more in as the german guns would have picked them off easily if they even managed to reach the beach.
And i am not quite sure of the exact details, but I think that the Germans (and really defending Normandy was not just Germans) really were too overstretched to do much but offer light resistance as they pulled reserves into action,.
Kevin Mitchell
I feel like I'm going to set off a powder keg by asking this but just how good of a General was Rommel?
Was he a good general who was doomed with shitty logistics and an autistic leader constantly fucking with his plans or was he overrated?
Hunter Martin
nope, it was to prevent the rise of the soviet europe
Juan Moore
>What happened here? fightan
>Why did we invade it? because japan was a fucking shit and dragged us into a war which necessitated germany declaring war which necessitated us declaring war back
>Why did we go in without any tanks or aircraft? We did go in with them, but the weather sucked. Tanks ended up in the wrong places, planes couldn't see targets from altitude.
>I'm watching the movie and it looks like the first people who rolled up got rekt by machine gun nests. Welcome to war. Shit sucks and then you die.
Jordan Foster
rommel was overrated, the real generals fought on the eastern front, not in a sandbox with italians
Austin White
Aiden Walker
Normandy was basically like PETA trying to shut down a slaughterhouse by sending in so many cows at once that the machinery eventually gets jammed from dead carcasses.
Isaiah Gray
Brayden Nguyen
Yeah, fucking Guderian was in a class of his own.
Isaac Morales
>Why did we go in without any tanks or aircraft?
You know that the first scene is only one of the lots of battles of the D Day right?
Oliver Moore
Damn, I just read up on him and the the fuckers said he wasn't suitable to replace Rommel in Africa.
The man pretty much revolutionized mechanized warfare and he got shit on when they needed him the most, just how corrupt dod the politics in Germany get for them to get in their Generals way like that?
Kayden Green
Jesus Christ are you mega fags trying to equate Omaha beach for the entire Normandy landings? The yanks fucked up at Omaha (the lst commander launched the dd shermans too far from shore) and utah (they landed on the wrong fucking beach).
The British and Canadian beaches were as well defended as Omaha but they had better learned the lessons of Dieppe and landed the majority of the dd tanks right on the beaches, basically writing off their lst which the usn was very keen on preserving.
Also better combined arms tactics, small apcs and broader use of hobarts funnies (beach landing tanks) to quickly breach the defences.
>130 of the 153 troops disciplined for rape by the Army were African American.
Benjamin Ross
>Many convictions against African Americans were, however, based on flimsy evidence. For example, Marie Lepottevin identified William Downs only because he was "much larger" than the other soldiers, despite the crime taking place in near darkness.
Really makes you think huh?
Alexander Robinson
It's amazing how the Army couldn't have been bothered to look to the Marines or their own experiences in amphibious warfare from the Pacific, I know they didn't have much time to plan but they could've at least sent more gunships or loaned a battalion of Amtracs so the soldiers could've been saved wading to shore and have at least some firepower.
The whole Hobarts funnies was fucking retarded, why would you build those abominations when the Marines already had Amtracs, that had been proven in combat, in the assualt and flamethrower variants?
Chase Lee
People in Normandy had never seen niggers in their life, I'm sure they had trouble distinguishing one from another.
One of the tombs of the women raped and killed by black GIs says: "Raped by blacks".
>What happened here? Why did we invade it? Why did we go in without any tanks or aircraft?
It was an amphibious invasion (from sea) at one of the weaker points of the German defense. It was supported by tanks and aircraft, during the night before the invasion thousands of paratroopers were dropped behind enemy lines who took bridges all along the coast which allowed the beach landings to be connected post assault, this allowed free movement along the coast of tanks and supplies.
The men landed first because there was tank traps and anti tank mines as well as artillary covering all the places tanks could get from the beach onto land, it was a massive parallel assault by British, American, Canadian and other forces, the Americans who landed at Omaha took heavy losses because they ran into German gun nests which had not been destroyed by the artillery bombardment prior to landing.
The whole point of the invasion was the Allies coming together to wreck the Germans who had invaded a large part of Europe by this time. The Allies knew that unless we all pulled together now to defeat a common enemy it the Nazis would be too large to defeat at a later date. As much as we appreciate the Americans stepping in, it was done to save their own skins, they knew that if Germany was left uncontested and they took all of europe and Russia, they'd become a super power too large to beat alone.
Austin Green
>they'd become a super power too large to beat alone
The Germans were never a threat to the U.S. They lacked the population, industrial capacity, and force projection. I doubt they would have even been able to defeat the Soviets on their own.
Isaac Martin
They sent like 60 tanks to Omaha
I think 7 got on the beach
Jonathan Jackson
Its impossible to say how the Germans would have done against the soviets if they kept fighting just one enemy. They did have massive technological advantage and industrial capability.
Early war russian tactics were basically sending troops and tanks en masse without coordination until the enemy would be beaten.
Also, you have to remember that Germans had pretty advanced nuclear programme. As far as I know, that programme wouldnt have been applicable into a weapon by itself, but it surely would have opened new doors to further development. Combine nukes with their understanding of rocketry and Germany looks a lot more menacing.
Ryan Reyes
>Why did we go in without any tanks or aircraft? we went in with a metric SHIT TON of tanks and aircraft
fucking retard millenial
Thomas Phillips
The germans couldn't hold a unified attack by that stage. It was just a question in how much could the brits and US fuck up a Walk Over victory. They definitely positioned themselves Well using their numerical, material superiority, But at that point it was only about choosing the correct target
Adam Edwards
Not sure what you're on about here. The Allies ganged up together to beat the Germans and between a huge Allied force which drained certainly all of American and Britian of our resources. This is when Germany was small and fighting multiple enemies at the same time.
Had the Allies attacked one at a time, Germany would have basically consumed them easily one at a time and become a new super power with most of europes resources and tax base to support them.
They had the biggest recovering economy at the time, that's partly why Hitler got into power because the economic recovery from WW1 was basically unbelievable, he took a completely destroyed country and rebuilt most of it inside a decade, that's why the Nazis did so well in WW2, because their engineering was INSANE. By the end of the war they were rolling out Jet fighters and their Luftwaffe was already dominant in the skies with their current tech, go look at wikipedia for fighter kills and the scoreboard is pretty much completely German.
Justin Walker
At that point of the war the allies could have landed in Germany proper and still have won. In 1944 it was all over for the Germans anyways.
Jaxon Barnes
very very unlikely they would've made a nuke because the unironically didn't trust jewish science of atom splitting.
hence why so little sheckle were given to the development of nukes vs real meme weapons like v2 rockets and tiger tanks.
Gavin Sullivan
Actually the heavy water plant was doing pretty good. Still, I am not sure if it would have been useful for weapons. Could have nuclear powered nazi tanks.
Chase Ramirez
it is irrelevant as the rothschild and soros families would have forced us into the war another way.
Hudson Murphy
the gap between making heavy water and a nuke is
YUUUGGGEEEE, no way in hell uncle adolf was gonna approve a project that would essential replace all resources devoted to his beloved meme V2 weapon.
>nuclear powered nazi tanks
If they had figured that part out, they could've replaced the gustav gun with a someone useful meme weapon.
It'd be weaker than the gustav but you would be able to out siege any artillery piece the soviets had by miles. And you could bring it with you to Stalingrad and have it lead the inch by inch blitzkrieg into the city at 3 mph.