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The Zionists destroyed the German people, reviving Hitler

Hopeless leftist stagnation.

Holy shit a guy on a phone

>burger cognitive skills

It's an Arab havin a laff.

Nothing, they living their dream

I just refuse to believe any German is dumb enough not to see the brainwashing at this point.

After hours of celebrating this attack, Sup Forums is outraged by the sight of a roach celebrating this attack (he probably isn't, Muhrat is just telling him he's live on TV)

>implying people don't make fun of terrible happenings on this board

where did you find that pics i love it

people just refuse to believe. just like the people who knew the jews were getting genocided but still convinced themselves they knew nothing about it

go ahead and save it. it's all yours my friend :^)

>I just refuse to believe any German is dumb enough not to see the brainwashing at this point.

They are

I also find the pic really funny and cute, can I save it too? Or just tell me where to find it so I can download it myself.

>just like the people who knew the jews were getting genocided but still convinced themselves they knew nothing about it

What about the ones that knew and were like "fuckem"?

its clear now why they lost the war

Oh wow turks/niggers/spics/gypsies in a big city? ONLY IN BERLIN!

Fuck off burger

redpilled af

>What about the ones that knew and were like "fuckem"?
You mean like 90% of the Dutch population.

70 years of brainwashing (thanks america and jews) does horrible things to you

the jew wiping out what is left of the white race in germany, hitler said it was a fight to death, they or them, and hitler lost

> Arab on the spott of a terroristic act laughs
Yeah right, its totally alright.
Next you are going to defend the muslims celebrating on 9/11 in NY

>jews were getting genocided

muh holocaust muuhh 6 trillions kikes dead

The cognitive dissonance of accepting the propaganda when you know better hurts.

What hurts these people even more is coming to terms with the fact that they once believed the propaganda. That they were "dumb enough" to fall for it. That they were wrong. That they were had. It's not that they don't see. It's that they don't want to see.

>50 years 24/7 brainwashing
>no free speech
>anything anti anti-white is illegal

So many shitskins behind your flag.

It's easier to name what isn't.

You have to understand that most germans ONLY consume german media.
They live in a complete sealed off north korea style filterbubble where all the media and entertainment reaffirms their bluepilled good goyim behavior.

>everyone has to be sad
If you're not at least CRYING and LITERALLY SHAKING behind your computer at this very moment then you're a muslim sympathizer

Why are americans retarded

t. abdul transoux

This media has been blocked in your region.

B-but it's just a still image, maybe he's about to yawn or something! It's late at night after all! :^)

>the jews were getting genocided
ohhhhh boy, here we go

Ironically globalisation might actually save your country by allowing English language memes propagated by redpilled Americans to spread to Deutschland.

You got all the jokes tonight, Netherlands.

It really is that way, that they just don't want to have been wrong before. Being forced to admit that AfD was right when they were all mocking those "stupid Nazis" hurts. So they close their eyes and pretend that it cannot be because it must not be.

>user you know who will be the new President of Germany...

And that.
I recently visited my aunt and her family. They don't even have internet. They get all their news from Tagesschau.

They honestly don't understand how people can vote for Nazi party and why everyone is so mean to refugees who just want to be saved from war. Of course they vote SPD because they always did and that is the party for the common man.

I love it america tries to act shocked while being the ground zero of modern degeneracy

"The difference between a shopping cart and a German is that a shopping cart has a mind of its own"

t. some DNC email leak (I still don't understand what it's meant to mean exactly but it sums it up), Germans are just too far gone

Nobody is shocked that your country is in rubble from your idiocy. Literally nobody

If even the lowliest worm is criticizing you, then you know you have a problem.

90% of young people can't even read English properly, let alone read or watch News in English. What this user says is the truth.

>Be in hotel in Israel
>Germany national youth football team are here for the week for a game and briefings
>Was given an hour talk from two shoah survivors with videos, pictures and documents
You guys can't catch a break, can't you?

>Nobody is shocked that your country is in rubble from your idiocy. Literally nobody

Idiocy that was pushed by you kike loving degenerates who now think they are big shit just because trump became president ignoring all your ongoing degeneracy that is rotting the minds of the west

>I recently visited my aunt and her family. They don't even have internet. They get all their news from Tagesschau.
Well, maybe you should teach them you ungrateful Kraut. Here, make them watch a good internet tutorial, that should get them started:

It means all Germans care about is consumer shit and shopping, they don't understand anything else.