>your IQ
>who you voted for
>your IQ
>who you voted for
medkit is mad.
45 hilery
There are many African countries with an average IQ of 60.
>tfw to intelligent too vote for Trump
And for the continued existence of Brazil.
He remin' me o' mahsewf
go back to liveleak, albino chimp
Che Guevara
> Would have voted Trump
>tfw to intelligent to vote.
Vermin Supreme
I live in Maryland, why vote?
189 IQ voted for the Donald.
>tfw to intelligent too support trump
Great argument
Isn't it obvious?
Didnt vote
>tfw to intelligent too not vote for Hillary
county mailed my absentee ballot to the wrong address and couldn't confirm that they had done so until after they were, by law, unable to help me
it was a pretty fun election night
I don't know my IQ and I'm scared to know.
an online test showed 135 as a result but then again most of Sup Forums or /r9k, I don't remember got that result in that thread back then.
voted Hofer
ron paul
>low iq
>calls trump drumpf
Checks out.
That's a strange way to spell "Rousseff"
Bernie Sanders
Donald J. Trump, the next President of the United States of America
The winner
135, wasn't able to vote obviously, but supported Trump
>Be Pennsylvanian
>Don't vote because libtards have had a stranglehold on the state for decades
>Republicans actually pull it off
>Ashamed to have not been a part of it
>Watch butthurt libtards whine about muh popular vote even though there's probably a couple million who had the same voter apathy as myself & the election doesn't care about these children's made-up rules about how the election should work
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards,
City people all voted for Hillary.
125, Trump.
John Pedosta
Jeb Bush.
7 hillary
113 lol
1 IQ
Rand Paul
the people that assumed they didn't havre to go vote for Hillary for her to win and then had an outburst the next day, those are the smartest of them all.
And i stayed home and jerked off instead.
0 - Hillary
this guy here Was gonna vote for Hillary. Spent the whole next day in bed.
I hope y'all are right about trump. I really do.
Praying for no Sup Forums favelas
>Trump even though i live in a state where my vote doesn't matter, so i spent months telling people in Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina to vote for him
I traced my hand and drew a caricature of a rad turkey on a skate board.
"Drumpf" wasnt on the ticket.
Your low IQ is showing.
with an iq of 157 and an experience like you've described surely you agree that electoral college reform would be good for democracy
Have you blown your daily Paki?
It isn't a democracy. If the EC wasn't established, the territories that are now the US would have never agreed to joining. That is true today. It will never change, as it would require a Constitutional amendment to do so.
Jill "Gorilla Nips" Stein got my vote
Was Bernie the better choice?
better than hillary for sure and i'd feel pretty comfortable if it was bernie vs trump because it'd be decent either way. but trump is based af and i'd prefer trump
I know that it isn't a true democracy, which is why i am in favor of electoral college reform
and as for it "never changing," trump won the presidency, so i'm pretty sure lots of things we thought were impossible are in fact possible
oh, and i'm one of the few lefties in favor of electoral college reform who also thinks that trump could have won a true democratic national popular vote if they were both campaigning for it.
I believe it my right to not give a shit what 50+% of Floridians think, and I will not rest until this right is written into law.
136 verbal, 78 performal. Yes, not kidding.
Trump if I could.
but he's so fake and i'm sorry but we don't really care about poor people in other parts of our country. To us middle america is trailer trash.
voted for Trum
136 (Measured by an actual shrink, not some BS website)
Watch out, we have a smartass over here!
I give a fuck about not having this be a nqtion controlled by California. In order to "reform" (and let us be honest, you want it abolished) it, you need to pass an amendment to the Constitution. It won't happen. It's delusional to say otherwise. Also, fuck Commiefornia degenerates.
I wish my IQ was over 190 like these intellectually intelligent intellectuals
you can't pass an amendment that says "this part of the constitution doesn't exist anymore LUL"
165, Trump.
IQ means nothing btw. Might as well call it your Good Goy Score
You can. The 16th amendment is proof of that, dumbass.
i'm not opposed to smaller states having a disproportionately high (by population) say in national politics, its mainly the winner take all system of electors that creates swing states and disenfranchises all non-swing states. I wouldn't propose or support any system in which its impossible for trump to have won in, because trump did win within the system that all candidates were presented with.
As for the plausibility of an ammendment, i'm guessing many states would be for it, as presidential candidates often ignore the interests of states they "have in the bag" even when they don't (cough cough hilliary and dnc hubris.)
And as for congress, trump didn't just defeat the democrats, he also defeated the republicans. We are seeing both parties in crisis, and crisis precipitates change. Throw in the fact that congress is likely full of people who know this and are gonna be making big plays to be on the correct side of things, and trump and bernie's successful populist pitches (which the party who was supposed to push my ideals ignored), and i can easily envision a world in which the next presidential election we have is one in which the system has a greater intent to reflect the will of the people than it did in this time (though i still think it represented the will of the people, i don't think it tried to do so very hard.)
Follow up. I didn't just start thinking about this stuff today like i'm sure many other of my fellow lefties did. I just think that this might be the best opportunity america has ever gotten to at least attempt to fix the problems with our election process, which i'm well aware do not begin or end at the electoral college.
>tfw too intelligent to believe the transfer of power to a 1% by vote isn't a elaborate political-reality-show sham to pacify the masses
Just an ass.
And as most people who are not egotistical assholes will tell you, IQ means fuck all in life.
Don't know my IQ, because I've never been insecure enough to need to find out.
Bernie in the primaries, Stein in the general.
That's actually one of the most important parts of the whole concept of amendments.
If those people got into a room 230ish years ago and said
"people might have new thoughts, but none that contradict our thoughts will ever be valid enough thoughts worthy of being put on the same page as these thoughts"
i would respect the founding fathers a whole lot less.
Speaking of respecting people less, how accurate are these flag icons? I haven't been on in a while.
I'm smart enough to know that they're both shit
I liked this comment.
Many states? Sorry, 34 states won't do it. Put the bong down Commiefornian. Of course you're not opposed to a select few states running the table, like I said before. States will never accept you taking away their voice i elections. This is not a democracy.
I'm aware of who Trump beat. I'm also glad the worthless Marxist windbag got shoah'd by the DNC; Americans are smart enough to not elect a blatant Commie who was cozy to Castro... our indoctrinated youth, however, would make it possible for him to win the general in a truly democratic election. Perhaps a rule about no one currently in highnschool or university cannot vote? Since you're for removing power of smaller states having a voice in our presidential election.
Wait, the masses were pacified? When did that happen.
16th and 23rd amendment did exactly that. Are you not an American, or have a nigger-tier education?
>calls other people commies
>wants to stop fellow Americans from voting just because they disagree with him
now that's what I call a nice meme
desu 25 should be the voting age
lowering it from 21 was not the play
Wasn't aware chimps could vote.
Tested 134.
>not wanting indoctrinated children who don't know the ways of the real world to vote is bad
Go study for your finals
>triple nine society member
>heavy depression my whole life