Dear India, if you exterminate the Pakis

I promise to not laugh about the absence of toilets in your country anymore.

poo in the loo

first post best p ost haha /thread

Sikhs are bro tier.


I also promise to lay off about the designated abortion hogs

Me too I fucking hate those inbred savages for ruining Yorkshire with childrape and drugs

We don't touch american cum chinese toilets.

Poo in the loos do more to defend themselves from mudslimes then speedbumps yet speedbumps somehow look down on them.

You dont get to say shit untill le pen is president.

Pakis are being funded by Americans and chinks though.

man some countries are fucked up

We wont surrender to the false song of French negociations



Indians on Sup Forums will never have to read POO IN LOO again. They will become the most respected flag on the site.



^THIS^ America funds Pakistan to fuck Russia, which makes India America's enemy (or at least adversary).

In a sane world, America would ally with India and let Pakistan fuck off back to the 7th century.

Maybe Trump will make the world sane again.


The world would be infinitely better with Pakistan gone and its not even like if India does it they get accused of being racist like white countries would and have to pay 6 gorillion in reperations.


Eat a huge curry and all projectile shit simultaneously into Pakistan. They'll drown in shit within minutes.

Shut you Kraut C U C K

the driver of the truck in berlin is paki muslim

Kill Him First u silly Kraut C U C K

We need to meme a SHART-POO alliance together

>both present/future superpoopers
>both have POO POO PEE PEE problems
>both hate mudslimes
>modi and trump both like each other
>both have dalit/nigger problems
>Israel is the (((greatest ally))) for both nations

Non country (Belgium)
Tourist in Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur all Nice and clean almost like first world country,
Come in Indian part of city,
Rancid shit rubbish everywhere ,
Everything smells like a combination of shit,roti and curry
Bollywood techno music blasting from 1980s proton saga
Why do they turn every place they live in to a shithole?

India truly is the greatest ally

What were you doing in the Indian part of your city?

Indiabros what do you think of the new tax slabs being reported in the media?

>Quoting sources, India Today also said while people in the Rs 4-10 lakh income group may be taxed at 10%, 15% tax is likely for the 10-15 lakh income group. Similarly, while people in the Rs 15-20 lakh income group may have to pay 20% tax, 30% tax may be imposed on those having income above Rs 20 lakh.

1 lakh = 1.5k USD roughly for foreigners ITT

I think it will be pretty amazing desu

Nuke pakis pleaseeee

>when even France laughs at the state of your lavatorial facilities
poor India

Dear India, you and the Paks are basically the same human shit. Please dont start war and immigrate by the millions to other nations. Stay in in your Loos

Dear India, please take your gypsies back.

Do you fucking foreigners really think it matters what tou think of us?
we'll be killing the paki mudshit whether you fucking like us or not. Fuck off.

I'm surprised your Dogshit country hasn't burst into a mushroom cloud simply by the amount of shit induced methane fog smothering the streets... Jesus, just looking at this photo makes me wonder how the fuck you savages are still alive...