Redpi--- explain to me the "Wisdom tooth", Sup Forums

Redpi--- explain to me the "Wisdom tooth", Sup Forums.

I am in my mid/late twenties, and probably should act soon. But is this a Jewish scheme to milk me of my goy bucks? Do we REALLY """have""" to remove our wisdom teeth, or is this just Jewish materialism, that is, you're told to remove them because form > function? I don 't give a shit if I have a Brit/gook mouth.

If they grow in straight they're fine. Only one of mine came in crooked and actually needed removal.

26 here. I got one coming in a little crooked. I don't really want to do anything about it because I don't have a dental plan.

They're spare teeth

If they come in wrong, they can fuck up your whole mouth. If one dentist says you need to take them out, go to a different one and ask their opinion. The one you don't go to all the time has less reason to lie to you.


some people don't, but some people need to get them removed

Lel get them out asap

I had 3, and i thought they were fine until one day I started getting awful headaches and grinding my teeth for whatever reason at night

Turns out it was the wisdom teeth, but I still grind sometimes out of habit now. Shit sucks

What did human ancestors do about wisdom teeth before modern dentistry? That's where the real redpill on wisdom teeth lies.

their teeth probably fell out because they didn't brush