Please, stop with the "deus vult" shit...

please, stop with the "deus vult" shit. we all know that people who post that crap are fat fuck degenerates who have nothin better to do. you will never go on a crusade, you will never have your inner city limits heroism so just whack it to some fake ass bitch on the net and drink ur coca cola and eat ur jewdonalds served shit. trump will fuck you in the ass just like bush did. europe gladly deported anyone worthy of staying and invited these savages in, they should deal with that crap.

pic related: white crusaders crusading the car.

please stop being a faggot


reply to this post because it is the fpbp.

Deus vault nigga. Give me a gun and a ticket to whatever mudslime country you want and I'll crusade. Not like I'm doing anything with this life anyway


What's the story behind that pic? is that in Sweden?

Deus Vult
We must drive the saracens from Sweden and the holy land

I'm going to remember that.

Based Australia Red Version.

That's our evil twin

what in the actual fuck is "fbbp" ?

it would be better to use actual words instead of speaking kangaroo dude.

i cant pay for you ticket, but i will gladly give you my adress to come and crusade me. please, come i wanted kill an kangaroofuckin rottenteeth since i was 15. bring your whole family too, everyone who is a man, bring it bitch. ur nothing but a pathetic excuse of a man.

You fucking fag the day of the rope is comming and you gayass shit will hang DEUS VULT INFIDEL.

>third world savages with opinions

Its true.
True kebab removers say Santiago y cierra.

10 bucks i say this Germoney or the Caliphate of Toronto

if it wasnt for big daddy clinton there would be no serbs no more.

pic related:
i bet the little burgerboy is in 2 friendzones at the same time. even lower than omega.

said the romanian gipsy. yall make me laugh my soup outta my mouth. see post 330 the last quote is for you aswell. just holla and no problem. we can have combat at any time. im done fucking around with you people. so back up ur bitch ass claim and come to my country. i will face u alone and fuck you up so bad your gipsy mom will have to bathe you with nettles to heal ur anus like in the old gipsy traditions.

nobody asked you for shit. gtfo.

>what in the actual fuck is "fbbp" ?
"first post best post" aka "i am retarded" aka another forced meme

im legit son. you want proof?
or maybe is it penis you want?

neck yourself turkroach

i dont lurk Sup Forums very often cause i got shit to do.
i had to ask.


Autism : The Country!

Why do you talk like a edgy COD cheetos faggot?

hows those nig genes comin along? is ur hair curly?

>moro already butthurt
This is efficiency lads.

i talk how i like. i dont have to be polite on a fat american pedo site to anyone, not even a gipsy cunt.

You're a mudslime turkroach rape baby


i legit didnt mention spain anywhere. so still, gtfo.

Go back to raping goats

I mean i understand you are trying to make me feel bad , and everyone else but we dont have any feels.
So your shitting is futile, plus u mad already!

im all turk boy, straight outta Sancak.

im right where i need to be. come on, please prove ur toughness u little shit. come on. i fuckin dare you hoe.


You say it im such a way as if you think that it's upsetting me. On the contrary I find it hilarious how you would admit to being a roach

i just dont care about ur land. ur fucked enough as is. but you had to shit in my post so retaliation is the only option. like all the others.

Of course not, but it is spain job to BTFO moors everywhere.

Now cry a river muhammed.

Agreed, OP

you see me as a roach, i see you as an inbred kings slave half nigger. whats so wrong about it?

nah. ur job is to produce gay ass rebeldeway and tv soaps for lonely mature hairy cunts. shut the fuck up and give me my tele.

Only a meme. We have one of the most diverse genepools in Europe.
>slave half nigger
Genuinely kek'd at how jealous you are of my superior genetics.

where the fuck did all the special forces crusaders go? i was just gettin ready.

Fuck off with your made up country cunt. Has anybody here even heard of Bratzelwurst & Hizzelldibbelina before? I'm pretty sure you are just another Albanian gypsy prostitute living in a burnt out car.
I hope the Serbs rape your mother again when they come and burn your village down (again).
Deus Vult

"only a meme" did your mom tell you youre white again?

Why you so mad?

Because bosnia is serbian?

i dont like siptari. i actually have a house thanks for asking. you dont have shit on me man. keep burgering.

not cause of that, i could care less cause it aint true. i cant stand watching people flail their dick around on the internet thinking it makes them gangsta. my offer still stands for everyone and anyone. even for you mr. spanish crusader. please visit me and i promise you will never forget the beautiful pavements we have here. i can even promise you the ones in our capital have never been eaten by serb military so you would be the first crusader to do so. it should be an honor for a man such as yourself.


What was the OP photo?

>T. Ahmed akbar rezdić

Opinion discarded.

i dont really know. grabbed it from Sup Forums a couple minutes back.

i dont get that criptyc pol assburger hide from mom language. you gotta be more specific if ur trollan.

i guess everyone went to crusade some burgers. fuck it, im out aswell. later homos.


>being this new
I wish I was as new as you

yea you too.

im not even new, i just dont care man. i wanna see where the fighters are. thats why i came here where it all comes from on the internet. i actually wanna fuck up someone. is that too much to ask for?


wow what a shock

are you even suprised to see an actual person with an actual identity here instead of fat assburger hoes hiding behind VPN?

Shut the fuck up you literal piece of subhuman garbage. Do you want to know something, to have an actual realization? You are a Turk. A lowest of the low. Not only that, you live in Bosnia. Let that sink in, your empire got BTFOd by white christians, and then the very Greeks you conquered were your demise. You live in Bosnia, one of the poorest of the Balkan countries, and ((magically)), one of Islamic.

You are shit, you're living in shit, and you put yourself in a pedastal above everybody here.

Worst of all, you're a fucking dumb newfag.

Neck yourself - Sup Forums

i dont care about far history.
thanks god im a turk. we might be poor but we have balls. we survived the entire ex-yu military arsenal. what did you survive you little transgender? burger heart attack? you have never seen suffering, i had to fucking steal to be able to eat. and i had to steal a lot because i have a family. fuck your bullshit board and his cuck owner. i come here to piss on people like yourself and then i laugh away into freedom wich my family earned by burning down serbians on a pile. ur nothing to me but a tiny inbred insect roaming this useless earth and eating your shit nuggets until you pay your mortrage off. go die in an acid bath you walking penis.