Is Dawkins Red Pilled?
>how quickly many leftists turned on him when he ramped up on criticising Islam
No. He's right on some issues like Islam, but atheism is a major blue pill.
>falling for the religion meme
>atheism is a major blue pill
I think you mean, anti-theism. Not inherently believing in the supernatural is a completely valid and rational way to live your life if you so choose.
he seems like an old school leftist, you know the kind of person you can actually debate. plus he hates joos and muds and pc bullshit so he is ok
TLDR: Any basic bitch is now an atheist. It's the default stance. Before any douches were absorbed into the religious pop at large, but now increasingly in the atheist fold.
>A mere century ago to claim the mantle of atheist meant wrestling with innumerable philosophical problems and personal demons, and reluctantly concluding the nonexistence of God with a heavy heart and a weary resignation to the task of finding value in a world deprived of any objective moral order.
>Today becoming an atheist is a trivial matter, and like all trivial things, it attracts banal, trivial people.
> Like anything brought to the masses, atheism has become a diluted, trite little idea for small minds. Rebellious, unsophisticated rabble find themselves at odds with the moral precepts of traditional religions, and adopt an atheist stance for its supposed permissiveness!
> They glance at the host of scientific and philosophical minds that have claimed this position, and then snatch it for themselves with only the most cursory inspection of what atheism entails. With so many ignorant commoners assuming atheism as a default metaphysical position, the entire philosophy of atheism has been polluted with spiteful God haunted post Christian ideology.
>The very same liberal, egalitarian values so HATED by atheists like Nietzsche are now part and parcel of modern atheism. Atheists take this socialist baggage for granted, as if unconsciously absorbing patently Christian ideas about charity and equality were merely “part of being atheist.”
> Even feminism has become intertwined with atheism on some level! This is what happens when a metaphysical stance that once belonged to only the most skeptical of critical thinkers is chopped into simplistic fodder for the dullest of dull-eyed cows to chew on.
colonization would've gotten a lot better if Europe wasn't christian
The mi24 is the coolest shit.
I wish my fucking country had them, i'd join up to fly that shit in a heartbeat.
>believing in Jewish fairy tales
Most of the smartest people who ever existed were theists to one degree or another.
Nigger, read my post
and the post I responded to
We're both fine with atheism/agnosticism/rationalism.
We are not fine with the Feuerbach-to-PZ Meyers anti-theists that simply replaced one delusion with many others.
Also, neither of us mentioned the Abrahamic religions. Get fucked.
Literally a "dude weed lmao" argument.
Literally contributing nothing to the conversation. Don't you have some kebab to be removing? Oh wait, you're a German, nevermind.
>contributes nothing to the conversation
>mocks somebody else for doing the same
Go home chinese man.
If you have an argument present it. Otherwise fuck off and go let some refugee rape your mother.
Listened to his talk with Harris yesterday, no he isn't.
>hates Brexit
>hates Trump
The former he hates because he thinks people picked it for stupid reasons (eg: they liked the passport better*) and he nor Harris even acknowledge legitimate ideas. They think that remain policy was just way better but people said "no" for stupid shit like that.
Trump is le ebil, usual bullshit.
Hillary is apparently better despite so many major failures.
*: He later goes on to say how nice it'd be to see an atheist/gay/woman in power.....so I guess fuck policy then?
You think your religion is special ,and so dignified,
But all you are saying is, only certain people should be allowed to not believe in god
Only the brightest people should spread the atheist gospel
Sounds like your religion is ready to split into different sects ,user
No. That's not even real.
>Doesn't have an argument but demands that I have one.
>Reject age old moral foundations that lead to western civilization
>Society begins rationalizing morals based on hedonism and fedora philosophy that appeals to the lowest common denominator
>Gay acceptance
>Tranny acceptance
>Children taking hormones
>Men become pathetic
>Women become amoral whores
>Third trimester abortions
M-muh atheism!
Ching Chong chinaman
Why would a chink argue in favour of religion? They're all Godless and soulless.
Dawkins flirts with the red pill but 2 things hold him back beyond the usual total social condemnation and career devastation. 1 he is a pussy. 2 its that atheist internet groupie pussy
One of the last bastions of Islamic criticism is, may Allah forgive me for saving his name, Bill Maher. He's brutal on them.
>doesn't argue why God exists, just complains about degeneracy
>Confident, tolerant, sympathetic
You must be joking. As far as I know theists are just a bunch of butthurt reality-denying monkeys unable into arguing and any reasonable form of conversation.
Maher is a broken clock that's right twice a day.
>Not inherently believing in the supernatural is a completely valid and rational way to live your life
Yeah, and most of all it´s called Agnosticism. Atheism is mostly autistic screeching about something not being there.
It's not even relevant. People believing God exists is what's important to society.
> As far as I know theists are just a bunch of butthurt reality-denying monkeys unable into arguing and any reasonable form of conversation.
Did you mean to say atheist SJW's?
You mean because atheism was not a popular stance in history, especially if you wanted to have any kind of social or political power? Nice comment. Thats like claiming Christianity gained ground because of ancient Rome, without mentioning a caesar made it mandatory, therefor the whole population became Christian over night.
When someone posts rage insults like this these days, I just feel sorry for them.
Welcome to Sup Forums buddy.
What social or political power did Newton have? The dude died a virgin.
Suck a giant cock faggot
>It's not even relevant. People believing God exists is what's important to society.
So basically it's just better be blue-pilled about God, got it.
Any sentient being with a modicum of critical thinking skills would see that atheism (strictly agnosticism, but that's so wishy-washy) is the glaringly obvious answer.
It's just too bad it's been adulterated with the pseudo-intellectual euphoria autistic shit.
It's why I don't even mention it or argue about it anymore. As long as it's not interfering in my life (fundie propaganda being pushed in science classrooms, etc) it's not worth it. Not that you could change anyone's mind anyway.
Newton was an autistic r9k user that held school shooter type thoughts against his bullies. Newton isn't a good example of anything other than savant success post death.
It's so cute :3
You can't deny that most of our society's ills are direct result of a lacking moral foundation. Atheism and nihilism are not a replacement for religion.
He's a good example of an extremely smart, rational person who believed in God. So is Einstein.
>being religious
Hello Flanders
mfw edgy teenagers make up the majority of atheists
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. He's an atheist though. This destroys civilizations.
Well if you're athiest, you don't really care about anything, as you believe there is no purpose in our existence and we just die and become trees, so in that sense athiest is blue-pilled because you are just a signaling coward who does whatever you want on a wim.
Dawkins is my favorite blue pill. I fucking love that guy and he had sexy legs when he was in university
how does disliking Trump relate in any way to being red-pilled. He's a retard, we know so much from his interviews and the shit he tweets. It's just that he's a useful retard because voting for him fucked over the party that thought the presidency is a position that can be bought. It completely scorched the electoral system and public perception of "liberal" being the right side of history. People were always super progressive and tolerant because they thought that that's just the majority opinion and that they'd get scrutinized for criticizing other cultures. Now that Trump got elected they know that they don't have nearly as widespread support as they used to. Trump is like a hand-grenade you throw in a room and then fuck off, you don't stick around to see the firework happen in front of you and you also don't pretend that he's anything more than a demagogue who's sole purpose is to fuck up a broken system so that it can be rebuild into something that doesn't suck.
You were describing atheism as a "major blue pill", but continuing to believe in religion for its own sake and not even thinking about whether it's true or not is blue-pilled behaviour.
wtf is wrong with u? that how u image atheists?lol dude many russians just pretend they believe in god, but deep inside they dont give a shit
Nice strawman
Dawkins invented memes.
I think he deserves some status for that.
Thats because they were raised Christian. They'd be devout Muslims had they been raised by muslims. What percentage of people that lived atheist for most of their lives slowly convert to christianity?
Almost none. People slowly turn FROM christianity, which is why it's growing.
Dawkins is a feminist.
I don't believe in religion myself; I'm agnostic. But being actively anti-theist and spreading atheism as an ideology is extremely blue-pilled behaviour. That's what Dawkins does.
No, i mean Abrahamic fairy tales fanatics.
As an Agnosic I only respect Buddhists as they are the most logical theists of all.
Muslims, Christians and Judas are just a different sorts of the same shit.
Consider the folowing - probability of your doG's existence is comparable to the existence of Santa Claus.
I don't think you even know what a strawman is.
Also Dawkins believes that the world will be predominately atheist in the future, which is blatantly not true, since religious fundamentalists have high fertility rates.
>giving some power to atheists
it's like giving a gun to a black person
Make all the associations with perma virgins you want, at the end of the day you're a grown ass man believing in an imaginary friend. I rather be born a disgusting fedora neckbeard faggot than a pussy who believes in a zombie jew kek
And it will never work. Religiosity is highly heritable. Religious people literally have a virtual Jesus/Allah/etc in their brains.
No it's not. What is wrong about questioning religion and critizising it? Are we still in the middle ages you fucking leaf?!
Like the pope.
Atheist doesn't mean your a 2edgy4me existential nihilist. Those are two separate things.
>he lacks the part to see the spiritual realm so thinks everyone is wrong except him
poor soul, you are blind
Damn, this pic is ancient
>how does disliking Trump relate in any way to being red-pilled
Because his reasons are Buzzfeed level shit like "he said a thing".
He can disagree because of climate details, but "I think his supporters are stupid" isn't an argument.
Also, liking Hillary despite her heinous, disgusting failures of policy and character but saying you don't like Trump because his personality is abrasive is a wank and emotive reasoning. She is a queen of lies, there's no way to even know what she'd decide to do.
My chances of dying in a war have sharply dropped with Trump's election. Hillary wanted to fuck up the earth and be even more and I'm very grateful her supporters have had the controls taken from them before they ram us into a wall.
Donald Trump also seems to play to a character much of the time. He talks simply to a lot of people but I can't see him saying things like "I have the best words, I have a good brain" at meetings with cold faced investors. Every politician does this, actually....it's a part of their job.
>rest of your post.
1: Format, jesus christ.
2: I too, see Trump as a fox in a hen house.
I don't even know why so many people believe in god nowadays. Science has eroded basically every scientific claim in the Bible. We now know free will is just a christfag meme.
I'd say Dawkins is the most redpilled person in the world. Especially his stance on Islam.
You're implying that athiesm is responsible for western degeneracy when it's just a position that prioritizes reason and rational thought.
If you are capable of providing an alternative belief system that can be a drop-in for religion without destroying civilization then be my guest. But Dawkinws and other well-known atheists don't do this. They're always on the offensive, attacking and destroying, without a care in the world for the consequences of what may happen if they're ever successful.
>He can disagree because of climate details, but "I think his supporters are stupid" isn't an argument.
sorry but anyone that says "it's freezing cold here in New York, where is global warming when you need it?" obviously has some issues understanding what the word "climate" means.
As I said, he's a useful retard. Nothing more.
He's redpilled about religion and biology.
Dawkins is something else. He's a poor, early 20th century Democrat who has been outgrown by his own party.
It's a position that prioritizes hedonism, nihilism and logically flawed rationalizations to do whatever one pleases.
It will take a lot to get things to be so bad I'd prefer Hillary.
The biggest victory for us since we're not yanks is it's a cut across the artery to PC culture.
nietzche got cucked by his cush, his sister, and the entire system
Ethics. Read Sokrates, Platon, Aristoteles, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Nietzsche, etc. etc.
Religion isn't for morals! It is a manual on how to go to heaven.
Spiritual realm must include belief in supernatural imaginary people?
Do you really think the average person has the intellectual capacity to read any of the aforementioned, much less comprehend their works? Even if they could, there would be no authority to decide on a common moral framework and everyone would simply be winging it as they please; in order for society to be cohesive it needs to AGREE on its morals. Alternately, the state could impose morals on society. Sort of like Communism.
Speaking of which, ever wonder why state atheism has been aggressively and violently adopted in every communist state?
No it does not. If crafting of this strawman makes you more secure in your fairy tale then knock yourself out. Atheism is simply a rejection of bronze age superstitions and extraordinary claims made without any evidence.
get back to me when you have an alternative that doesn't prioritize faith in a post-death paradise over everything else. desert religions are death cults.
It is right to distrust Jews, just as it is right to distrust any culture or person who believes in a moral authority rooted in man, or that could in any way be contorted by man.
The failure of thought with atheism however is one in the same. They are incapable of having any morality higher than what man can come up with. If atheism had more control, as he desires, it would simply be another flavor of the same manipulation and regression Islam brings.
If you are truly seeking a redpill understand the only objective moral authority higher than ourselves is the Holy Bible. If you cannot or will not believe that, it is your society and family failing you and preventing you from accepting anything that is not verified by humanist thinking. You may have affluence or personal privacy, but you will never know true joy, true inspiration, or the true value of man.
Do you really think our morals have ANYTHING to do with the bibel/the church?
Do you wanna know how the world looks if christian values rule? Go to the middle ages.
>communism and atheism
Do you even realize that communism or national socialism is a religion too? (Messiah, "us vs. them", healing promise, etc.)
well yeah, that's my point. He's a guy for the masses. But conservatives that have a basic amount of intelligence know that his use ends where his populism stops. He needs a guy behind him who actually knows anything about politics and is capable of understanding basic social, political, technological and scientific concepts so he doesn't just pass bills that look good on paper.
I don't know a lot about Mike Pence but I really fucking hope that his religious fanaticism is just a front and it doesn't get in the way of his advisory function as VP.
The Middle Ages laid the foundation for all of western civilization, including Austria. The only fault you are projecting onto it now is the fact that you enjoy a higher level of technology and comfort. Christianity is neither an antithesis to that nor does it impede it - again your lifestyle was only possible because of the Middle Ages.
Actually this is what I can't stand about many atheists (I'm one, just for clarity).
They don't fucking get that the third world will just outbreed them and turn the clock back on human progress and possibly even break it.
Hearing that *fuckhead* Harris had on the other day saying how we should take care of the 3rd world more and we're bad for not doing it. No, cunt.....if you let them all in you get what the Germans are getting and other Euro nations.
The average IQ is what.....85? Less in other nations.
Help them by all means.
If you let them in and treat them as you, they will just take what you have and then live like they did when you weren't around.
>muh racism!
These brainwashed idiots will send us all to hell to satisfy their moral aggrandizing. Call them out whenever you can.
Which society was more immoral?
The ancient imperium romanum OR the european middle ages?
And don't tell me something like "it wasn't THE TRUE christianity" Reminds me of "not the true Islam"...
So what's your solution then? I guess we should pray to our christian god now?
What a fucking stupid argument.
>Do you really think our morals have ANYTHING to do with the bibel/the church?
Western morals are founded in the teachings of the Gospel. This is basic stuff, and why we're literally superior to the Middle-East and Asia when it comes to things like human rights and law in general.
>Do you even realize that communism or national socialism is a religion too? (Messiah, "us vs. them", healing promise, etc.)
Communist states adopt state atheism and actively set out to destroy religious institutions. The reason for this is that in order to control people you first need to destroy their roots and turn them into blank slates. Only then can you reprogram them. This is why 100% of SJW's are atheists.
Communism is not a religion and is not the result of atheism. Communism is a failed econimic and social ideology that can givw rise to quasi religious states like North Korea. No society on earth has ever suffered because people became "too" rational
The Romans. They collapsed due to their immorality. The European Middle Ages exemplified 'true' Christianity as you put it, and the values it created and instilled are vastly superior to today.
For example, can you name a single architect from the middle ages who built say a baroque church? No? Can you name a Renaissance architect? Likely you can. The people of the Middle Ages did not believe they were above their work, or their God. Yet they created such beauty. Humanist thinking led to 'great man' history, and brings us to today.
>I don't know a lot about Mike Pence but I really fucking hope that his religious fanaticism is just a front and it doesn't get in the way of his advisory function as VP.
He (Trump) is very close to Peter Thiel, you might like him. Trump and him seem to talk a lot. Look up others Trump has around him like Flynn and Bannon.
I'd actually be happy for him to take apart the entire consolidation of global power and local people can rebuild at their local level. Central governance (eg: 1 world government) disgusts me to my core. Idiots seem to think that "government" is some magic entity instead of whoever makes it to the top.
Imagine somebody like that cunt Junker running the earth.
Anyway man good chatting with the ideas exchange but I gotta go, have a nice picture. Peace.
My and your lifestyle is possible becaude of intelligent people who fought AGAINST the church and their disgust for science and philosophy.
Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Rene Descartes, Rousseau, Kant -these people brought us our culture!
What piece of evidence or reason can I bring to you that would make you doubt that statement? I'm genuinely curious so I can get an idea of what sort of response I can give you to help flesh out the thought you just wrote.
He's essentially saying the scientific revolution and the enlightenment did a he'll of lot more for humanity than 14th century Christianity. I do not seek to destroy or minimize the utility Christianity and religion in general offered. I'm just saying that in this point in our history, a belief in God is outdated and stupid considering the staggering amount of objective truths stacked against it.
Human rights? You fucking idiot don't even know what you're talking about.
Another stupid Sup Forums-discussion with christian fundamentalists who are even worse than the muslim cocksuckers.
Based on this response, I assume there is no evidence or reason I can bring to the table to further our discussion. I hope, for your own sake, you reflect on that.
Oh I understand, and he brings up points I was even to concede on. My point of view is just that objective truths and humanity are, amusingly, pretty subjective in this day and age because of the scientific revolution. Facts and faith being something one has to choose between is a relatively recent concept.