Shooting in Germany, 1 dead and 2 wounded
can't find link in english, idk why.
Shooting in Germany, 1 dead and 2 wounded
can't find link in english, idk why.
Other urls found in this thread:
heh.. nothing personel kid ;)
>insane summer filled with happenings
>nothing all throughout the fall
Merry Christman Jiha errrr German Version
When this will become usually in Germany?
ah the islamic grinch strikes again.
>one dead
Can't be a muslim attack
>can't find link in english, idk why.
>suspect killed a woman and has pale skin
beta uprising ongoing
lol, seriously?
I cant read frog, is it religion of peace again?
you mean it is unusual as of now? lol
The police gave details of the shooter on Twitter: "We are looking for a male individual, about 20-30 years old, with light skin and a mustache." The security forces also reported that the suspect was wearing jeans, a green parka and a hat.
Its Samir Hadenden
>peau claire
white boy
It's JUST another bad apple
at this point they dont even report small attacks with 1-2 casualties in big media
I can't read surrender, what does it say?
>1 dead 2 wounded
Like 10x+ people in America die on a daily basis due to gun related crimes
Don't worry about this goyim, just remember to give me shekels
White in Germany can mean anything tho.
It's a robbery guys happening over
Isn't there a giant US military base in Wiesbaden? I wonder if that's related.
Looks like a robbery
do i have to care when some ramdon german fag dies now?
People are not shot (and certainly not shot DEAD) during regular robberies in Germany. That's more of an American/third-world thing.
since when is a fucking shooting in shitmany news worthy?
shooting happen in shitmany like every 4 mins
Is it a robbery to raise funds so peaceful muslims can buy ammonium nitrate fertilizers for their pot flowers?
Gang members shoot each other over drugs, money and bitches, Ohhhh noooo. The murder in the US is an escalation of conflict.
Terrorism on the other hand is willfully killing innocent civilians to inflict terror. I mean I'm an all lives matter guy, but staying out of trouble would really work for most victims in the US.
I was about to be derogatory about your language but suddenly realised.
>Every frenchman (native) is a "frog."
>France is being pushed to boiling point.
>1 woman dead. Age: 59yrs, owner of the corner store that was robbed.
>2 men wounded. Her husband (63) and nephew (21).
>Gunman still on the run.
Gunman described as:
>20-30yrs of age
>165 - 175cm in height (manlet)
>pale skin
>short, fat
>green clothes
Fuck, it's Mario doing a Luigi false flag. RIP Nintendo
You see, this is what's the matter with you 12-year-old kids on Sup Forums.
Your hearts are in the right place but you shit everything up when something happens and your little 12-year-old panties get in a twist and you start screaming "Moah Mommy moah!"
The Islamic act of war in Berlin, committed by a "welcomed refugee" - and the gutless, traitorous responses to it by European politicians - are quite enough to be going along with, thanks. We just don't NEED you turning every act of robbery with violence anywhere in Europe into a new reason to call for a crusade. We HAVE reasons, enough. REAL reasons, not this shit, which is just a bog-standard armed robbery of a German by a German.
Please, kid, if you need attention so much go and join the other attention-needy 12-year-olds in a Pizzagate thread. The Clintons really do need all the help they can get discrediting the right with obviously ludicrous bullshit.
>pale skin
So they're looking for a lightly tanned German?
Probably a problem about drugs or money. Or both.
>all the refugee crimes in Germany
confirmed shooter
>that height
Will they ever learn?
very good, i hope they double
it all checks out, its him
>inb4 slavshit but they sell him off as "white" and "German" and "native" again
He can't keep getting away with this
>pale skin
Roaches are quite pale.
Oh look, the overexcited-little-12-year-old-strormfag-turns-everything-into-the-new-crusade thread has just become a we-love-Sam-Hyde-he-so-witty-he-say-'Jew'-on-TV thread.
It figures.
These are serious times, kiddies, and men are talking. Any chance of the mods starting a Bouncy Castle for you and Sam Hyde to go and play in while we discuss how we are going to defend our civilization against ACTUAL threats to it?
It's OK. You can come back when you - and Sam - have grown up.
When will Trump and his russian overlord stop this atrocities?
hahaaaaaa rofl oh my siiiiiiiiiiides the little German schoolboy got off a meme!!!!
oh how much wittier and more amusing can this wonderful wonderful thread become.
As I say: off to Bouncy Castle Sup Forums with you...
Sounds like a Turk, in all fairness
- Pepe don't hop!
- He's hopping hopping
- you're dizzying me now! You're dizzying me now!
Its not on youtube anymore, theres that vid from a movie where 2 muslims sing DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT and then it shows the NICE truck wrecking baguettes, anyone have it ?
This is all Putin's work!!! CUT IT OUT YOU RUSSIAN BASTARDS OBAMA TOLD U 2 QUIT IT!!!!!!
i love you
yeah....teehee....I poo my pants when id happen.....u wan be mi fren.....I smell u poo u smell my poo n we be all edgy altright kiddies on Sup Forums teehee
I love you too.
No homo.
Or full homo.
love you!!!!!!!!
>only 10cm smaller than me
y-yeah total manlet hehe yeah
>einzelfall map
top kek
funny that when it's a white man they will instantly disclose the suspect's information
when it's a religion of peace they will try their hardest to keep it from going public
What's the joke?
>typical Cucked feminist nations day
What ya expect?!
My high school lever of french really pisses me off, I read french in English in my head until it downs on my it's french....then I can't read it anymore.
Is this normal?
I was typing pissed, sorry for the typos
I think our meme magic broke the world somehow
Please be merkel, please be merkel.
Not today, Ahmed
>caring about germany
its normal
its an upcoming feature of the 2.0.17 "Crossroads of a World" update, the prepatch was applied in August this year
>Wir fahnden nach einer männl. Person, ca. 20-30J.alt, 165-175 groß, helle Haut, Schnauzbart, dickl. Statur
>guy removes 3 kebabs
>"lol he's short."
How many kebabs have you removed?
>one of us
wtf i'm rooting for the shooter now