Has Angela Merkel caused more severe and lasting damage to Europe than Hitler?

Has Angela Merkel caused more severe and lasting damage to Europe than Hitler?

that hair alone is worse than anything hitler did.

Merkel is part of Hitler's lasting damage.

Reminder that Hitler didn't damage Europe but the Jews who brought him and white nationalism down did.

If you really think that 2 million shitskisn are enough to destroy Europe then it deserved it to get destroyed.

USA has like 30 million NIGGER population. Would you consider USA ruined?

>USA has like 30 million NIGGER population. Would you consider USA ruined?


>Would you consider USA ruined?

>USA ruined


really made me think

>Would you consider USA ruined?
The USA has been a complete and utter disaster the second the 13th amendment was ratified.

Is that a rhetorical question or are you just retarded?

Merkel is a consequence of Hitler and the nazi guilt he caused

apes > exploding apes

>he thinks USA only has 30 million niggers
Should we tell him guys?

She is just helping grow Islam so they can finish Hitler's work for her.

At least Hitler didn't import millions of shitskins into Europe

Since she isnt active but mostly reacting in her politics.

No... are you fucking drunk?

Even the bowl that was used to create that haircut is probably a shitty communist product

No, because multiculturalism is the results of Hitler losing WW2.

well, Merkel's policies have led to the death of probably what, several hundred Europeans... on the other hand, Hitler's policies led to the death of million Europeans. u tell me, OP. u tell me.

Yes this damage will be irreversible

>Hitler's policies led to the death of million Europeans
>implying Jews are European or even human

Niggers give into degeneracy just like us whites and become neutralized. Mussies have an ancient structured totalitarian pedo religion and don't mix into society and in fact become society one neighborhood at a time.

The road to Hitler is paved with good intentions.

I think it's time.

Listen carefully, Hans: USA is fucked, and is reaching fast and steady the point of no return.