13-year-old Israeli girl stabbed to death in her bedroom


>invades Palestine
>complains when they fight back
Oh cry me a river!

Other urls found in this thread:


Ugly as FUCK

>killing innocent defenceless children is fighting back

Let me guess, you're a muslim aren't you?

she's fine actually. but her 'tragedy' will be a justification to kill more palestians for some talmudic kikebbalah occult winter ritual

Nope, they're a labour supporter.
Much worse.

No but you've pushed them to the edge.

>killing innocent defenceless children is "protecting borders"

Let me guess, you're a kike arent' you?

I supported UKIP even if they are cucky.

it was just a kike. who cares? 5,999,999 more to go senpai.

Are jews the most masochistic race on the planet?
Jews marries blacks at a much higher rate than whites do, all this race mixing propaganda will destroy jewish culture and ethnicity before it will end European..
They suffer from Islam to a much higher degree than any other group. Not only the Israel/Palestine thing, but also in the west where they are now almost forced to flee.

And despite of this, then they are the most enthusiastic group in the world about Islam and Africa. They are so hellbend on destroying western civilization that they are willing to sacrifice themselves in their attempt.