What is the most disgusting race in the world and why is it Indians?
>poo dark skin
>God awful accent
>abnormally hairy as fuck
>smell like shit
Prove me wrong
What is the most disgusting race in the world and why is it Indians?
>poo dark skin
>God awful accent
>abnormally hairy as fuck
>smell like shit
Prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>disgusting race is indians
>they are caucasian
>whites are caucasian
>whites are disgusting
top kek
Won't get any arguments here. You pretty much /threaded your own thread.
They are a mix of Caucasian and abo
Can confirm
how about we pick a certain group within our own people. In my case it has to be the south. Fucking accent that sounds like they're recovering from a stroke.
Hi Pajeet, how are you doing?
>disgusting race is "___"
>they are humans
>whites are humans
>whites are disgusting
top kek
Fine I guess
I'm good too
They are a mix of poo and not loo.
Poojit, pls nuke Pakistan. You'll be honourary white then. We'll even give you exclusive access to our toilets so you can harvest poo in peace
can we just colonize a planet so we can just ship them all off to there?
their population isn't getting smaller any time soon so might as well just get rid of them
Would you be able to tell that this guy is Indian? (Albino)
Have you done your daily street shit?
I'm waiting for my turn.Its more crowded than usual.
Fuck off you hairy foot Kikinigger, Pajeet is based now
Come on germany, you're smarter than this. The man said race. Indians and whites are of the same race.
There are only 4 races, caucasians, congoid, mongoloids, and australoids.
It's why north africans and middle easterners are in the white percentages in the USA
Arabs or niggers, hard to choose. I'm leaning towards arabs, niggers can make pretty hot negress-porn sometimes, that's the ONLY saving grace.
Not even Indians are able to tell that this guy is Indian btw
>“Once I was at this monument and the security guard insisted that I pay a foreigner’s entry fee. Even my ID card couldn’t get him to believe me.”"
Dalits are subhumans. Brahmins are based though.
Pujiit, whenever I see Indians on here, I wonder if they're really Indians, or just LARPers on an Indian proxy. A few countries make me think this. I imagine them to have crank-powered computers with lawn chairs at their desks and shit. How modern is your home? Is the shitting good where you're at?
Iv'e never been around a good smelling Indian, do they not have nose holes?
Yeah it's a normal Home like you'd find anywhere else in the world.
Not everyone is a street shitting poorfag in India.
Gypsies and abbos are much worse.
There are good looking indians
Just fuck my shit up faammm
Personally find this inquiry intriguing having conducted research on human sexuality. Men are completely different from women when it comes to sexuality/sexual stimulation. We specifically examined what attributes average males found stimulating sexually. Pointedly meaning sexually stimulating as opposed to whom would be accepted with mum. The findings were solid and ran along ethnic lines. When it came to White males, they consistently found brown skin- not black skin but brown skin to be the most attractive. Long hair, dark hair, dark eyes also topped the list. Interestingly enough that hair and even footwear seemed to make a difference. But when we eliminated factors such as clothes, accents, etc. and focused on physical attributes that affect sexual stimulation it tended to remove the fetish factor that is responsible for these studies to vary. We also used objective measures mostly the holy trinity - increase in heartbeat, blood pressure and an erection.
The attributes that elicited the strongest stimulation may catch you by suprise. on size yes it does matter but this will surprise you. White men prefer short and petite women. Which may be why asian women have been the classic turn on for the boomers as Indian women had not come of notice with American film at that time. Its no surprise that White men tend to be "breast men" and which is probably why the top three stimulating attributes are width of areola, contrast between areola/nipple and overall skin tone and size of breasts compared to overall frame of body. So it makes sense that White men would find Indian women attractive because the latter two prevail in that ethnicity. Now that Indian women are in Hollywood as the question mentions, White men around the world are getting introduced to the women that have the key elements of their sexual attraction.
It's Australian Abo. They're the worst race. Thank goodness they're small in numbers and are stupid af.
I figured that much desu, but all we see if that particular side of India in the media. Its pretty hard to imagine modern homes in India actually. Probably a stupid thing to think but hey, I had to ask. I was picturing a crowded bazaar with shouting merchants everywhere, with cows wandering the dusty roads, dodging rusty tuk-tuks as small monkeys scramble under their feet.
What's your favourite type of curry m8? I Fucking love Indian food, which is why poos are fine and dandy on my list.
My answer to OPs question would obviously be Jews. Or if we count religions; Muslamics.
I never really believed the "they all smell bad" meme until I was on a buss full of them in Hawaii.
>get on bus full of white people
>no smell, no noise, no problems
>two stops later a horde of Indians invades bus
>smell is so bad, I'm on the verge of vomiting
>have to get off early just so I can catch my breath
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with them?
Not really fond of curry 2bh
They are revolting. How is it that they are dirtier than niggers?
Maybe so, but you still stink of Curry and have an annoying accent.
The most disgusting race is the arms race, peace & love.
Pakis are all that and also batshit insane Muslims.
Thats just because they have hookworm
how are those two even comparable? one of those gave us django reinhardt and the other is currently working on the technology of fire.
cannot confirm
Sounds like you are describing an australian
Wouldn't disagree.
The higher castes have higher Caucasian/Aryan blood with more east Asian blood and less subhuman blood.
The amount of Turkic, Arabic, Abo, Nigger blood is indirectly proportional to the ranking of the castes.
Brahmins are pretty much the Indian version of Jews. No wonder they're based. :^]
Because majority of Indians not only have a higher amount of nigger blood but also abo blood.
Niggers = Disgusting subhumans
The only thing that keeps them from ranking THE worst among races are aboriginals.
Aboriginals = literal evolutionary ancestors and 100x much disgusting than niggers.
Now if you mix them both together, you end up with abomination. Which is what majority of India is made up of. Abolishing the caste system was a major mistake.
where do i fall? west indian here
Ranjeet here, friend of pajeet. How are you all?
Indians and Pakistanis are the absolute worst. Their worst trait is lying, corruption and deceitfulness is ingrained into their society so much that pretty much everything about them is a lie.
fuckin proxy players
anyone ever see the kimmy posts?
No they aren't my fellow curry nigger friend.
Get fucked and go back to india you shit covered ape.
teri ma ki choot bhenchod. real street shitter here.
Even some thai whore that I once saw on a documentary on Netflix said Indians smell fucking gross.
this is an english website benchode.
speak english shit nigger.
yes the black cow eyes and unibrow are a giveaway that he's not white
As long as they arent muslim im fine
We have to deal with the slimes first
Like a lot of things in school, it's funny looking back at how your caste system was taught to me and how evil and repressive it was portrayed.
And now it's like "well no shit they had one, how fucking dumb would you have to be not to have one?"
Answer:Liberal dumb
ive met some indians, seems they're either smart as fuck and really cool, or totally retarded and assholes. Its like a 50/50 split at least from what i've experienced on east coast US.
madarchod, i'm speaking english, you're the one who said i'm proxy. bhen ke laude. gand me danda daaal aur choos tera loda.
Smart ones are the ones who worked hard and got into USA. The other 50% are the ones who came illegally, or came because someone got into USA and they pulled them.
>my brethen
they are as black as nigger but without the physical attributes or BBC lol
du.bs confirm.
Smelly, ugly, stupid, silly manlets.
That's all you have to know about this mass of "humanity."
Indians in Malaysia : higher IQ, lighter but still ugly
Indians in India : lower IQ, ugly
it's abos
abos are worst race.
Can confirm but they are fucking good at maths
T. Ramanujan.
>Prove me wrong
Hi i'm a high IQ pajeet who smells good, works hard, and assimilated well into USA. I love this country, and I voted for Trump/Pence.
Most of India = bottom 2 castes.
t. brahmin
Chinese people are 5 times worst
Also say the indians - awkward smelly autists
There are no blacks in india you dumb poo poster. Caucasians, mongoloids and australiods inhabit your shithole, but niggers haven't had the courtesy of shitting in your streets yet.
Looks like Andrew Anglin with hair kek
You forgot:
> Food looks and smells like shit
> Men are rapist-tier creeps and women max out at 4/10 (and only in the upper caste, at that)
> Lazy, always pick the easiest solution without worrying about the consequences
> Despite being utter garbage, always arrogant and overconfident
to be fair pajeets are THE nicest people from asia even if they are a bit weak on the hygiene
Pooinloos aren't really bad people per-se, they're just really weird, naturally autistic people. But they usually mean well, even if they do smell terrible.
If we're talking about what (non-black) race is the shittiest, it's probably mainland Chinese. Fucking yellow jews, I swear. Koreans aren't much better either
Only the ones in the north. The ones in the east are either chinese expats or other orientals who've lived there for a few hundred years. The ones in the southern tip look like the walking poos op posted. The ones in the center of india are racemixed to brazilian levels without the guns but the same amount of rape.
>mainland Chinese.
Agreed. Literally out jewing the jews and just scum all around. Although there are hinpoos who do that as well, just not in the same numbers are chinks do when they come to western countries. RIP Vancouver.
Suxx for the weak hygiene meme, but I guess it just makes me that much fresher... smell good, no accent, actually look good..... white girls like me, but too redpilled to racemix... People think i was born in the U.S., only moved here in 8th grade
>top tier 1% brahmin
Feels good man
At least southerners poo in loo
Huh, well color me surpised. You should genocide them.
Fuck I hate Indians. They squat on the toilet and end up pooing on the seat. They can't do anything right
Yea. we always catch some nigger trying to smuggle drugs and stuff.
desu we ware more worried about muslims here. Niggers will stay in jungles.
that fucking beard lol
They're called subhumans for a reason.
That's mean Australia. Go hug a koala and less cranky
I think Indo-Aryans and Dravidians are both pretty alright. Known some absolutely based people of both groups in my time.
lol you guis trolling every one with your location proxies. You so quirky
for pleasure and proctection, thats pretty handy!
i cant. ur right.
Based Pajeet
stop using rosetta stone and stop using the proxies Jimmy. Its past your bed time
lol aww
They were at 100,000. Now they are now 500,000 strong and growing rapidly thanks to wealfare and civil rights.
Cheers murica.
it okay now, you seemed to have learned your lesson. You earn 5 more minutes.
sure thing bro , ja ab ma chuda.
Stop stealing American IT jobs and raping girls.
thanks breh you too senpai
dafuq I said Fa.m not senpai??
i dont mind indians at all. i like them, they are funny and smart and hard working and above all they are peaceful.
now arabs on the other hand...