Whoa....is...is he gonna be okay?
Whoa....is...is he gonna be okay?
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>MFW he starts to do a German accent in his following videos while quoting German officials
He did that in the Russian video last week and it made me cringe all until the end.
I watch his videos every now and then but I don't think I've ever seen one where he's this angry. I've been hearing a lot of feedback from family and friends, as well as reading a lot of comments online. Could this be the straw that breaks the camel's back?
can't wait for the new maine streem meteor on this topic either.
>(((von Berg)))
>supercultural society
He's gone off the deep end!
I'm really starting to worry about him. I think he's about to pull a kanye and get the ol' hospital bed treatment.
You guys aren't projecting your psychology into Stefan in this thread are you? I hope not. He's fine, these terrorist attacks happen at lot as a matter of fact, and Stefan is quick to make videos on them. Don't be new, ignorance is the path to hell.
If you haven't noticed, Stefan has gone FULL Sup Forums
>Stefan: "New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger(with obvious accent), ah another SCOT?"
Sulzberger is Jewish, he seems to be aware of the (((repeating))) theme.
He is not full Sup Forums. He still says the "Jews seem hwyte to me".
He looks weir with hair.
he broke out of it like 5 seconds in, and it was the worst accent ever
wish hed quit with the theatrics, and its painful to sit through his galaxy sized hyperbolic metaphors too
Did you even watch the video? He's completely different in this one. When he talks about the German Christmas tree fallen over in the street you can see in his face that this video isn't like all his others.
Stef has been fucking losing it for years, ever since his gay faggoty ancap beliefs were upended by reality.
You should have seen him when he was a teenager
Completely different person, he looked like American propaganda of a nazi youth
When he talked to the Jew about the hypocrisy of supporting open borders in the US and the West as opposed to Israel he said "so only white countries should have open borders"? implying that he doesn't think Jews are white.
He likes to act. He's absolutey right though. Europe must fight these beasts. Maybe.. just maaaaybe don't let them get into their countries.
More of these attacks will happen. People are waking up.
I just don't think that way. You are being too ambivalent. He makes the same videos every time a terrorist attack happens, it's just real reporting where standard news is not stating the true nature of the attack, that it is terrorism. They instead weasel around the word, saying truck attack instead. Now Stefan is just doing real reporting on this fucking insane Jihad that is going on. It really is emotional. But there is nothing out of the ordinary with Stefan here.
this is the first stefan molyneux video ive watched all the way through, and the one dollar thing.
is this why you guys like him? because hes a fucking crazy person. definite cultist
He is probably more Jew wise than most, but remember that Canada do have laws protecting the holocaust, not sure about general anti semitism.
Also he is literally a jew, but hates his Jewish mother
Are we sure he's Jewish though? In an old speech he said his mother is Jewish, in another newer video he says that he is not remotely Jewish.
>People are waking up.
I really wonder why all the sheep must go through all the suffering before the common sense finally kicks in.
this world is so retarded.
Too comfortable in their own little worlds. So as long as it does not shock their senses, or affect them personally, they will just keeping going about their ways. Until it impacts everyone simultaneously, then people may begin to act.
so they really do live in a bubble. makes sense.
He's Irish you fucking spastic
His mother is Jewish, but he doesn't practice the religion
Caliph molymeme (no aggression be upon him) needs to take his pills
His mother came from a jewish household, but wasnt jewish neither was her mother.
He said in a video a while back that it's for those who listen to him but don't watch (that would be me) so when he's reading a quote you know it's a quote.
Is he doing a state play in front of his webcam again?
I dislike it when he gets overly emotional to please the plebs.
does anyone have a compilation or playlist of him slowly becoming redpilled? From Retarded ancap to authoritatian?
my foreskin is hairy
I'd like to watch this too desu.
Stopped watching stef, his videos have become emotion > information. No thanks, Steph.
hi stefan