How do we stop trucks?
How do we stop trucks?
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how do we stop my fpbp?
you cant
We only need reasonable controls on high capacity assault trucks.
Or was it high capacity assault refugees?
shit! I guess you can!
with brakes
you're welcome
we ban high capacity assault trucks you racist scum
fuck's sake CNN
You'd think it slipped on a patch of ice
Wrists cant be reliably seen from a truck cabin. Maybe "NO" hats or jackets would do the trick
ban polish trucks
>literally seizing the means of production
Bollards work well.
Why don't they steal a petrol truck and rig it to blow up when their heart stops beating or something like that. You would Kill way more people
why is this news? russia is busy sending us into ww3 with their blatant efforts to start a cold war and using the middle east as a front yet nobody reports on it. right, ok.
Fucking easy, the same way we stopped the ram raiders of olde.
Pedestrianise these streets with automatic bollards that rise out of the road when such a market on.
Bonus points if they explode on impact
Ask Japan, they have the most experience with them.
Cities like walking parks with external parking, moving walkways and registered truck deliveries/ambulances only. Barracades. Infrastructure modernization and development.
>truck crash
>just an accident, no terrorist attacks goyim
with people, worked a few times now, I don't see why it shouldn't work again
crash barrier
Nobody needs a truck. We should outlaw all vehicles larger than a compact car. I would also advocate for truck free zones.
America's media is a grotesque monstrosity.
The victims are all sent to a parallel fantasy universe with cheat powers so it evens out.
We need to pass an EU wide law that would force truck manufacturers to install remote controlled brakes, that could be accessed by cops, in all trucks and also cars in general, to be on the safe side.
>yuros now need to barricade everything they do outside
>lefties will still praise multiculturalism
>ban all trucks
>ban all Muslims
Choose one.
terrorist was white nationalist and AfD voter Samuel Heid.
If The Germans reelect this dyke, I will have no sympathy watching their country go to shit.
bus-free zones
Beep! beep! here comes the diversity, prepare for enrichment!
Yes goyim it's all Russia's doing no country should have sovereignty we need to overthrow Assad at once!
Bribe leading Islamic scholars to release a bunch of fatwas ruling that trucks are not to be operated by any faithful Muslims.
Haha omg I just laughed so hard.
Not the first time a Swede has had a shitskin inside them.
Serious answer: put up barriers around events.
I think all you need is plastic barriers filled with water.
yup CBC, just a truck
remember that other truck back in july?
we Overdrive now
>mfw these news articles are literally the gag photo of the being black on Fox News and white on CNN.
We need more trains.
Driverless Automation.
t. Elon Musk
Holy shit. Remember that time a gun killed those black people in Chicago?
Nuke the middle-east.
Erase the mudslime plague.
Terminate all kikes.
This is how they will eventually force us to use automated joogle cars
>be european
>wake up in the morning
>move away the anti-truck Jersey barriers from the door
>walk as far from the road as you can in case of truck
>check your back every 20 secs to avoid backtrucking
>hear a load noise
>ninja jump into the nearest shop
>it was just a baby stroller
>decide the park will be the safest way, even if you have to walk a couple of km more
>the sun is shinning, and you hear no engines so you get confident
>get hit by a noiseless electric truck
which of the 4234 guns are you talking about?
You need more than that to stop the scourge of semetic devil fanaticism
this is for you
According to liberals, the logical solution to ban trucks.
Why are you doing this?!
really makes u think
We need more feminine trucks. Testosterone-fueled killer machines have no place on our roads. :^/
Gee, let me think.
Immigration reform, dont let people with zero job skills from a nation stuck in the middle ages some 2000 miles away collect fucking welfare that puts them into the fucking middle class just for buying a bus ticket to your goddamn country.
Wellfare reform, have faith that human being possess enough healthy self interest and foresight to plan for their own retirement and that they can handle the rough with the smooth and they will be capable of taking care of themselves during hard times.
Just spitballing here. Just off the fucking top of my head. Just a few thoughts on how to stop assault trucks. Maybe gove that shit a fucking try.
Fucking europe. Jesus.
Limit fuel tanks on assault trucks. Trucks should only go up to fourth gear. Please, think of the kids. These are common sense truck laws.
gosh, won't those people driving the trucks KNOW that human driven vehicles had been phased out in order to prevent terrorist attacks?
i always like to tell mass shooters that guns are illegal too, since they tend to forget sometimes
Common sense truck laws.
that's a very braveā¢ thought you have, please consider doing an interview with us, we'll put you on the first page of huffpoo
he murdered the driver by shooting him with a gun, which he should have known was illegal, and hijacked the truck.
do you know nothing?
better brakes ?????
> will cause more attacks by terrorists hacking into self-driving trucks.
actually no one needs compact cars. we should outlaw all vehicles but trucks, which are obviously needed to haul large payloads across country
(cars arent needed, we just like to sell them to everyone so the elite noses can make more shekels)
just start replying to any journalist on twitter saying "important to remember it's a blababa, not all muslims" with strapped pepe and tell them to shut the fuck up
have a strapped wojak
White people would never do this.
Oi, cunt! Can't you discern sarcasm?
I don't think you have to hack self driving trucks for them to kill people in city centers.
kill the muslims that drive them into crowds, before they drive them into a crowd.
Because this terrorist works for russia to strenghten rascism in germany.
fixed the headband
remember how not even 14 months ago it was china?
>How do we stop trucks?
Mandatory truck registration. Ban on high capacity trailers, background checks on truck owners, establish truck free zones.
Lets face it, you dont need more than 10 tons of weight limit and you dont need to take your trucks in to our schools. These are just common sense truck restrictions that we need in place.
you have always been at war with russia
With fucking barriers...
>okc bombing happens
>literally every federal building has large concrete anti vehicle barriers now.
This, it works everytime
Arm the entire populace with Barrett .50s
As long as the driver isn't a muslim you can stop them by standing in front of them.
I think all important government buildings here have anti vehicle barriers too.
But these events take place outside, on squares and roads.
So it would require mobile barriers, although that shouldn't be a big problem either.
It's annoying, but such is living with Muslims.
You're an idiot, we should have more people driving trucks, less truck regulations, mandatory trucks in all schools, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a truck is a good guy with a truck.
I want off this ride guize.
I don't want this anymore.
Make it stop. Please
lol not even a mention of terrorism in the headline, wtf
>truck crash
It's not just the American media
The western MSM in general is abusing the fact that a lot of people only read the news title.
We should have a wikipedia page about this
Install firewalls to prevent Russian hackers from hijacking the trucks
Captcha: trucks
Silly Europe still hasn't banned assault spoons or trucks.
There is a push right now to force cars to broadcast their speed direction and gps location.
Remote shutdown will be next.
Thanks driverless cars.
Freedom to drive going to go away.
You are right. All teachers should be armed with trucks and security trucks cruising the halls.
Thanks, "Mr. Helper"
How do we so quickly forget these attacks? Nice, France ("Neece") truck-attack: 84 KILLED on French national holiday.
I agree chem
this desu
trying to find technological solutions to compensate for the fact that they're subhumans is going to just make thngs worse
we inch towards complete and utter genetic annihiliation because liberals think that monkeys can be turned into humans with welfare and nice clothes
Don't forget Jacques Hamel, 85 year old French priest who had his throat slit by two ISIS members who were on house arrest