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What, multiculturalism? What's wrong with that? :^)

They will, idk if it's a bad thing even. I kind want (((them))) to win here now because we need a radical solution and that will radicalize people. The SJW movement lost it's grip it's just an big recruitment agency for the right now.



Nothing, worked here in Australia :)

Don't worry it will be worse.

Sure did, Achmed! What are you afraid of Germany? It was just a truck of peace, you just don't understand.

>this is what krauts actually believe

Your chancellor LITERALLY PERSONNALLY welcomed them.

Get cucked.

Any sense of national pride or self respect is long gone. Just watch them do it.

will happen, 100%
She is the last Dictator in Europe, Lukashenko is based leader of White Russia


yes and liberals, sjw, faggots etc. will die first and people like me are already abroad

>assailant denies involvement in attack

wew lad

I'm not going to vote for her, and so are many other people but she's still the favorite to win.

You have to realize, that the only viable alternative to Merkel is a coalition of the three most left-leaning parties which, believe it or not, would even be worse.

They will.

Look on the bright side.

Germans should be purged.

ANYONE is a viable alternative to this madwoman


>it can be revealed she was at a service honouring migrants when her own people lay dead in Berlin's streets.

You guys are cucked beyond redemption if you reelect her.

>tfw Germany is the brother they expect in the wreckage

I meant viable in the sense that they have a realistic chance of securing the necessary majority of votes.

Who the fuck is going to vote for her after this?

I mean even the French would never reelect Hollande after his cuckery. Why would the Germans vote for Merkel again?

What about the AFD?

>yes and liberals, sjw, faggots etc. will die first
No. They'll stay in white middle class neighbourhoods while lecturing the rest of you on racism. Your working class will suffer the most for this.

this actually makes me sad

>Tfw half German
It's all lost if Merkel wins after all the bullshit they've already seen. Hitler should be resureccted to pick up where he left off

He means the allies and WW2. It IS your fault.

You underestimate the post-WW2 guilt that still permeates throughout Germany. They've been conditioned to hate themselves - any sense of nationalism outside of sports is considered wrong. It's sad.

when will this country recognize our one and only savoir?!

Bullshit. What happens in Germany now is Germany's fault and Germany's alone.

Oh yeah I forgot, there's a stupid fucking grand coalition so no matter who you vote for, Merkel always wins.

>Vote AfD
>CDU doesn't get enough votes for big coalition
>SPD, The Left and The Greens form our new government

And you deserve all get if you're still too stupid to realize that the allied forces pushed an electoral system on Germany that explicit forbids voting for people rather than parties.

Germany does not vote for it's chief of the government. Germany does not vote for it's chief of state who is the only person able to control the government.

>You have to realize, that the only viable alternative to Merkel is a coalition of the three most left-leaning parties which, believe it or not, would even be worse.

You seem to be forgetting someone.

According to (((polls))), the AFD is currently at 13% which is not a bad result for them by any means. They could go even higher, but without any coalition options they have no chance becoming part of the government this election cycle.

CDU is down to 36%, from 42%(??) last election. They were even lower a while back, but either way they will need a coalition partner. Which means a continuation of CDU and Social Democrats, CDU and the Greens (which is what Merkel would prefer), or the worst case scenarion with the CDU completly out of the picture (Social Democrats, Greens and 'The Left'

Alot of CDU voters are unhappy, but with the demonization of the AFD in the media most people still elect a 'proper party' like the CDU. People in Germany like stability, and tend to avoid parties at the margins. Alot of people are not directly effected yet by Merkel's catastrophic policies, and can therefor still cling to the hope that 'the government can handle this'. CDU can benefit from this, since it tends to be the party that projects stability and security.

But can you name one at least somewhat plausible constellation in which the AFD can actually form the new government, or at least be a part of it?

>implying worse isn't better in this case because then it's more likely that shit hits the fan sooner

Besides, it would be great to see AfD and those who aren't total cucks in the CDU dropping redpills in the opposition to compete for the right wing voters.

Won't get enough votes nor a coalition. They are standing alone.

see The allies did this. And your sweet little David Horowitz fucked two entire generations with his postmodern bullshit, wich affected Germany as well.

At least Horowitz admited he was wrong after his female friend got killed by a feral negro.

No party will form a coalition with them. Many potential AfD voters are former CDU voters, but the SPD/Left/Greens voter base remain unaffected, meaning the left (as a coalition) will be just as strong as always.

I think you underestimate the damage a RRG coalition can do in four years, that is assuming they won't get another four after that from all the Neo-'Germans' voting for the first time.

You're right that shit will hit the fan sooner, but what good does it do if the damage is irreparable?

No one thought Brexit or Trump's election were plausible. A million different polls showed that we were doomed. Stop being a defeatist and save your country.

Why dont Britbongs get that their are 10 times more cucked than we will ever be?

Well, i guess our superiority leds to enviousness.

Aren't they (CDU) going to elect a better candidate for the job?

Reminder that we don't have an electoral college in Germany to save us. If the US would depend on the national popular vote, it would be lost now as well. I don't have high hopes for the turbocucks in the big cities who jerk off to the thought of white genocide.

Yeah, thanks for decades of "denazification", destroying every last shred of patriotism or pride in cultural identity that might exist. I don't blame you, back then it was unthinkable that marxists would be able to bring the Western world to the brink of extinction, but really you gotta take responsibility. You force-fed our culture with self-hate, and in the process got infected yourself.

Give me a fucking break. Your country is so cucked it transcends your borders and threatens the entirety of Europe. You absolutely deserve to be wiped out.

Please bump. We need to spread this

When all politicians are unpopular, there is no better candidate. Wouldn't be surprised if Merkel was the most popular politician in Germany right now.

>Country comprised entirely of immigrants
O-O-kay Cuckada

That's what I fear the most. The CDU are likely to lose more votes to the AFD then the SPD are.

Send the Merklims back before germany becomes a shithole like France.

You have seen nothing yet.
SPD/GrĂ¼ne will be the new leaders.
Merkel is right wing compared to them.

Thats not how it works m8
Even the "conservative" part of the CSU would rather form a coalition with the leftys before going near the AFD

Don't you fucking Britbongistans get it? We can't stop her with elections. It's a cdu spd cuck Regime which rules us. Please Mr. Trump send help, please free us!

Your country is drowning in unvetted savages. At least we actually know where our Browns come from and can therefore monitor them.

>Autistic German ruins Germany again
>Germans blame Anglos

Like pottery. Why do they persecute us so?

There has been a period of uncertainty whether or not Merkel will run for another term, but at this point in time it has already been confirmed that she will.

It has nothing to do with defeatism. Of course you can say 'anything is possible', but not everything is equally likely, and if you are familiar with the political system and landscape of Germany you can predict that there are a few probable outcomes, and a few which might technically not be impossible but way out there.

Brexit and Trump may have been a longshot, but for an AFD 'win' (whatever that might mean exactly) it's hard to even come up with a feasibly chain of events that would allow for that.

I actually Plan to jump ship if Mutti goes in for 4 more years. I am an emt, but i heard paramedic education is really expensive in burgerstan. Any Info?

What's the alternative though? Don't get me wrong, I've never voted for her and I never will, but there's really nobody with even a snowball's chance in hell to win against her. The literal alternative AfD is a joke and all the other parties are either irrelevant or sucking Merkel's dick.

>Why dont Britbongs get that their are 10 times more cucked than we will ever be?
Because it isn't really true? We're bad, sure, but you are a whole other level and have inflicted it upon the rest of Europe at the same time.

>Yeah, thanks for decades of "denazification", destroying every last shred of patriotism or pride in cultural identity that might exist

only you are to blame for this.

Really I don't know what the fuck is wrong with Germany. You all have some sort of neurosis that makes you want to keep trying to dominate Europe over and over again, one way or another. 3rd time lucky?

>Canada is right
>fuck-king-g C-canada! C-cucks! Wir sind masterrace! Hahahahhaha!
You're the worms of Europe, germocucks, and your retarded politics are a threat to entire Europe, your whole country should be caged.

You dont vote for the chancellor directly, also there is no term limit.

Aw she gets to feel good about herself, posing with the refugees she saved, what a paragon of moral virtue :))))

>dude I literally have to vote Merkel xD
>there is no better choice
Just nuke Germany already, fuck those subhumans.

Yes vote merkel again :^)

Armed revolution.

You don't have a choice kraut! CDU and the leftists will both destroy you. OP is right, if you cast your vote for that cunt knowing what you're getting, left wing coalition waiting in the wings or no, you deserve what you get. You've got to come together as a nation and uncuck yourselves.

I'm sorry britbong but you sold all of europe to schlomo and cucked yourself.
Bongland doesn't even have an excuse for being cucked so that's that.

I know, look at these retards in this thread making excuses.

AfD can win.

>Italy NO!

They just need to be brave and vote for AfD.

chill mate. You realize that Merkel is smallest evil right? The SPD, Greens and die Linke are more hardcore leftists than Merkel's CDU.

whats so bad about her, apart from her handling of refugee crisis?

>would be worse
Honestly, vote for that, y'all need full Obama tier faggots to make things really bad before people wake up.

Merkels party will probably get

>I'm sorry britbong but you sold all of europe to schlomo
If you wanted to be occupied you should have said at the time. Funny how none of you did or complained back then.

Fuck you, you fucking asshole. Send me a gun and I will. Fuck you.

Is there anything more pathetic than the desperate attempt of a rivalry brits try to have with us?
We don't care MATES.
France cares about you. Germans don't. Never have. Never will.
Its always brits who desperately try to start shit. And nobody german cares.

>Alles wie immer, nur schlimmer.
t. Brot

They will.

They're too autistic to not destroy Europe again at this point. They've come so far, why stop now?

>What, multiculturalism? What's wrong with that? :^)
We started on the multiculturalism path 2 centuries ago, look where that got us...


We had to get Obama before we got Trump.

Do you really think they won't?

>twitter police
>Organized pedo gangs
>assault spoons

Oh fuck off, you ponce.


What happened to you, Prussia-senpai?

We are brothers lad, don't be suprised we get pissed when we watch you fuck things up.

It's like watching an older brother becoming a tranny and getting his cock cut off.

If merkel wins again we need to get gook moot to ip range ban germans.

>We are brothers lad
Brothers don't root for the destruction of the other like you do.

Its fine. Germany will die. Germans will die out.
And I look forward to how the rest of europe operates.
You guys will do fine. The eastern block will fall apart because they need the gibs.

After being told for years that the world doesn't need germans lets see how it works without germans.

kek, it's the same with british hatred of india. they are still salty about losing the empire and make it appear as if we hate them for it. most indians have moved forward and got over what churchill did to them(unlike jews' on hitler). no one even cares about britain here. they are brainwashed into thinking we are a gandhiloving country. i'm pretty sure BBC takes gandhi's name more than indian national television

Honestly I hope you all die at this point. You shouldn't have a country anymore. One of your neighbors need to put you out of your misery and remove the stain that is Germany from Europes memory and history. You're a threat to Europes very existence.

>AfD can gain 40% in less than a year

The weapons we send to the middle east that end up in terrorist hands are better than what we arm our Bundeswehr with. I'm not even allowed to carry a knife in public of the blade is fixed and longer than 12cm.

Even if Merkel wins, you must vote for AFD so that they grow in strength and are a better contender come next election.

>Brothers don't root for the destruction of the other like you do.
>implying I want Germany to be destroyed
I want you to sort it out, stop playing the victim.

You sound like you have already given up you sad sack of shit.

In the rest of the west Merkel is considered far left. So your other leftists are literal communists?

>Be German
>Think about gun
>Get jailed 12 years pruson for thoughts crime
>Watch Achmed getting honored in a Parade trough your cell Window for raping 30 12 year olds in under 1 hour

>believes the polls


>The eastern block will fall apart because they need the gibs.
The eastern block was fine before UE and will be after. It will be nice to have Europe without a war or "crisis" every 50years thanks to germanistan starting shit.

>implying they don't already deserve to rot in hell for electing her all those times

SPD are more like lobbyists, the left are literal communists, yes.

I hoghly doubt that a RRG coalition would last 4 years.

I highly doubt that the worst laws would pass the Bundesrat wheree RRG would soon lose every majority.

The time is running out for german people. We better strike soon.

>the damage is irreparable

There is a irraparable demolition in progress already. The CDU also would do shit about a re-ethinzation of the people.

Time is not working for us. It's against us.

Good lets do that.
I look forward to in a few years when you ask yourself how you could've stopped becoming a minority in america and you realize that africa and china are still producing babies while you wanted to focus on europe and stop the whites from producing immigrants

Merkel is going to be chancellor for life. The political landscape in Germany is a joke.

Nah, might as well give them the EU flag like we wanted to do if Brexit didn't win.

Kek, what does that make AfD? Centrists?
Good luck kraut, the jews fucked you so hard you cant even have a moderate right party.

Fucking German cucks make me sick. Now lay in the bed you made. Fucked it for yourselves and now you're fucking it for everyone else in Europe too. CUNTS

There's only one choice for next president of germany.

He knows how to deal with undesirable subhuman mongrels.