Kurdistan will be free in your lifetime

>Kurdistan will be free in your lifetime

Feels good, man.

>The first post will be the best post in your thread

Feels good, man.

first post worst post

>Kurdistan will be free in your lifetime
no it won't lol

Kurds are just Muslim Jews

A better comparison would be the Kurds being the gypsies of the middle east

Will it though? My assumption of the resumption of relations between Turkey and Russia was because Russia had been promising YPG an autonomous region akin to the KRG, and so now Erdogan wants to start sucking Putin's dick so that doesn't happen, as he sees the writing on the wall for the "moderate rebels"

Putin wants the war ended ASAP, which he just said to the Iranians.

He's not going to drag it out to force the Kurds to submit for the sake of Turkey.

No it won't, Assyria will though.

>mfw I might have killed some POL posters during my service.

>sadam hussien dressed as a woman

i'd marry her

Some kurds are pretty based, they hate islam and is actually very western cultured.

Post more kurd qts

You mean Syria's going to convert back to Christianity again.

Can't wait bro.

Yeah by being fucking Commies.

That's what sucks about the Middle East, pretty much everyone's either a Mudslime fanatic, or a Commie.

we should have killed your ambassador instead.

Syria is the Assyrian name for Assyria look it up. Assyrians exist, they're modern day Christians.


not after you all assassinated the russian ambassador, in such an autistic revenge way

literally YPG/PKK is about to get steamrolled and iraqi "kurdistan" will become an even more subservient vassal of the Republic.


Used to be Asyrians in region but they disappeared for a mysterious reason.

Yeah bro I know.

Syrian's aren't really Arabs, they're Arabized Assyrians. Iraq's a bit different because the Mongols genocided a lot of people except in Nineveh.

I had an Assyrian professor in college and he redpilled me on how the "Arab countries" aren't really Arab outside the Gulf.

Assyrians are Iraqis and Syrians who never converted to Islam and gave up their language.

I like to kurd in her stan. If you know what I mean.

They were replaced by Kurds. You played yourself. Turkey won't exist in 10 years because of that.

"replaced" by pkk/ypg ethnic cleansing and forced deportation

and your cuck media supports these monkeys, kek ulan

The term Arab was used to unite the Muslims tribes. They used to hate and kill each other.

Tanrı Türkü korusun

You could always arm the Assyrians? There is 4 million of them.


Plus Christians thought a Pan-Arab identity would save them, Aflaq was kind of right on that at the expense of brainwashing Berber, Egyptians, Assyrians, and Lebanese that they're Arab.

Iranian girls are so hot

Too bad they Iran is a Muslim country and has to be purged in the inevitable WW3

The one on the left is your typical looking Iranian which for me is 5/10. The one on the right is one in every 100 000.


I am glad that Kurdistan will be free in my lifetime.

>Iranian girls are so hot

Some of them are. Pic related.

>Too bad they Iran is a Muslim country and has to be purged in the inevitable WW3

Contrary to popular belief, the Iranian Revolution was NOT about replacing the Iranian monarchy with an Islamic republic, but was instead about replacing the Iranian monarchy with a SECULAR, liberal, democratic republic. MOST Iranians in 1979 wanted a SECULAR, liberal, democratic republic in Iran and were fond of Western culture (but NOT Western foreign policies, ESPECIALLY those belonging to the UK and the US which were responsible for ousting Mossadegh), it's just that the radical Islamists in Iran (who were actually a MINORITY in Iran at that time) HIJACKED the Iranian Revolution and made it about Islam when it was originally SO NOT about Islam. What happened to Iran post-1979 is a FUCKING TRAGEDY, Iran could have become like what Dubai is today but without Dubai's shit-tier Islamic laws.


They have no homelands because they are just gypsy.

They have been given lands that is not, and never was theirs.

In your lifetime, while you're dreaming

God bless Syrian and Iraqi Kurds, they are the last good thing about the middle east.

i hope you, your race and your entire gipsy fuckstink overgrown fingernail goatfucking brotherfucking family dies. only one thing is worse than you, the jew.

>What happened to Iran post-1979 is a FUCKING TRAGEDY

Yea. Totally wasn't burger government intelligence agencies that had a hand in that cluster fuck btw. Y-you guys shouldn't look into that at all. Srs it was just the eh Islamist, y-yea.

>Iran could have become like what Dubai is today but without Dubai's shit-tier Islamic laws

I doubt Iran would've used Pajeet slave labor to build them purdy towers n such like the UAE. btw I'm not middle eastern or Asian, I just find that whole shit show increasingly interesting. Nice qt.

>iraqi krg peshmerga steals iraqi clay and oilfields after they are seized by isis from incompetant iraqi army.

Meh, might makes right on that to me.