Reminder that he...


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>implying i didn't get the first post best post

Morally bankrupt indeed





can someone translate


>centrelink cunts can't leave Australia

we dun got jewed

Who's the bloke in the picture? He sounds like he has some based policies about welfare reform.

I don't speak Ausfag, what's he saying?

It means those shit cunts can't save other people's money for their own overseas trip. No luxuries like that for the trash.

>no more cashies you tax dodging cunts

Meaning what? how has he stopped cash in hand? No one can stop that shit.

HAHA I got my nbn tho

I don't even know how you'd manage it anyway. I was on CL while I was at uni and I could barely make ends meet.

G'day mates.

I just polished off a six pack of mince pies.


Daily reminder that we need to bring back John.

It stops other people sponsoring you to have fun basically. Fair enough IMO

Wrong six pack you cadbury


Some manage to. I know of a family on centrelink that went to Bali a few years back because its cheap apparently. Bet they really shit up the place too. Nothing like a bunch of loud, degenerate bogans to ruin a good time.

It was the best bundle at the time.


Oh don't get me wrong I'm not saying it shouldn't be allowed I just don't know how you can manage to afford to do it anyway.


get this meme country off my board!

Great I have a family member who relies on center link and goes to Turkey every year. This government is so irresponsible they're handing out cash to everyone with no fucking filter.

One Nation voters report in

>This government is so irresponsible they're handing out cash to everyone with no fucking filter.
50 billion to big business. dole bludgers cant go oversea. sounds fair.

2016 mid-year budget. Many news stories out there, go look.

But none of this sounds bad.

I agree

>Centrelink cunts can't leave Australia

>More welfare cuts across the board
Cuts to what sort of welfare?

>All your unclaimed super is now mine
Super shouldn't exist in the first place.

>Crackdown on the black market
Depends on what part of it.

>No more cashies you tax dodging cunts
Stop taxing people so much then.

>$10,000,000,000 black hole in budget
What did he mean by this?

>$50,000,000,000 tax cuts for big business
Corporate taxation shouldn't exist in the first place.

>Hurf Durf big business dont pay tax we need to raise taxes on big business

In reality what's going to happen is big business is going to continue not paying tax at all, and medium sized, Australian owned businesses are going to take Tax Breaks.

Remember when this man, who set up strategies to ensure that Australia was the only country in the world that made it through the Global Financial Crisis completely intact, and who promised a nationwide broadband network with super-fast speeds that would cost approximately 31 billion U.S. dollars, was stabbed in the proverbial back by his own political party, after which his party lost the election to a government that offered a heavily "watered down" national broadband internet network...

... and, 9 years later, the NBN Corporation working on this inferior network, had to be "bailed out" by the same government that offered the "watered down" version, to the tune of over 14 billion U.S. dollars, causing the single-worst infrastructure disaster in this nation's history...

... while a significant proportion of households in rural areas have to put up with approximately 5mbit connections and frequent disruptions (with a permanent latency of about 0.6 seconds because, you know, SATELLITE)?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Who else /christmas ham/ here?

Are you the one who makes all the threads with that pasta m8?

How about that dirty fucking roach/roach lover gets a job. I don't care who they are or where they desire to go. They have no right to do such a thing on the money of a taxpayer.

No, I remember him riding in on a wave of enormous surplus from a previous government, making big promises he couldn't deliver on, selling everything he could to China, then doing nothing.

People need to stop pretending the NBN project was intended to be anything other than what it is: A hot Potato.


we have a globalist prime minister who cut everything and still fucked up our economy

First of all that's what he gets for hiring a ginger woman. No soul and all that. Secondly he apologised to the coons and cried like a woman. So he is eternally shit.

/bertocchi/ reporting in

It sounds like someone has had a /roadtodamascus/ moment

I can't afford name brand m8. Went IGA. Not bad.

before any shitbags justify what the LNP are doing please read some of the stories at this link...


pictured is the Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull. Or as I call him "Captain BULLTURD".

I'm an australian abroad in the states. I have multiple youtube channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. I subtly redpill my audience of 13 year olds. Ama

Why are you such a lying dog cunt?

what are your channels then

This is the saddest concept I have ever seen.

Cut this out of your life m8. Do not post it again.

Sure is Labor shill in here. Don't pretend they aren't just as bad as Liberals. Both parties are cancer and extremely WEAK leaders.

because I am what I eat cunt
fuck off I'm not trying to get anime avatars even more involved in my comments


I remember him being a massive cuck to abos

soon to be the biggest union in australia because there are no jobs.

pic related.

Looking back to elections, the labor budget plan was also increase in net debt in the medium term and then a reduction
Just you watch liberal fucks would now say "it was a tidal wave... We couldn't stop it... Uncertainty in foreign markets..." Fucking scum the lot of them


I remember the fact that he got sacked because he wanted to put in place a MINING TAX to stop International Corporations from jewing us out of our nonrenewable resources.


I hope Malcolm PrepBull fucks up those old cunts and their pensions with Chong's tiny wang.

>People need to stop pretending the NBN project was intended to be anything other than what it is: A hot Potato.
you clearly have no idea what you're talking about mate

Kek, do you have to be financial to be a member?

Right here.

Whats happening m8s hows your day been? I still want to know what happened with Thunder River Rapids

yeah for some reason a lot of aus/pol/ has a hardon for labor which makes no sense given they pander to SJWs

really? thats all weve got? pretty sure were doomed if thats the case.

I am literally shaking right now.

Thank fuck the Adler was moved to the right category it should have always been in. I hope all the states follow though with getting this and other gun control legislation in to strengthen the laws that john howard gave us.

Remember, never forget Port Arthur and never forget that our laws save lives everyday.

>yeah for some reason a lot of aus/pol/ has a hardon for labor which makes no sense given they pander to SJWs
bunch of faggots who haven't had to deal with gas sniffing gorillas yet

He is not Kek m8. He didn;t even get digits.

It's hard to do much. Everyone wants handouts, everyone wants the economy to go up, everyone wants their house price to go up, everyone wants 100k for doing some dumb shit job, everyone wants to spend on the national credit card to keep the good times going (including Liberals even though they make out otherwise) and nobody wants to be the one to help pay it off.

I almost feel sorry for politicians.

Politically I have zero respect for Australians. Unless they vote Pauline of course. We've just become a bunch of selfish 5 year olds.

You probably left the vibrator in your anus.

nope. free or a donation.


My entire family voted for them so thats six there.

Hate the both of them but slightly prefer liberal because they fuck with neetbux and centrelink in general.


But labour was worse so I don't regret shit.

Labour wanted to bring in more Somalians, Ethiopians and more refugees in general, they want to end the detention centre and allow the boats to come in again, NOPE.
They wanted to give away more welfare which would have damaged the economy too so I regret nothing.

Abbot was pretty cool, I wanted to punish the Libs but labour is so god damn cucked and retarded, Australians politics is basically would you rather be shot in the balls or have ur penis sliced in half.

>never forget that our laws save lives everyday
Not true, homicide and assault has not been noticeably affected by gun laws.

He's prepping Chong and Cleetus' dick to fuck our economy by giving them free passes on taxation.

Wouldn't exactly call that cutting everything.

Feck off

The NFA was the beginning of the end for Australian Culture

Its like the only thing the liberals have done right is make the right call with the refugees... Its not enough. I think and hope the tide will turn and this mob will be kicked out soon.

So anyone watch the Project tonight.

>workers are fleeing the mafia ran unions so much they now have to target the jobless

i unironically am very glad for australias gun laws

>the Project
No, I'm not retarded.

>muh johnny howard best pm evar
WEW lad

I watched it a little bit. They were pretending to be sad over the truck thing in Germany. lel.


Howard was when this country drove off the cliff.

Haven't watched since 2010

>Labour wanted to bring in more Somalians, Ethiopians and more refugees in general, they want to end the detention centre and allow the boats to come in again

This is a bigger meme than medicare ending, if you didn't swallow so much of Turnbull's wife's son's cum you'd remember Labor were the ones that put into place the Nauru policy because the issue was so hotly debated during the election.

Who even watches TV any more?

What happened on the project tonight?


What do you reckon Waleeds true thoughts on the terrorist attack in Berlin was?

Other than the gun grab he was based

Couple minutes of crocodile tears about berlin and then a champagne party backstage

I don't want to have my brain melted from the inane clucking those fucking yentas make. Its basically the view with a Muslim man who does nothing but talk shit.

Tony abott fucked the based Malaysia solution purely out of partisanship and that's why we are stuck in naru

reminder that...


of the


Pic related.

Not true. All I want is full time work on an average income and the ability to own my own home, the first seems unlikely when I finish uni and the second seems completely unlikely unless I get a gf

I'm a bit tired so I'll ask just to make sure.. Are you taking the piss?

>other than the gun grab he was based
>implying the Buyback and NFA wasn't his crowning achievement.

wew matey

Make it 1%. Also when will they specify how many single mothers are on centrelink instead of saying families with children.

Yeah well you're a youngin who isn't a cunt. I'm talking more about people say 30+ mostly.

back to r/australia >>>>>>

The lower age limit for new start needs to be changed and the upper limit increased.

I would've thought dole star and spaz wallet would've been reversed. We got more retards than dole bludgers?

Gonna have to move for that second one