Rise of Soft Food in the West

Fast food is giving us weak jaws.


Some user started a thread about wisdom teeth and I remembered this lecture. It's worth seeing if you've been thinking about wisdom teeth or your jaw generally.


Other urls found in this thread:


Intresting. My teeth are coming through now and so far I havent felt any pain, 3 have broken the skin so I'm hoping it stays this way.

I'll make sure to chew on some rocks to keep my jaw stronk OP!

chew bone isntead

t. saparmurat niyazov the based meme man

I had 2 wisdom teeth out and felt no pain. I honestly don't know what everyone winges about.

Hard food? What the fuck is hard food? Jawbreakers?

MODS, 12 year old posting

I had 4 wisdom teeth and one infected absessed molar taken out in the same day. No pain after the surgery and woke up from it feeling like a million bucks. Pain from the infection completely gone. Would do again.

Wisdom teeth you baka.

>tfw jaw too strong

I wanted to be a femboi.

Yeah, so?


I had them out and the worst thing was food would end up in the holes left behind.

Wisdom teeth are an evolutionary occurence. They are replacement teeth / backup.

Also ... hard food..? I dunno...
Carrots? Sticks of sugar? Generic Crunchy stuff?

>my wisdom teeth are broken and impacted
WAT DO? i have to extract them but i don't want to be a jawlet forever

My wisdom teeth came out perfectly fine besides from a bit of tooth crowding.

How fucked am I?

i always had tough meat because my dad couldnt cook steaks for shit

all 4 wisdom teeth came through fine

>fast food is bad
gee, ya think so?

you are a funny guy, you really are. just eat vegetables. ever eat raw carrots? you will do nothing BUT chew for the next hour

I'm 21 and haven't had my wisdom teeth removed. Does that mean I wont ever have to have them removed? Also I don't get why people get a general anesthetic when they have them removed, a local is much safer

food doesn't change genetics if nobody starves

If theres no pain dont worry. My dentist refuses to touch them without obvious signs they are fucked/infected.

Food comes out but when they heal though

>Fast food is giving us weak jaws.
Eh, yeah, how is this news.

You people really live in Achmed's basement. At least my gf gets to use the bedroom once in a while.
Go and ask some fucking dentists if you don't know something. Unless you think the entire world is struggling against you. In that case, you're right. No one wants you. At least I'm conscious about it.

Depends. My mother did not need hers removed, and they ended up cramming all her teeth together and making them crooked as fuck. My teeth came in perfectly, so I decided to have my wisdom teeth removed immediately. They came in when I was 23.

You are aware that wisdom teeths can get out as late as never, are you?

I got mine out, do it. Do it as soon as possible, I don't regret a thing. Mine got impacted and then infected because I took so long to get them out.

What kind of pussy ass wisdom teeth do you have, dago?

Got the lower wisdom removed When I was 22, had no Problems before but then one caused an infection.. Wished I Got them out before.. Felt really Bad

I just didn't have the space in my mouth. Nothing to do with food.

small mouth fuckboi

it is in state's responsibility not to have ugly people

control what people eat when? Also beat people who breath on mouth for no reason (like sick or something) with electric baton

A year ago when I saw my dentist they said they don't need to be removed but may do it for pre-caution or something. Also I'm not some wanna be tough or something but I'd rather opt for the local than general (don't like the risk), is it bad with just a local?

I have a question. My lower wisdom teeth came out 1 year ago. On the right side of my jaw the wisdom teeth caused the molar in front of it to slightly crook. Can I buy braces and return everything to its normal state after I remove the wisdom teeth?

this guy says it's bad for jaw development though. i don't want an even weaker jaw

Just had it done on Saturday with only local. It's not painful at all and if your roots haven't come in yet it'll be really easy. 2 of mine had pretty deep roots and they had to shatter them and take them out in pieces. Even then it still wasn't painful.

wisdom teeth are already on their way out

my jaw does look a bit better since my came in. it did get infected for a while but i just rode it out. barely hurts now and my jaw is quite nice.

wtf is this?

Glad to hear. Everyone I know had a general and I always thought they were wimps but this definitely confirms my thoughts

how to deal with a drunk mate at a party who tries to lean on you, just let the cunt fall


give me a tl;dr of this I want to watch my anime before I go to bed.

>comparing whites to Africans

Fucked enough that you made me feel better about mine!

looks fine to me

Ok, macht der Zahnarzt auch Zahnspangen und so oder muss ich da extra zum Kieferorthopäden?

Worst part is the dude stitched my cheeks to the extraction site so I can't close my jaw without biting cheek.

lips together
teeth together
tongue on the roof of the mouth

eat harder foods

Kieferorthopäde. Normalerweise haben die auch Zahntechniker.

Schau unter jameda.de nach, welcher Zahnarzt in deiner Stadt die besten Bewertungen hast; und geh am besten die Kommentare durch.

>being a mouthbreathing jawlet
It's not too late!

>Stephen Hawking BTFO.

So I should eat apples?

Wisdom teeth coming through now and it's hell, can't eat anything without pain and blood.

Who's window am I supposed to throw a brick through to feel better about this? The sugary jew? the dental jew? the fast food jew?

I got mine removed last Tuesday. I'm still in pain. Haven't been able to eat a decent meal all week. Out of pain pills tomorrow so I'm fucked.

Did anyone else here chew on plastic and sweatshirt strings growing up? I'm glad I had that habit now cause of this crimson chin.

is this a meme? my jaw is nice already but i wouldn't mind a little more girth.


God 'intelligentally designed' you to get two completely worthless molars far into adulthood that could probably kill you were it not for modern dentistry.

Explain this:

Examples of Hard Foods to Avoid:

Hard taco shells
French bread crust/rolls
Corn on the cob
Apples and carrots (unless cut into small pieces)
Jolly Ranchers
Pizza crust
Uncooked carrots (unless cut)


I kek'd. I'm interested though.

I'm getting 4 wisdom teeth out next week and the chick said I need to do it under general since local would have to do each individually and take about 4 months in overall recovery.

What are the odds of me surviving general? I've never been under before.

Plus i heard you can permanently lose feeling in your lips and mouth if they fuck up the extraction

This guy doesn't appear to have a particularly strong jaw.

Ok, danke für den Rat. Gehe dann nach Weihnachten hin.


As long as they also have nos its not terrible. Are you squeemish abiut hearing your teeth being shattered and ripped out with pliars? I can still remember the sound of mine and that was 20 years ago.

They whine because wisdom teeth evolved as a means of replacing molars previously destroyed. Presumably this mutation made old men able to eat and therefore continue to impregnate bitches in the past.

But today those teeth are preserved. I had my wisdom teeth pulled and I feel cheated. They were brand new and cavity free. Now I'm stuck with molars that have survived the Hiroshima of tooth decay, which is an addiction to Coca-Cola.

Is this what I think it is?


Never got my wisdom teeth an Eskimo must have had a nice holiday here or I cannot into wisdom.

There's tons of pain but not during the procedure.
It's when the anesthesia wears off and your body goes
>hol up, someone just cut up my flesh and forcefully ripped out a part of the skeleton HURT HURT HURT

I had all 4 wisdom teeth growing in exactly perpendicular to my other teeth and I feel bad for you.

shit I read that wrong
what I said is still true though

I'm 32 and a jawlet, I sometimes get a feeling of pressure in my left ear if I clench my teeth too hard and when I brush my teeth blood comes from the area around my left bottom wisdom tooth. That area is also quite sensitive when I run a toothbrush over the top of my teeth back there. Should I get that wisdom tooth removed?

What? That's silly, I had 6 teeth pulled under local when I was like 10.
Luckily I get to keep my wisdom teeth though.

Go to the dentist

Odds of death are around 5% I think and the odds of nerve damage is about 40-50% depending on your age. Obviously, increases with the more teeth you need removed along with your weight and age.

I did, he didn't say anything about cracked teeth or cavities, and said he could remove that tooth but isn't 100% certain it would stop the pain, I've been waiting to see if it gets better on it's own and it has gotten somewhat better but I'm probably going to call tomorrow and make an appointment to get that tooth extracted.

Dentist here

Dude, the source of basically all dental problems is cooked food. Studies shows that tribes living in the amazons and eating only roots, uncooked meat and shit like that have perfects teeth.
You need to absolutely remove the wisdom teeth 1.8 (see pic) before it destroy the root of the 17. It could be already too late.

Also the 46 need to be removed as soon as possible so you can actually straighten the 47 and 48.

A rx should be considered because even if you don't feel pain there is the chance that they cause damage to other teeth like in the spanish guy case. If they don't do that then it's pretty safe to just keep them.

yeah, it could also straighten itself thanks to masticatory forces once the wisdom teeth is no longer there. But it heavily depends on how and how much it's crooked.

If your dentist isn't the brother of Conan the barbarian the risk is nonexistent. Even in the worst case when the nerve is damaged it recover in a few months. To lose permanently the feeling you need to cut the nerve, which is ground for being expelled from the medical order.

Also that's bullshit, it's true bone take months to heal completely but after one or two weeks the wound is basically closed. General is only used for people that already have problems, I don't know of anybody that used it for Wisdom teeth.

and of course i forgot the pic

I think it might be more common practice in Australia. I was under general and local when I got mine removed. Mine were causing relatively severe pain on and off by the time I got them removed however, if that counts as a problem.

Hey, I know I need one wisdom tooth removed. It came in kind of crooked, and eventually the part of it facing away from my tongue shattered, so there is like a big hole in it. It just crumbled away. I'm wondering if that would make it a lot harder for them to remove? It seems like if they just grabbed it with liars it would completely shatter and not come out. It actually doesnt hurt anymore, except for when the sharp pieces cut into my cheek bone, but I'm worried it'll get infected. Send help!

Am I legitimately the only person in this thread who didn't need anything done for his wisdom teeth coming out? Great teeth genetics master race. Never even needed braces

larper here


I'm getting my lower wisdom teeth removed by surgery soon, general anaesthetic and all. One has grown horizontal, they're both rotting and the pain is unbearable. It'll be nasty, but afterwards - Kek willing - I'll be able to chew without feeling like my jaw's going to explode.

Depends on how the procedure goes and how deep the roots go. Sometimes it works, sometimes it's a disaster. My first top one came out nicely and I never had any pain or bleeding episodes, even though it was so rotten the part below the gums had turned brown. The second one was in a much better shape, but it broke in half during the pulling and it stung like hell once the local anaesthetic wore off, and a full five days later (in the middle of the night, too) the wound reopened by itself and bled for twelve consecutive hours.

Wisdom teeth often only pop out of your gums when you're around 18-21 years old. I'm 23, and mine have only popped out in the last five years.

What color is your skin?

What's the summary of the argument here?

I have two bottom wiswom teeth breaking through but they aren't causing me any problems at all, though there doesn't seem to be space for either of them. I'm hoping my body will reject them and they'll just be pushed sideways and into my throat while I'm sleeping so I can die in my sleep.

Anybody here chew Mastiha gum?

Fucking how

No, problems that require general here in italy are patients heavily not collaborant (retarded childs) or heavily compromised by other systemic hillnesses. And even then you usually go for conscious sedation, intead of general.

Yeah, a shattered crown make it harder to safely remove a tooth. Still, it doens't make it very hard, it's just a thing you don't leave first year training students do. Any dental surgeon with a modicum of experience can do that without much problems. I heavily suggest to have them looked by a dentist because a tooth with a hole in it has an very high risk to get infected, and you don't want an infected tooth, trust me.

Dude, look at this.

You kind of look like the 12 year old now.

This post got dark real fast

This man is a fraud and not taken serious. The mouthbreathing vs strong jaw thing people post along with him is nothing but a meme. Ever notice how parents with long faces also get children with long faces and vice versa?

T. Orthodontist

When will they ever learn ??!?1112/1???

Who else 32 teeth masterrace here?

Is there anyone more pathetic than cavity cucks?


>Chew hard food goy.
>You wont have your teeth break later in life if you do and need to be replaced.
2 broke teeth, one was removed due to how severe the break is. Your teeth will fucking crack over time eating hard shit, I ate hard shit all my life and thats why they fucking cracked.

It's Tooth Loss

Apples, meat that isn't cocked to mush, carrots etc.

I never had an issue with mine. I am actually missing one and each place where my wisdom teeth grew in I had little shards of tooth that pushed through in like grade school and the have a strange shape.

>country is literally a fucking toothpaste
>still has extensive toothdecay


My dick