>$900k to ex wife per year
>$300k per year for child support on top of that.
memes aside, why the fuck is this allowed in this day and age and why isn't the ex wife shamed by society as the cunt she is for pulling this shit off guilt free?
>$900k to ex wife per year
>$300k per year for child support on top of that.
memes aside, why the fuck is this allowed in this day and age and why isn't the ex wife shamed by society as the cunt she is for pulling this shit off guilt free?
There's a direct correlation between me not getting first posts enough and shit like that being allowed.
And i'm going to prove it.
>falling for the marriage meme
Women are equal to men but they need alimony to survive on their own. They also need the kids even though they cant support them by herself because of reasons.
Youre not allowed to question this, sexist pig
Channelling meme magic into uncucking the shit outta him
Praise kek and show this man your light! Shadilay
>he believed the "marry and reproduce" sceme
The is literally no reason to procreate.
cause she a strong independant woman!
This is hard to watch, poor guy.
>Sup Forums
>Brendan Fraiser's alimony
Yeah allmony laws are reatarded
Don't forget
>numbers based off when he was a huge star, making €£¥$$$$
>now brand not so hot, not making $
>still has to pay wife €£¥$$$
>now poor.
Here is what alimony should be=whatever she would get from welfare in her state, nothing more. And she shouldn't get it longer than you get welfare. Welfare benefits capped at 2 years because you are supposed to get a job? Then alimony should end after two years.
>why isn't the ex wife shamed by society as the cunt she is for pulling this shit off guilt free?
Because we live in a macrarcy, and are not allowed to criticise women
Reminder his ex wife became a bbw squashing star who literally sits on men for money
>literally sits on men for money
Wait, really?
It's actually 600k for alimony and 300k for child support. But yes, it's criminally excessive, especially since he doesn't earn like he used to.
i feel like women lack a certain level of empathy. It just goes right over their heads
>no one laughs when he cracks jokes
that's possibly the saddest part, he's such a broken man he's looking up, searching for acceptance, as he cracks jokes and no one laughs
not when you ave that many denbts to repay
>he fell for the marriage meme
General rule of thumb with divorce laws use to be women don't get any money, men don't get any custody rights. This kept both parties in check. Now 90% of cases women get both. Even more laughable when you consider 2/3-3/4ths of breakups are initiated by women.
why isnt his amount reevaluated considering his circumstances.
shit is fucked up. how is this sort of blatantly predatory behavior not shamed?
Like wtf. max he should be paying for in terms of fixed child support should be $100k/year mandatory. that's plenty to know the kids are being looked out for and aren't starving or anything. you know so society can't say shit that they are neglected
then anything else should be up to his own discretion. and Brendan sure ain't the dead beat dad type and would for sure pay for whatever else the kids needed
(((divorce industry and MSM potrayal)))
>Over a million dollars per year to support 1 cunt and child
>Superstar making millions gets married
>doesn't get a prenup
>she wants a divorce, gets the millions
>not a superstar anymore
>still have to pay the millions
>many such cases
Anyone here notice that it's *always* the woman that leaves the man?
There's literally no actual foundation that keeps marriage afloat except for the period to which the woman experiences a modicum of romantic affection for the husband.
It used to be built on the NEED for protection and support, the government does that now.
Women think marriage is about romantic affection, when it's about partnership in raising fucking children, regardless of feelings.
Women will fuck themselves up eternally, failing to realize that affection is ephemeral, until they are old and used up and alone and miserable.
>Reminder his ex wife became a bbw squashing star who literally sits on men for money
Why would she do that when she hit the whore lottery with that poor bastard?
you must be living in a cave, plenty of courts have ruled prenups to be void so you still have to give half your shit away
Yes really. It's a fetish where huge women squash and sit on smaller men. After the divorce his ex wife got huge and found a place in that fetish and men would book appointments and travel far just to pay her to sit in them. She was open about it and gave a few interviews
>Yes really. It's a fetish where huge women squash and sit on smaller men. After the divorce his ex wife got huge and found a place in that fetish and men would book appointments and travel far just to pay her to sit in them. She was open about it and gave a few interviews
FFS, what a whore.
holy fuck
how do we unJUST him Sup Forums?
If he becomes a star again, all thats gonna happen is his bitch of an ex-wife is going to get more money.
He asked for the devorce i thought
How does one meme person into relevancy?
Does he have twitter posts to upboat?
or something?
Guys we have to save him. This can be our Christmas charity. What can be done to make these people see reason and empathy?
Or barring that, how can we meme the cunt out of existence?
Hes turning into Rodney Dangerfield
why do you think ancients fucked other men?
you can never truly have a meaningful relationship with a woman, they're just a vessel for procreation
poor fella needs to lift and hold his head high.
what is his story anyway, why did they break up? did she just decide to dump him and collect the $$ one day?
i will never marry a woman
they are serpents
and then you have nerve to call welfare niggers leeches... fucked up system you got there
>$300k per year for child support
Jesus christ what child costs $300k a year to raise.
Fuck Tom Cruise, he's going to shit up The Mummy franchise. I hope he fails.
Honestly even if i had the money,i would just murder the bitch out of principle and take the jailtime with no regrets.
don't believe everything you read on Sup Forums, retard
>don't believe everything you read on Sup Forums, retard
Wait, you're saying that this isn't true? I have never received bad information from my number 1 news source that is Sup Forums. Good day to you sir.
I fucking hate when shit like that happens, here's a greentext about a story I was told, it's really sad shit.
>Be oldfag
>Be Milfag Englishman
>In his 40s when it started going downhill
>Worked all his life from a young age with military service
>Been in a few conflicts and seen some shit
>Married when he was younger because love and shit
>Had kids and a decent house with things looking alright
>Years later wife wanted divorce
>Probably cheating on him when he was away fighting
>Never found the real reason why she wanted to leave
>Go through court and many different (((lawyers)))
>Made deal with wife to keep the house and any profits she made selling it as long as she didn't touch his pension
>Everyone agrees and it's set
>Wife eventually goes bankrupt because fuck being smart with money
>Comes back again with another (((lawyer))) wanting his military pension
>Goes through court and she wins but wants more
>Gets about £50000 of his military pension plus legal fees that Milfag had to pay for
>Only left £6000 for himself because Englishlaw.gif
>She wanted his government pension as well but the judge refused to give her more
>Guy was broke and depressed as fuck
>Top tier mate offers him an unregistered weapon
>Didn't say anything just placed it on his desk at work and walked off
>Milfag thought about doing it but would have been first suspect
>Decided he would use it on himself
>Mates look out for him and get him out that dark time
>Milfag now has a decent paying job and is on his feet again
>Nobody knew he had the chance to do that cunt in at the time apart from his mates
>Wife was lucky as fuck
>Implying kids need 100 fucking thousand a year to live
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>getting married
>having children
serves you right you fucking tool
Oh wait, opinion is normal, disregard.
>Be rich
>Get married
There's no correcting that kind of stupid. And prenups are a meme.
Theoretically, what would it take to turn this into a movement for reformed marriage laws? If we can't unJUST him, maybe the death of his manhood can be a meaningful sacrifice.
We can rebuild him. We have the KekNology.
we need to meme him into relevancy
does he have any social media?
>we need to meme him into relevancy
>does he have any social media?
Not that I could find, but there is this rather sad hashtag on twatter #SaveBrendanFraser
>what would it take to turn this into a movement for reformed marriage laws?
I think divorce rates would have to take a dramatic plunge. It's already happening, but feminists are still shaming men for not "manning up" and starting a family.
Maybe another generation or two of families destroyed by divorce will kill marriage rates to such a low women will have to reform the laws.
So why they divorced anyway? He cheated on her? She cucked him? Just "we don't love each other" bullshit?
this is not enough
maybe we should spam some hollywood kike with him and say that internets want Brendan Fraser at some blockbuster movie?
>this is not enough
>maybe we should spam some hollywood kike with him and say that internets want Brendan Fraser at some blockbuster movie?
Sadly, he did it to himself to make some quick money. He had some shit tier movies. Truly, the only good stuff he ever did was The Mummy series. He was in that shitty Dudley Dooright movie, that shitty Looney Tunes movie, and some other animal movie that sucked balls. He'll need to get someone that believes in him to revive his career. No one will hire him because he's lost so much money on shit tier movies.
internet petitions have little to no effect
who produces this movie? who is responsible for the casting? who directs?
those are the guys we need to reach out to
This, is kek a merciful god though?
Fuck, this poor guy, just take him out of his misery.
He's starting to look like this guy
For gods sake Sup Forums help this man
I laughed
is he crying? wtf?
This, I would like to help this guy.
Compare it to his old interviews.
How can America even talk about raising min wage and free college when they can't even take care of Brendan Fraser?
Save this man.
This always bugged me out. The mom can't sustain the child, let's still give it to her and take the money off the dad :^)
Chris brown (guy that beat up Rihianna) only pays 2000 a month, and he shares custody of his daughter. This is crazy considering his past, he's black, and supposed gang affiliation. The chick wanted 1.2million a year btw
If one side gave up a career to raise the kids while the other worked to sustain the family it does make sense. Not the case here though.
Very sad. I enjoyed his movies during my childhood/teen years. Fucking golddigging sluts.
I was a lot happier 20 years ago, too. 1999 was incredible compared to now.
Marriage is very similar to forming a business with someone.
Marry people accordingly: good with money and has a similar amount of assests . Sounds unromantic sure
Marriage was never supposed to be romantic. It's a Hollywood invention.
They made marriage sound like some romantic life goal that makes life better, which is why we have gays now wanting to marry because everyone thinks marriage is some sort of a bullshit romance thing couples do.
Marriage is a contract.
You give up some of your own freedoms and rights for the sake of a stable environment for your children.
Brendan Fraser gets no respect.
he's still not that bad looking for a depressed fat guy. He just has to lose weight, hit the gym, sleep well, eat well, etc..
>year 1995
>dad runs successful pharma company
>mom runs her own small business and supports herself
>mom gets unexpectedly pregnant
>dad proposes instantly because he doesn't want his child to be born out of wedlock
>they get married 3 months before i was born and a prenup excluding my mom from all possible gains of a divorce is signed
Fast forward 5 years
>our jew lawyer writes a lengthy letter to my mom
>says that the prenup is void since it can be implied that it was signed "under pressure" while she was pregnant and thus she is entitled to half of my dads wealth
>Mom answers by saying that she wouldn't damage the well being of her family and her relationship to my dad for any amount of financial gain
>Parents never work with the Jew lawyer again
And this is my story on how a Jew tried to ruin my life for a bunch of shekels
Never trust a kike.
Oh please like Europe is any better. Heather mills ring a bell? Heather mills got tons of money from paul mccarthney(sp?)
fucking kikes
Can Brandon uncuck himself before Europe does?
only a capeshit movie casting can unjust brenden's life
Dont be a sexist bigot. You expect her to change her quality of life after divorce?
My father owes me a million in unpaid child support.
>Lawyer is literally soliciting for a divorce
Is this legal? It's certainly not ethical.
You might be able to get him kicked out of the Bar for this. Look up if your legal district has a self governing barristers society and file a complaint. If it's against their rules he'll be in shit and it will have an affect on his future cases even if he doesn't get removed
Except, you know, passing on your genes like all living organisms try to do. But the judge was a huge douchebag in this case and Brendan's bitch ex wife deserves to be flayed alive.
France won't even let men get paternity tests on their purported children to make sure their wife isn't a lying whore right? Your government is just enabling scheming nasty cunts to cuck the men at will. Fuck Western society, I hate fucking everyone.
gunna be hard to reel them in after their huge ww2 victory
I tried to tell my family this and they called me a complete liar idiot retard that believe shit I read on the internet
many such cases