So Germanbros, what's the mode in Germany now? Are you guys finally getting ready to uncuck yourselves?
No way, they've just started having fun.
Also, first post best post.
>having fun
Implying they're about to get the France treatment and have attacks every other week?
You been visited by the autonomous truck driving lobby
! ||l “”|””\__,_
the fuck is this shit?
Nah were incredibly happy to vitue signal, pray, and apologize to our Muslim leaders.
Cause you know what's worse then civilians getting slaughtered by refugees ? The party I don't agree 100% getting votes !
Everyone one of you fucks better start growing some balls and speaking up or Europe and Germany is dead. It only takes the courage of one to get people talking. Emperors new clothes and whatnot
Nah, at Facebook people have to write a wall of text first, before they can give condolences to what happened in Berlin, since leftists and muslims tear everyone appart who does so, since what happenes in Syria is much worse.
Other than that, what politicians say is the usual "the best way to fight them is to normally go on with oir lives".
>Also, first post best post.
Doesn't work that way
Muh autonomus driving truck lobby trying to false flag everyone to push their agenda implementation of autonomus trucks, also killing that poor Keglevich in Turkey related with autonomus electric vehicle pipeline worth nothing.
Im on some bad trip hence fingers not compliant fully trying hard to type.
| ||l “”|””\__,_
Theyre in
"Isolated attack, not all Muslims, respect the refugees" mode currently.
Soon they'll be in "bring more refugees in to show people refugees arent evil" mode
Nah mate. State-media-migrants are shilling in full force.
They have broken the peoples will a long time ago.
fuck that. Did you guys learn nothing from Trump? If you say something "controversial" and stick to it, the left/media has no power over you. The reason why people would get BTFO'ed in the past is because they would back down. Just grow some balls and stick your guns and values and you'll win.
I wouldn't use the term "bros" until they uncuck themselves.
Don't be hasty with such words of friendship with a leftist nation.
The Common feel is an astonishing Wave of "meh" or "but what's really sickening are the comments in Facebook!!!!!"
Wake me up. Can't Wake Up.
that's what I'm saying though. People need to say fuck this "not all muslims" shit and stop being cucked and kick these fuckers back to the sand pits they came out of
digit confirm. Fair enough
>Germany=literal scum dumpster
Damn son. Checked.
Nothing will change with a single event (unless it's a 9/11-scale attack by a refugee), but this feeds into a slowly simmering atmosphere of distrust and insecurity and a feeling that the current politicians are incompetent/unwilling to do anything.
8% support Trump in Germany. The rest describes him as an evil, racist, xenophobe, sexist, uneducated idiot. What did you expect?
I expect that 8% to start following his example and fighting against these communist and suicidal fuckers
No way, this libcuck infested shithole will always be like that
Trumps latest statement basically declared war on Islam so you might want to distance yourselves from the incoming bombs.
wait what? I was busy all day yesterday so I missed out on a bunch, what did Trump say?
Voting for Merkel for 4th time in 2017 would literally be suicide
Fuck those cunts if that's true! They deserve attacks then.
Which is why it'll happen. Most germans hate themselves too much to try and save their country. After all, that would be racist.
What is Morocco ?
You are one of the main reasons why I hate Muslims. Maroccans are one of the most parasitic people on the earth.
Trump said the Islamic State group "and other Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad."
Trump called the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey at a photo exhibit “a violation of all rules of civilized order.” He added that a “radical Islamic terrorist” had assassinated the diplomat Adrew Karlov.
He added that these terrorists and their regional and worldwide networks "must be eradicated from the face of the earth" and pledged to carry out that mission with "all freedom-loving partners."
Mad Merkel has to go. How many Germans have to be murdered in the streets before the German folk say enough is enough?
Time for Merkel to go and for those fake refugees to go too.
shhhh ...dont mention the ma-roccans.
Hey Ho
Merkel's got to go
The Germans have been beaten down and brainwashed so intensely for so long now that I think there will have to be some type of outside interference for anything to happen in a real way. But you never now, history surprises us all.
>Also, first post best post.
You have to go back
>No way, they've just started having fun.
Fucking this. It is just the beginning and my mood gets better everyday. This time, Europe will join!
German citizens need to start doing the same thing against the mudslimes ,the use of pigs in this acts should be paramount
People are slowly waking up. The radical leftist will live in denial until their death but normal people have realized that refugees aren't intellectual doctors who flee from war like the media told us. The only people who still live in their bubble where everything is okay are liberal students and old DDR communists.
On the internet it seems like the germans are still cucked but that's because leftists and young people control social media. Most normal and working people simply don't have time to spend 2 hours a day tweeting about #notallmuslims.
The hero you need. I honestly don't know why ze Germans don't go all ww2 on those garbage refugees. When did Germany become the land of acceptance and cuckoldry.
>When did Germany become the land of acceptance and cuckoldry.
When the fuck do you think?