Tfw my cuck friends are always completely silent when there's a happening in germany because they fucking know that it...

>tfw my cuck friends are always completely silent when there's a happening in germany because they fucking know that it was the religion of peace but they don't want to admit it.

they just shrug it off

every. single. time

how can you not care about your own fucking country? what the fuck

what should I do? find new friends? uncuck them?

Other urls found in this thread:

Beruhig doch lol Einzelfälle passieren halt ab und zu

Because were not having a real discussion.

Europeans dont want muslim immigration of any kind. But they cant express this in public, so we have to argue over crime and terrorism.

Its not that sometimes they blow themselves up or drive a truck into people. Its that we dont want them here in general. Peroid.


Wenn deine Freunde solche politkorrekten Spasten sind, dann bist du auch ein Spast.

4th Reich when?

>uncuck them?

You know what to do.

>But they cant express this in public
we can and we do

Islam needs to be shoved right into their numale faces for them to understand. Maybe false flag as a supporter of Islam and tell them of all the good things Islam brings, like slavery and other shit, while denouncing the oppressive western ideas like music

Are you cucks going to kick merkle out? Or what?

I had the same problem last year, when the invasion started.
I found new friends.

>being cucked by cucks


>paki ''''refuge'''' drives truck into crowd
>german cuck: muh nazis

Theyre not even thinking about what they are saying. It's 100% conditioning and virtue signalling at this point.

redpill them

I'm always silent too. Selfcensoring out of fear to offend people and have career disadvatages. I know, that's not right but what can I do?


>I know, that's not right but what can I do?

Become self-employed.

They do care. You just need to remember that as a German you are conditioned from a young age to repress those thoughts. Also, when you are having those thoughts you are overwhelmed with guilt (think the ending of a Clockwork orange).
My wife is German so I've studied her attitude over the last 5 years that we are together. She o yo started listening during the (((refugee crisis)))

This happened 20 minutes ago:
>In the store shopping
>The radio is discussing the attack in Berlin
>Host (woman) says she has on the line a "young" student, who's currently studying politics in Berlin
>Asks him "Why do such terror attacks happen in Germany, when migrants are treated so good there?"
>Voice starts answering
>It's literally a 50+ year old man
>Can practically see his stalinstache over the radio
>"No one could have predicted such a thing"
>"Despite the numerous warnings from the government, no one thought this would be possible"
>"Germany has a very progressive model of politics, but there is more "we" can do to help the "victims" from Syria"
>"Terrorists try to divide us and terrorism has no religion"

Keeps going on how they should import more refugees and focus on making the muslims feel more welcome.

Every single communist should be murdered.


Beware of the cyber h8 police.

>terrorism has no religion"

I can't believe people actually say this.

Hi newfag!

Get new friends

Remember were your old ones live for the day of the rope

Bullshit. Communist here are very xenophobic

You have to remember that as a German you are conditioned form a young age to feel an overwhelming guilt when you have such "racist" thoughts.
Think a clockwork orange.
You are not far from it. It takes a great shock to the system to wake up from it.
For my wife it was the "refugee crisis"

At work today we got from muslim hate to naming the jew in about 10 min. Feels good.

But it was poles, ruskis and one croat. Germans cant into truth.

Fuck off, commie shill. Go spam news forums and earn your shekels.

because this country is just lost and the people are to dumb, they rather get all killed than admit anything "islmaophobic"

gotta leave in 2017 hopefully

Shut it. I was trying to post while connected to a public wifi network and my posts were not showing. The test was when I realised that and I switched to 4g

They're scared.

Teach them not to be afraid.

Fuck u selfish prick, op.

Real victims here are moderate muslims, who will be daily targets because of prejudice, xenophobia and intolerance.

This exact terror are what refugees are running away from.

Pussyes,stop beeing a little bitch if it was my country i would go and knofe some muslim children on the streets film it and put it on the net since the media would try to censor "h8 crimes".I am willing to die or go to jail for the smallest benefit that i could bring to my country during hard times.You cant,you have been jewed with the cult of the indiviual,"i am the most impprtant",you allways think someone else should do something about it,the state,freign countries,maybe it will go away if you hide like a little bitch.Bottom line stop beeing cunts you are the one who must do something if you dont no one will.

Lol, calling me a commie. That's the reality, you sperg. Point me at a commie who isn't a xenophobe, big fanatic on Russia, Orthodox Christianity and longing for the good old times (when they were young)

Pro tip: you can't.

Germany has two generations of softened, shy idiots who can't argue but keep on smiling when they should take a stand for their honest opinion. The men behave just like women, and the women are crappy. It's hopeless.

nice try faggot

It seems to me that the behaviour of white leftists is similar to the behaviour of wives with abusive husbands. No amount of attacks will wake them up. Their idea of strength and courage is continuing to be victimised and just taking it without fighting back. They would rather die than stand up for themselves.

i had a german friend on facebook.
she was ok, a bit of a bitch, but what female isnt these days?
anyway she would tolerate anything spergy i said and we would talk from time to time about all sorts of stupid shit, but then i sperged about the muzzles and told her i hate them.
she stopped talking to me and when i asked her why she isnt talking to me and if its a problem that i hate the muzzies she blocked me.

Eh, I dunno what to tell you. Germans don't seem to want to live. Time to focus on people who do.

my neighbour was really high in the commie party back in the days. biggest racist i know.


That just means we need to become their abusive husband instead.

> Real victims here are moderate muslims
I whish but they are hard to hit those nimble bastards.


Move to Switzerland

exactly, strength and aggressiveness is the only way to defeat an aggressive opponent. Talking won't do anything

Fucking Serbia in EVERY thread being cucks.

Why is a piece of shit slav country so cucked? Aren't you people supposed to be violent and racist?


Can't wait until it's open season for Muslims you filthy faggot.

Yeah, that's so easy, like magic.



Preheat the oven hans.

Sodomise with their women.

Xenophobia is worse than a terror attack goy

It's about time. There's a sekrt Hitler in every German nationalist, wake him up orelse change your religion to Islam admit it's the one true religion.

The fact that they are seeing more "braunen Hass" makes me hopeful that those who have been keeping silent are slowly waking up and actually naming our problems.

There were many attempts to redpill me over the years, but it's truly something you must do for yourself. Can lead a horse to water, etc. etc.

I know that libs are generally feels before reals, but using statistics and logic helps. Also, use the old "question authority" ethos against them, in a Socratic method... "who benefits?" and so on. Good luck, user.

Sadly not soon enough.

make a new site and upload for visibility.

I got Kicked in whats app after saying the the goatfuckers Strike again of course he was a Muslim

I think the only way to redpill women is for them to get robbed/beaten/raped by a shitskin. Can't talk logic and reason to a woman.

Just be sarcastically obtuse, and make them feel uncomfortable,

what are they saying?

This. Fuck Germany. Treat Muslims nicely, you disgusting Nazis.

Muslims are moderates. Muslims don't kill people, trucks kill people.

Look at almost 1.6 billion Muslims who didn't kill anyone yesterday.

Are they on the news? NO!

The Muslims are not happy!!
They're not happy in Gaza .
They're not happy in Egypt .
They're not happy in Libya .
They're not happy in Morocco .
They're not happy in Iran .
They're not happy in Iraq .
They're not happy in Yemen .
They're not happy in Afghanistan .
They're not happy in Pakistan .
They're not happy in Syria .
They're not happy in Lebanon .

So, where are they happy?
They're happy IN OAKLAND..
They're happy in Israel .
They're happy in Australia .
They're happy in England .
They're happy in France .
They're happy in Italy .
They're happy in Germany .
They're happy in Sweden .
They're happy in the USA .
They're happy in Canada .
They're happy in Norway .
They're happy in every country that is not Muslim.

And who do they blame?
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.

Difference between a moderate Islamist and a radical Islamist is that the moderate does not implement anything, but secretly approves & supports of whatever their radical side does.. Again, not compatible with any modern society.

also ich fände es jetzt falsch die ganze religion zu beschuldigen...


find new friends. contribute to social connectivity among your side and bump its power

Jewish nihilism.

>Every single communist should be murdered.
I love the truth.

Same here. Was in the cinema with 3 friends when it happened and when I read about it I said "Oh we missed a terror attack".
>one says nothing
>one says "happy??"
>other one says "we don't know yet if it's a terror attack"

Now we know that it was a refugee muslim. And they know that I knew it from the beginning. And I know that they're in denial. Will see them tonight again, it will be brilliant. They'll probably say nothing because they know their world view is falling apart.

Christopher hitchens had a very good prediction about this problem.

The first step is to take away the right to complain, and thereby silence any opposition by labeling them as 'Islamophobic' a word that hasn't existed until recently.

( Hitch starts talking at 0:30 )

you were supposed to be a kraut. next time, im joining the emus

do people unironically do this guilt thing? I always thought guilt was a meme

Henrik Cuck>
Unfortunaletly brown hate (euphesim for brown shirts - nazis ** translator footnote) on kikebook.
Thanks Ruthe for voice of reason.

Katrin Cuck>
Kikebook is already now hard to handle/cope with.

Markus Cuck>
Too bad, that those who concerns it, dont ge t it.

Verene Cuck>
Im tired, im tired to see people hate on one another. Pain the world for to feel sorry. This is too much. Quote from Green Mile.

salt their wound when it's still fresh

Based poo in loo

He starts talking about the right to complain being taken away at 3:00 btw

This so fucking much. It feels like they all share a common hive mind.

Germany is being sacrificed

>mfw hitler was the best solution
There is were you fucked up mate.

Hahahah eat shit piefke

Blood pressure increased a little reading that.

this, they can't be allowed time to repair their delusion, at least sabotage the recovery so it is harder to sustain. its not too late, we have so many more spics than you have muzzies, and there are still idiots who think they have no negative impact on the labor market.

radio commentator right now:

"still unclear if there is a islamistic background"

being blue pill cucked on so many levels

redpill them.

With how shit is going right now, belgium has a larger chance of forming the 4th reich

>having friends like that.

I'm sorry for you. Your country has truly been cucked.
Try to uncuck them. Always worth a shot with some good logic and facts. Don't expect intimidate results.

If you are unhappy with your friends by all means find new ones. It's your time too spend it in good company.
Frustration is a sign that you are intelligent and know that things can be improved. Do something about it.

One of my cuck friends on twitter constantly posts about Aleppo but hes conveniently forgotten to tweet today

This. If this shit were to happen in the Soviet Union, the muzzie's native country would be invaded and gulag'd instantly.

Poor b8 mate 0.08/88

Sarcasm I believe, on pol it can be difficult to detect

When will Europeans start being Europeans and not "global citizens". The biggest problem in Europe isn't necessarily the Muslims, it's the stupid mentality that Muslims come there with harmless intentions. People buy into it every. Single. Time. When European civilisation is threatened, everything else goes balls up. Surely South Africa taught you guys a lesson about that?

NatSoc war progressiv verglichen mit wahabismus

Taught us what?

You don't have any freinds. You're a German. That's doesn't even make sense you liar!

Low quality bait

i thought it was sarcasm