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i get the i squared is -1 part, but i-i = 1?

No, in fact the opposite.

Calculus should be taught Freshman year of high school, as Algebra and Geometry should've already been covered in detail in middle school, not freshman year of college.

Fuck I hate American education...

I'm guessing they meant to write (i)(-i) or i times -i.

is Mozart still alive?

>Who's responsible for this and how do we fix it?

You know (((((who))))).


as a software engineer this is hilarious.
what kind of an idiot has a problem with babies first variables ( algebra ).

It's a new imaginary number

My [wife's] son is in elementary school. For the most part, people expect so little from the kids.

>imaginary numbers

Oh god please no.

But seriously, fuck dumbing down the education system even more.

>My daughters are taking the same courses I took long ago: algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. These are all fine subjects, but they don’t serve the needs of the 21st century.

>What math courses do young people really need? Two subjects are head-smackingly obvious: computer science and statistics.

We need computer science and statistics, never mind the fact that both require perfect understanding of algebra an calculus. And calculus requires trigonometry and geometry.

That's like saying that you don't need to know how to read/write, because we have computers now.

How fucking retarded can people get? How much of an ego does one have to have, in order to right such a retarded article and feel good enough about it, that they decide to post it?

The only things you're learning in school are socialisation and scientific method. Remove math/chemistry/physics and just call it "dumbification" system.

i like this new meme, roo. keep it up.

What people don't understand is why do people expect everybody to pass math? Some people won't. Some won't go to the Uni either, and there's nothing bad in it. In Poland it's super hard to find young welders but sociologists are everywhere, where's the logic in it?

>What people don't understand i
what I don't understand*

Sociologists would make terrible welders. Mathematicians would make at least decent welders.

Majority of people who waste their time studying sociology or whatever else meme degree are misguided individuals who went to high school instead of trade school because they parents told them and then to uni because everbody else was doing this. At least in Poland, I knew a decent bunch of them. Uni was simply waste of time for those guys.

If anything I want highschool to introduce set theory. Most of higher math depends on this and it clarifies thinking. Unions, intersections, all intuitive and fun really.
Calc was simple plug and chug

Some people need 2 hours to understand some shit, some get it after 20 mins.
What bugs me is that people claim I don't understand and most of them did not put enough effort in order to understand it.
Most of the math I know I learned it on my own.

But they also did poorly in math. Sociology and all these garbage degrees are for low IQ people. I don't know much about welding, but a carpenter needs to understand a little bit of basic math or at least how to apply it (for example the pythagoras theorem is implicitly used in carpentry and landscaping).

>Calculus should be taught Freshman year of high school, as Algebra and Geometry should've already been covered in detail in middle school, not freshman year of college.

Agreed. Then we could teach 2 years of Calculus based Physics and Chemistry and STEM majors wouldn't have to waste a year doing prerequisites in College. And lay people would be far less likely to buy into bogus miracle products that give them free energy or improve their mileage.

I would love to see geometry replaced with proof/discrete math course but education "reformers" never bring up the idea.

>And calculus requires ... and geometry

Not really, Calculus, Trigonometry, and Algebra more or less replace Geometry.

>What people don't understand is why do people expect everybody to pass math

The same reason we expect everybody to read at an adult level or be able to drive a car.

((( )))
>(((Who's))) (((responsible))) (((for))) (((this))) (((and))) (((how))) (((do))) (((we))) (((fix))) (((it))) (((?)))

I agree we should remove most of the emphasis on calculus in high school but not for the dumb reason this writer has dreamed up, and I know quite a few professors who believe the same actually.

Most important factor in acing an undergrad calc class is strong trig fundamentals and solid algebra skill. So many students come to college having "learned calculus" while being absolute shit at the fundamentals, and have no concept really of what the hell they're doing

>you only need to be able to bake a cake
>knowing how to crack eggs or not is irrelevant
These people need some gassing
It's literally the cultural revolution

>murica complains once again

Computer courses (and not retard-tier introductions to javascript and other such pajeet-tier bullshit) should definitely be mandatory. The fact that most kids nowadays spend 6 hours a day on Facebook/Youtube yet have never touched a command line or terminal emulator digits me on a deep level, and the world would be a much better place if every high schooler knew how to install gentoo.


Sounds like you're the only person in this thread who has actually taken college level math courses.

Too many people were in my calculus courses just like the ones you described. They took "calc" in high school then fail miserably when they find out they don't actually know the material in college.

If you took a computer course you'd know how to save and post a fucking image instead of linking to it like you did back on Reddit. Thanks for demonstrating my point, nigger.

>tfw three years of highschool specialist math, computer assisted math and physics to max uni entrance score
>study accounting
>completely forget how to integrate
>can't even apply basic probability in Sup Forums autism quiz threads