just kill yourself
I bet he cries to sleep every night, knowing the world he lives in is dying.
>World he lives in
You mean the world that lives in him?
>Cuz, you know, he's fat.
na I bet he is fucking happy Trump won cause now he can make more shitty movies
Seems like he said it in jest, I could imagine the tone of a person slowly accepting forced beyond his control cannot be stopped no matter how much rallying they throw out.
This made my day, I hate that fat fuck.
Trump going to be your president for 1460 days after January 20! So please mikey fatty go kill yourself, Canada has weight and retard limit.
he wouldn't be such a faggot if he would've lived under actual communism.
actual communists weren't SJW's, they hated degeneracy and locked up people like Michael Moore for breakfast
Shitty movie about the electoral college is a certainty.
2920 days
What are these? Always deleted before I see them.
Doesn't this guy has anything better to do with his time? Shitposting here is even more productive.
>Next idea?
This shows just how much these shits have respect for election results or anything for that matter they simply don't like
>Next idea?
How about letting Trump serve his DEMOCRATICALLY elected term and having another election in 4 years time where you can throw him out if you dont like him like normal.
Is every fucking election going to be like this from now on? If Republicans dont like a Dem pres-elect in future is it going to be ok for them to use every trick in the book to stop them from being President?
>Doesn't this guy has anything better to do with his time?
If you haven't noticed, 99% of the hilldog supporters are people in Hollywood.
And to answer your question, no they don't have anything to do. They live in mansions and everyone around them is a peasant.
They make 1-2 movies per year and make 10 million+ dollars per movie.
next one will probably a assassination attempt with western media applauding it
I told you this is EXACTLY how it would go.
>Russian Fake News claims didn't work
>Russian Hacking claims didn't work
>The Electors Will Flip! didn't work
Will be one of two. Not sure of the order.
They'll try and pin the assassination on an Alt-Right terrorists disappointed that "Drumpf Didn't Drain The Swamp!".
Since that's a narrative they've been pushing for weeks.
Patton Oswalt asked a literal ISIS terrorist on twitter to launch terrorists attacks against Trump company locations and their employees.
He deleted it and said it was a "poorly considered joke".
They cannot assassinate him. He has the best assassination insurance. If they kill him, Mike "Electric Fence" Pence will take over. They wouldnt want that.
This guy is just clawing desperately for relevance. One of my buddies actually met him recently in person while he was protesting outside trump tower. Said he looked way older and much worse in person than on tv. And on TV he looks like dogshit. He probably won't even live through trumps first term.
>Is every fucking election going to be like this from now on?
Most likely. The republic is old. It probably doesn't have a lot of elections left in it.
Fug I love Pence. He's so fucking comfy.
Moore will die of a heart attack the week before the inauguration.
I thought Trump was the fear mongerer?
some german spamming that he has the first post best post in every thread
What I cant understand about Liberals is what do they think will happen if they succeed? Do they really think that half of America will be happy that the election has just been stolen from them. The Right of America has just had to grin and bear 8 years of Obama yet Liberals are unable to accept 4 years of Trump?
Democracy needs a lot of goodwill from both sides to make sure it doesn't devolve into fighting and Dems are now eroding that goodwill at such an amazing rate.
Report him to the FBI. He's literally calling for people to murder Trump.
There is literally nothing you can do now legally. Maybe WW3 will start last minute invalidating the election. But thats fucking doubtful
They assassinate trump, they get Mike "Zap 'em til they're straight" Pence as their President.
That would not invalidate the election. We had elections during the Civil War.
babytears so delicious
It's time for that retard to die. Which will happen soon anyway.
This retard is using nigger kid lingo.
At the very least he cries himself to sleep because even with millions of dollars and multiple homes a woman will never touch him.
Michael Moore's heart explodes if Kek wills it!
He still does make movies it's just his last two were massive flops. I think the last one went pretty much straight to blueray
Dude is rich. I don't think he is sorry at all. I think he laughs himself to sleep about the gullible teens that buys his shit.
The Congress still have to accept the election result.
Death threat to congress!
Man I remember when he made a documentary in the 80's-90's about Walmart moving in to small towns and forcing mom and pop stores to close down.
What the fuck has he become?
Moore is next on the chopping block
Fucker offered bribes to electors. He should be prosecuted and stuffed into a federal jail cell. Then he will have something to really whine about.