Can we please stop with this meme? We are all white

Can we please stop with this meme? We are all white.

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I am.
But you're most definitely not.


Not so sure there.
Chances are like what ? 40% ?

Note how it's always Americans or Brazilians pushing this meme

Move aside, true white country here.

You are neither nordic or mediterrenean,baltnigger

Said the Slavic rape baby.


ok fixed

Seeeeit dats moe like it.

we should probably team up with the mediterraneans until we clean house of chinks, nigs and spics then we'll turn on them and deport them too

As an American whose family has been here since 1640, I am almost assuredly not 100% white, despite my nordic and anglo ancestors.

If you breed with niggers - you win

audible keks

America is just 50 shades of nigger

Anglos aren't white, they're autistic abominations created through a masochistic and unhealthy obsession with money and trade

Opinion discarded.


But Russia is 100 silly Asiatic subhuman.

Pawel gets it

I don't care if I am white or not. I am Greek Orthodox Christian and that's all that matters.
If someone is nor Orthodox Christian neither Greek, he's not my people.
He's a foreigner, he's never a friend but an ever potential enemy or an only temporary ally who must be treated with suspicion and caution.
He's not one of us but one of them and I don't care what the color of his skin is either.

Modern (((Anglos))) are the halfbreed khazars that perpetually rape and oppress the gentile indigenous ethnicities of the British Isles.


AngloSaxons came from Germany you fucking Polish prick. Anglo = Aryan.

>I have your back
What like this?

>tfw i'm mediterranean
does this mean i'm white ?

Are romanians, albanians, bulgarians, turks, and yugoslavs meds as well? If not what then?

KEK, implying smelly and hairy Greeks are white

>brown hair, eyes and skin
Sure thing buddy.

True that. They are mongrel niggers squatting on the remains of the Hellenic artefacts

>1/4 unemployment
>master race
Pick one

you can be white again when you pay denbts

>mfw we stated paying our denbts
There is hope after all

Skin color isn't what's important, edgelord. Black people are niggers because of their culture and attitides, not because they're black.

Because of their genes

The Nordic imported the refugees and forced all the rest to bend over.

Until he pays the price or fixes it on his own, it's his fucking grave.

Yes please. This is not a race war. This is a culture war. Western based on christianity civilization vs muslim barbarians. And the earlier we get it the earlier we'll win and live in peace again. And only after the victory, we can play our fun banter between western civilizated countries again.


Stop lying, Turk. Guess who has the biggest antifa, SJW movement and fishes scum out of the sea for the last 30 years? Negrified Italy, why?

Reminder it's Italian navy to fish niggers out of the water

>It's le Med cuck LARPing as European saviour episode

>The proposed amendment to Italy's Civil Code would remove the word "fidelity" from Italian marriage contracts.

>The promise not to cheat is a "cultural legacy from an outdated and obsolete vision of marriage, family, and the rights and duties of spouses", according to the senators who have signed the bill.

>They cited a previous ruling from Italy's top court, which declared that judges could not legally place the blame for a marriage separation "on the mere failure to observe the duty of fidelity".




So you actually admit it?

Italian navy does that because Germans force them to, mostly. It's a EU thing, Germany says it will stop gibs and let Italian banks just crash if Italy doesn't do that.

The "fidelity" thing - how the fuck is that bad? It just ensures marriages don't end up as divorce in court, as far as I can tell. Seems like a grand idea to me. I dunno why the fuck you're clutching at THAT straw to push your idea.

>EU existed 30 years ago
>Italians weren't one of pioneers of the EU
I don't understand, are you forced at gun point to fish out the niggers? Fuck off with your pussy ass excuses bbc loving cuck


>>EU existed 30 years ago
>>Italians weren't one of pioneers of the EU

EU was perfectly fine 30 years ago, it was about a common market and coal and steel cooperation + agriculture in order to bind economies of Europe together to make war impossible.

Perfectly good idea, great execution.

It wasn't until about 10-15 years ago when it went to shit. Remind me when that was again? Oh yeh, when Germany forced in a bunch of Eastern countries within its sphere that pushed its influence far above Italy, Britain and France and allowed it to gradually take over completely.

What a coincidence.

Helps with psychosis fake-German.

Modern day Greeks have nothing to do with the white ancient Greeks.

Modern day Greeks are a mixture of hellenised Albanians, vlach, Macedonians and Armenians. There are a lot of Turkish rape babies and Christian Turks too.

Even Albanians, Romanians and Bulgarians are whiter than modern Greeks


Ah, the albanian diaspora lecturing us on whiteness.


C'mon. Niggers canot be white

pick one


Population of anti-Med posters

>mentally ill Russian who roleplays as Germanic
>swede who suffers from PTSD from being called a cuck too many times
>albanian who hides under foreign flag

Truly the pinnacle of white nationalism

all 4 of them statues look white to me.

Pay denbtz.

>Anglo = Aryan

Beady boy pls.

Id say most are butthurt nordniggers who try to avoid the reality, second are not white americans and last are russians who think they are whiter than mediterraninians

Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
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>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
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>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread
Everday this thread

>Everyday this thread

EU didn't exist 30years ago, stupid turk. Italians fished out niggers though. Read about Kalergi and you will see, why EU is never fine

>all 4 of them statues look white to me
If your skin is pale because theres never sun in your country doesent mean you are aryan. Most of us are whiter than the average nordic.

This and add niggers in the mix too

See Also

Dude it's ok not being White. Japs are honarary arians. Maybe someday you'll be there too. That being said you're not white

I like how this Bavarian retard constantly forgets that his "Germanic master race" is responsible for the whole mess that is the EU.

I am 100% white, not sure about you. Better run a 23andMe to find out

EU author was not Germanic, he was race mixed mongrel (half Japanese) - Richard Kalergi

Clearly, it was his G*rman side that made him do that, not Japanese. G*rmans are always trying to destroy Europe with whatever means they can.


There are Germanics, Anglos, Frenchmen, Danes, Scandinavians and Iberians etc.

I feel like basing ones Nationality on anything other than ones ancestors is foolish and a Jewish divide and conquer tactic.

That picture is good as it is.

And your """master race""" fell for it? By your own standards you're subhuman.

Sup Forums is not white

no we aren't faggot
north europeans are mongrels mixed with amerindian, huns, pakis and niggers, east europeans mixed with mongols and tartars. don't fall for the jew tricks to pollute your genes with those mongrels

Alaric - dindu nuffin. Rome was a cuckolding entity where jews and niggers enjoyed equal rights
Martin Luther - dindu muffin
Marx - Jew
Wilhelm - dindu muffin, Serbs started WWI
Hitler - dindu muffin, French greed and Britain started the war

romans n shiiieett

Don't fall for the Divide and Conquer tactics of kikes

Original pic

No one asked. All this entities were done without consent of the people and against will declared in referendums. Who are Serbs anyway? Doglike traitorous subhumans that blame everything on their neighbours.

Except for Albanians, fuck them.

muh D&C meme. Don't fall for it. It's a jewish thing to mudify pure European races and destroy Northwestern chauvinism. See Anti-Italianism and Immigration Act 1924. You know who pushed emancipation of Italians as Whites in the US? God damn right - Jews

No one asked for refugee shit in Italy either.
If they're subhuman, then you're lower than worms, snownigger.


t. Ashkenazi

since pol is satisfied with the global movement of the right, people here will just find something else to bicker about.

It's in your nature. Succumb to it.

Yet Italian subhumans didn't manage to stop Rome from allowing free movement to negroes, arabs and jews in the days of Rome more than thousands years ago. Who are Serbs? Really who? Literal nobody. Dalmatian land fertiliser, Turkish boot cleaner.
Ashkenazis opposed this lol
"Ethnocentric chauvinism exhibited by the earlier Northern European settlers toward the Italian immigrants was also a major factor, especially in the American South. In reaction to the large-scale immigration from southern and eastern Europe, Congress passed legislation (Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and Immigration Act of 1924) restricting immigration from those regions, but not from Northern European countries."
Not liking "Med" filth is only natural to Northwestern Europeans

>French-faggot trying to class himself with Italians
I knew you people were pathetic, but Jesus...

you have no arguments, only straight up butthurt fueled memes, everyone can see that, you've made your reputation already
just give up

No bully Greece you uncultured mongols and anglo swine.

the ancient mediterranians fought and died protecting europes outer borders from the shitskin hordes of africa and the middle east, so that makes them white in my eyes.

No. Rome literally introduced free travel for Asia Minor, North Africa and Judea.
>protecting Europe
Yeeaaaaaaahhhh. They must have sought in terms of le White Race
"One of the largest mass LYNCHINGS in American history was of eleven ITALIANS in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1891. The city had been the destination for numerous Italian immigrants. Nineteen Italians who were thought to have assassinated police chief David Hennessy were arrested and held in the Parish Prison. Nine were tried, resulting in six acquittals and three mistrials. The next day, a mob stormed the prison and killed eleven men, none of whom had been convicted, and some of whom had not been tried."

He's probably a southerner, they're like italians but without the accomplishments

Pretty much. Except for South East

>Ignoring the real threat.

What the fuck is between "Med" and Germanic? Looks like some pedo

yeah I wasn't talking about WASP chimps, just your generally copy pasting of things you've been royally BTFO all the time but you keep posting out of butthurt

when shit goes down its sure as fuck I want mediterranean people behind me. Them and a few asian countries. whoever says they are not white is either dumb as niggers or retarded.
history proves.

Pick one, inferior mulatto
your butthurt is not BTFO, nigger

White people pay back their debts.

Maybe he's meant to be slavic?

Who's on the far end?