*sips café latte macchiato*
*sips café latte macchiato*
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>*sips café latte macchiato*
liberal propaganda = no logic
actually dropping the first bomb was necessary and the better of two bads, it saved millions on both sides
the second one was uncalled-for though, Japan would have given in anyway
*sips tea from unit 731 mug*
>Not a cafe breve
Fuck off, toothpaste
FDR supporters, one of the worst terrorist groups America has had to face.
They didn't want to give up after the second one you dumb nigger. The Japs only called it quits after the U.S. told them the next one is hitting Tokyo.
Really makes you think..
didn't japan surrender before the bombs though?
*sips boyfriends semen"
>What is war
leftists should be drafted. I will not fight for them.
Not only did they not surrender after the first one. After the second one hit the Emperor of Japan wanted to call it quits but the senior military officials said hell naw. The emperor then made a secret recording calling the people to surrender...and had to enlist the maids to smuggle the recording out of his residence in the dirty laundry. The recording was played over national radios and the senior military officials knew they had to acquiesce to the surrender because the people would never disobey the Emperor's command
And the reason the Emperor's maids had to do the smuggling is because the senior military command basically had the emperor on house arrest to prevent him from announcing a surrender
they fucking deserved it
i regret using only 2
had a small period of time when i could have dropped a few on russia and china and gotten away with it
>that chick lean
Jesus help that kid
russia was about to invade then we would have had to split japan with those damn commies too
fuck that
>America forced into war
>America defends themselves
Warmongering terrorists.
This. The action needed to end right now, before the Russians could reorganize and "help" us defeat the Japanese. It kept Tokyo from looking like Havana for 70 years.
>if you defend yourself you're a terrorist
Is this a new quote from trudeau?
Surrendered after the 2nd one, then their military tried a coup against the Emperor to keep the war going.
Oh shit yeah, damn they dogged a bullet there. Japan would've still looked like it had been hit by a nuclear bomb.
Pretty much this, the second bomb was dropped after one week. Japan had one entire week to surrender, we know the emperor and his aid found out about the attack the same day and the report of the full extent of the damage in no more of two days.
Not to mention warnings about the bombing happening were had weeks before, Japan decided to ignore it.
Is this supposed to be shocking?
Literally the terrorists have been going on longer than WW2 now
Surrender? no. This meme comes from japanese attempts to have the soviets broker a white peace between US and japan. Meaning the japs would keep their entire empire and pretend pearl harbor never happened.
Those bitches had it coming.
>*sips café latte macchiato
Is that good with news coverage?
They didn't surrender right after the second, either, so that logic is flawed. The US could've as well dropped the first and then threatened Tokyo right away. It took days to assess the damage and determine the implications, so the second one was uncalled for, and arguably, there's still a case to be made for different targets with less loss of civilian lives.
It's a moot point, though, it was war, and had Germany or Japan first developed nuclear weapons, we would not have hesitated to do the same to win. Would've been so much better for the world, too, but well, spilled milk.
>about to invade
But they were already doing so. That was one of the main reasons Japan surrendered.
It wasn't a nice solution but unfortunately you know the japs, they will take suicide over admitting defeat.
Thanks USA
Now please remove CIA-backed Terrorist Groups here
Um..Sahdam did it Junya
Cut it out democrat.
>an act that ended a war and prevented the death of countless americans (and quite a few japanese)
>comparing that to an act of terror
Liberals, everyone.
How would you know? Your people were all under the mind kontrolle. You probably still are.
*sips imported Somali semen, aged seven years in oak casks*
*defecates on Martin Luther King's grave*
>café latte macchiato
Wrong, nigger.
We killed millions of innocent Japanese with our bombs. If we risked the lives of are men invading, we should've not invaded at all and made peace again woth Japan.
>that would be the Japanese son, see they attacked us first, committed countless horrific atrocities that made the Nazis pale in comparison for sheer sadism, so we used the atomic bomb as a way to end the war quickly with minimal casualties in order to not have the war drag out for years longer with a land invasion of a naturally fortified island nation occupied by a fanatically loyal enemy, we're talking a people where the mothers would strangle their own children then kill themselves when we took outlying islands, that would've made the invasion of Germany look like a walk in the park and cost tens of millions and allied and Jap lives
anyone thinks that the use of the atomic bomb wasn't a good action is a moron
That would be giving up absolute control over the pacific after one of the most costly wars in american history.
Any peace with japan before invasion would have meant them keeping a sizeable portion of their empire.
*sips liberal tears*
They deserved every bit of it, the raping, murdering, slaughtering rats. If I could drop another hundred bombs on Japan during WW2, I'd do it without a second thought. If that kid heard about what they'd done, he'd be cheering the Americans on, just like he'd be cheering on America to nuke ISIS (An ultimately ineffective and impractical move, but you can see my point).
>making peace with a warmongering nation that invaded all it's neighbours and surprise attacked you to try to beat you in a war
>letting them keep all their power base when you do it
it's like finding out your wife cheated on your for years, staying married to her and then letting her keep being "friends" with the guy she cheated on your with because she promises not to do it again this time
Motherfucker, they attacked us and killed us first. They don't get to run and hide in their rice paper shacks and smile at us from behind thuman shields. They either surrendered or fucking died. The Pacific shipping lanes were going to be ours to control, and the south Pacific colonies were going back into whitey's hands, whether Emperor Shitto titto liked it or not.
If you're going to pretend to be smart, at least have all the information. Let's not pretend that the US didn't want to test their new weapon on a real city.
They could have dropped it on an army base or naval yard, at least at first, and given the Japs a chance to surrender before vaporizing old ladies and children, but they didn't. They wanted to see just what their new toy could do, so they tested it. They also wanted the Russians to know what it could do.
So that's fine, and I'm not saying it was a bad decision, but don't ignore those important points.
because the japanese did not give a fuck about army bases and naval yard. The tokyo firebombing kill more people than both those bomb put together, and the didn't surrender. Why didn't thier goverment just fuckign surrendor after bring this disastrous war onto their people. How is full responsibility not on those stubborn foolish generals.
>They could have dropped it on an army base or naval yard,
At the time of its bombing, Hiroshima was a city of both industrial and military significance. A number of military units were located nearby, the most important of which was the headquarters of Field Marshal Shunroku Hata's Second General Army, which commanded the defense of all of southern Japan,[107] and was located in Hiroshima Castle. Hata's command consisted of some 400,000 men, most of whom were on Kyushu where an Allied invasion was correctly anticipated.[108] Also present in Hiroshima were the headquarters of the 59th Army, the 5th Division and the 224th Division, a recently formed mobile unit.[109] The city was defended by five batteries of 7-cm and 8-cm (2.8 and 3.1 inch) anti-aircraft guns of the 3rd Anti-Aircraft Division, including units from the 121st and 122nd Anti-Aircraft Regiments and the 22nd and 45th Separate Anti-Aircraft Battalions. In total, an estimated 40,000 Japanese military personnel were stationed in the city.[110]
Hiroshima was a minor supply and logistics base for the Japanese military, but it also had large stockpiles of military supplies.[111] The city was also a communications center, a key port for shipping and an assembly area for troops.[76] It was a beehive of war industry, manufacturing parts for planes and boats, for bombs, rifles, and handguns;
The city of Nagasaki had been one of the largest seaports in southern Japan, and was of great wartime importance because of its wide-ranging industrial activity, including the production of ordnance, ships, military equipment, and other war materials. The four largest companies in the city were Mitsubishi Shipyards, Electrical Shipyards, Arms Plant, and Steel and Arms Works, which employed about 90% of the city's labor force, and accounted for 90% of the city's industry.[183] Although an important industrial city, Nagasaki had been spared from firebombing because its geography made it difficult to locate at night with AN/APQ-13 radar.[
>bomb Japan
>they give us animu, vidya, and jpop
>don't bomb Germany
>they give us Syrians, cucks, and numales
Really makes you wonder, doesn't it...
jpop fucking sucks
German had other trade partners, after the war japan could pretty much only trade with USA.
>he doesn't bench to Momoiro Clover Z
Any political act that negativity affects a country is terrorism
>cucks, and numales
That trend came from the US because your nation has been a slave to (((them))) since 1930
>amerilards in denial that Hiroshima and Nagasaki was bad
>meanwhile "muh h-holocaust" is the worst thing ever
Truly retarded
I fucking already know this shit, and I'm on the fence on whether I would have nuked a city first. I'm not some leftist crybaby, the Japs certainly brought this shit on themselves.
But don't forget important facts. America really badly wanted to see what it could do, and dropping it on naval yards wouldn't do that. And Russia was in the process of getting ready to invade Japan and America didn't want Japan to fall under the USSR.
You know, it's funny, because nuking Japan was possibly doing them a favour. Yes, they got nuked, but right afterwards they became a US ally and wealthy democracy. Had they been taken over by the USSR they would have suffered much, much more
Yeah, the Germans and Japanese got us back really good.
>liberals caring about Fascist Japan
caffè latte not café latte you fucking francophile
And why is that? Because you chimped out and tried to shoah them and they all came here as refugees.
I agree though this is stupid. And I fucking HATE FATASSES. Did you know they have McDonalds inside the Walmarts now? Holy fucking shit this place, man.
>Because you chimped out and tried to shoah them and they all came here as refugees.
>Did you know they have McDonalds inside the Walmarts now?
Fuck. I usually like free market but Trump must do something about obesity in the US
oh it's a
Japs aren't white, they can exist in liberal land. Just have to do something about that pesky high IQ thing.
What's your point, toothpaste? Are you one of those 14 year old free thinkers? Now fuck off. Saged and hidden. Fucking sliders
Japs deserved every bit of it.
they didn't know that at the time. The delay was caused by utter destruction, not resistance.
Aquinas' justified war under the meme that it has to be 'just'. Therefore, even without hindsight, WW2 was 'just'.
No. They tried to keep everything they had taken (Singapore, Hong Kong, etc etc). American said "No. You unconditional surrender." and they didn't. So they bombed them again.
Their Emperor said "the war has turned not entirely in our favour" after the 2nd one.
>We killed millions of innocent Japanese with our bombs. If we risked the lives of are men invading, we should've not invaded at all and made peace again woth Japan.
were you listening, or did you not get Japan wasn't going to surrender no matter what.
If America does something good then it is assumed multicultural. If America does something bad then it is assumed to be white.
How about you read the thread before posting k.
>millions of innocent Japanese
No you fucking didn't. The estimated Japanese civilian deathtoll... BETWEEN ALL NATIONS. Was 550,000-800,000.
This has plunged me into deep cogitation.
I guess Pearl Harbor was just the nation of peace blessing us with their multiculturalism.
Leave it to a retarded Netherlander to feel smug about his own stupidity.
Fucking Nips would have fought to the last man, woman, and child if we hadn't nuked their asses to show them who's boss.
Be thankful you stupid fucking Krauts surrendered early, you fucks would've got the same. Now shut your fucking trap and go back to getting raped by momma Merkels muzzies.
Actually, KEKS came from England
vae victis
>which terrorist group did that?
the democrats
Hey now. Don't be rude.
The word 'cuckold' comes from cuckoo. But that word is itself from French. It's like saying England invented the word 'orange'. They did, but only because they translated it from French, which was translated from Arabic or whatever.
>pearl harbour
>not an orchestrated false flag
America cut off Japans oil supply, that was an act of war
It is true, you were a fucking horrible world police. You made all the jewshit happen. Germany would have made so much better and white job.
Tbh the bombs were probaby the only good thing America did. Basically fucked Japan into submission.
They didn't though. The second one was 100% necessary. The japs called their bluff, then sharted the moment they realised they had more than one bomb.
seeHiroshima and Nagasaki were close to 100% justified. The greater good.
The Jews