>b-b-b-but jihadists terrorise europe constantly
B-b-b-but jihadists terrorise europe constantly
>b-b-b-but first post best post!
Sup Forums btfo once again, turns out you fell for false news, who would've thought that a bunch of tinfoilhat fags are wrong?
You need to go home to the middle east.
Europe will be safer and wealthier when there are less muslims to steal, rape and murder.
Importing muslims is a bad deal, and national security risk.
70s through the 80s were the RA
>Thanks IRA
You chinese probably don't understand it, but a single attack is too much.
Also: Probably the 90% of the '70s - '90s were in Ireland and Spain and was internal political terrorism.
So yeah, since the 2000 the yihadist terrorism has escalated constantly.
>just because it happens less, it's irrelevant and a non-issue
fucking off yourself we're trying to eliminate this statistic alltogether
Yeah, so you should really find something better to do with your life than just reply 'fpbp' to every thread.
Not even rustled, just letting you know that everyone here thinks you're a massive faggot.
but burger, aren't your mass shootings done by lonely white men? Don't they need to be stopped?
Hey man the Basques kicked some ass too
Fuck off we are full
>Roughly 10 in 2014
>Jumps up to over 150 in 2015
Really makes you think
wew lad pull a strawman like that i'm surprised you didn't break your e-hamstring
Produce this chart without northern Ireland
But that was during the Troubles
Thank you for correcting the record
San Bernadino would have been avoided by banning all Muslims from entering.
I find it relevant to the discussion at hand, surely you want those attacks to stop as well?
Why would you want to stop the beta uprising?
you're still strawmanning, and yes of course, but it's not the topic plus literal different culture/ideologies at play
I wonder who is behind this post
Didnt the refugees start swarming in in 2015?
the deathcount for 2016 was over 170 - by july. so there's that.
Kek has blessed me today
Do you actually understand what a strawman is?
IRAfags were christians I believe? Really makes you think
>That monster jump in 2015 from 2014
And this doesn't worry you AT ALL, my Finnish friend?
Statistical anomalies, insignificant in the long run
>Ignore that massive spike in 2015 goyim!
Thanks for correcting the record, Mohammed.
Yeah, Catholic. The conflict wasn't about religion though
OP isn't finnish. Having a finnish passport/living in Finland doesen't necessarily make you finnish
Fucking cuck faggot, get off my board REEEEEEE.
that was last year, we need to see if the trend continues before declaring it an anomaly.
Based on the count this year it is likely to become the trend, you total mongol.
not an argument
Well isn't the same true about ISIS and the whole shit in Syria? Religion is a common identifier amongst them but the real conflict stems from politics
>just ignore the huge spike in 2015 and now 2016 directly due to the mass importation of Muslims
nice try, Jew.
You have to go back.
Just like Islamic extremism isn't about religion?
Really makes you think....
>Do you understand what a strawman is
You mean distorting his argument and equating american gun crime with extremism responsible for deaths in countries all over the world?
I am whiter than you
Look at what we had you faggot. A downward trend since the fucking 1990s with the only spikes being the muslim invaders and rapefugees.
Post hand with timestamp. I'm collecting paws.
in germany we had the RAF, in GB the IRA, etc
also notice how the curve raises abruptly in 2015 because of all the poor refugees?
2016 won't look any different
That legit looks like africa
You are talking about Theocracies where the religion is the social binding agent, introducing their alien political/religious system in a host nation via refugees invasion, not democratic systems where the religion is used as fuel the same way it could be used the soccer, but nothing more than coincidental.
Not comparable at all.
It's Somalia.
The RAF aren't terroits you fucking cuck, go back to watcing your women get raped fag.
Your somewhat right. Protcuck """ monarchists"""" were absolute bitches towards Catholic Irish and they made an apartheid towards them. Protcucks saw Irish catholics subhumans, rich coming from protcuck heretics
I am not talking about your precious airforce, I'm talking about the red army fraction who were terrorists.
why don't we have some tea or beer and watch our women getting raped together?
Just left leaning commie sympathizers
But they did do it right by exposing big corporations
> Before the 90s there was IRA and East/West Germany. After that, practically no terror in the west until muzzies came along.
Yes. Exactly that.
didn't you hear cuck we've left the eu we're not a fucking cuck country like you.
Note the period where the causalties start to drop. We were keeping on top of islam then. Now we have taken a step back, its starting to rise again. 90s-00s figures were helped by the fact we had stability in the ME. Start to take out your gaddafis/assads etc and the islamists become emboldened.
Daily reminder, Assad was a pretty cool guy. Syria and Libya were the best countries in the ME, and had relative stability considering the various religious groups living there.
lol look at this nazi faggot still butthurt about getting rekt by the britbongs after starting shit you couldn't finish.
>20th century ending
>europe finally getting its shit together in the 2 countries where it was a problem and putting behind its problems of the mid 20th century
>what looks to be a more peaceful century
>suddenly muslims
>1000% increase in terrorism in 2015, no EU nation feels safe
>terrorism continues in 2016
>no end in sight for 2017
>politicians get together and tell everyone that islamic terror attacks are just something people will have to learn to live with as nothing will be done to stop it in fear of being racist
>europe population slated to increase by more than 200% as they consider taking in 1 billion refugees
allahu akbar
you didn't leave anything yet
and even then you'd still have shariah zones and hordes of migrants
we do too, but at least I'm aware of that
Aren't the early numbers about the troubles?
has nothing to do with any brits
sure whatever you say cuck.
vast majority of gun violence committed by nigs, enough to completely drown out the couple of shootings we have.
>also pulse nightclub
>Statistical anomalies, insignificant in the long run
Fuck you, marxist traitor.
Even on the usually multiculturalism propaganda spewing national broadcaster Yle a security expert is saying Germany can not be maintained as open society anymore. Islamic ghettos will look like palestinian areas surrounded by Israeli settlements soon.
You played yourself, fool. Notice the recent trend in the data?
>Safety against terrorists improved since 70s
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