How can anyone be so deluded? Do American leftists really think they can somehow change the vote?
How can anyone be so deluded? Do American leftists really think they can somehow change the vote?
how can anyone get fpbp
by being me of course
spicy new meem
>mfw lefties don't know about the coming jeb surge
>people are starting to wake up in the US
And that's why Trump won and why HRC's little unfaithful electors trick didn't work.
Is Moore going to assassinate Trump?
He would be killing two birds with one stone.
youre the same britbong fag from the other thread kys
>muh slaves getting extra votes
>black people were counted as 3/5ths
>now are 5/5ths
Get a load of this fat fuck who can't do math
>muh irony that a "racist" system benefited a candidate who "spews racism"
Holy fucking shit what a fucking idiot. That is like the fucking antithesis of being ironic. Having a racist system benefit a racist candidate is exactly what you would expect. But his points dont even matter cause niggers can fucking vote now
This has to be bait. He really riled me up, the meme master
They come out of the wood work to get shekels during a republican presidency. I havent seen olberman or Michael Moore this much since bush.
The only way to stop trump is to kill him. Then Jeb can become our new God Emperor
I dont understand. He gave one hell of a pro-trump speech.
Yeah people are starting to wake up, that's why Hitlary lost.
>hillary clinton won the election
no. and i bet non-citizens voted in sanctuary cities.
I think he means literally waking up from being asleep
Shouldn't have messed with tov. Sanders. The socialists avenge their comrades.
Who's ready to win a fourth time?
For Moore and Olbermann it's not about what they believe personally. It's about the party.
They're from a time when you were a Democrat before anything else regardless of policy. It wouldn't matter if the Dems ran a literal pedophile or the corpse of Robert E Lee, or a half eaten subway sandwich they would support the nominee regardless.
I don't understand, what is this new meme? Is it supposed to be funny? Am I missing something?
Pls respond, I don't want to be left out :(
this isn't new. It's literally "first" comments that 12 year olds plague youtube with
>Obama declared not president due to fake birth certificate
>George W. Bush defaults to being the current president, since he was the last real president and both of Obama's inaugurations were fraudulent
>declares national emergency and discards electoral college vote
>says if you aren't with him, then you're with the terrorists
>appoints his brother Jeb as the next president on January 20th
>tfw leftists trying to stop madness
top kek