Why aren't we carpet bombing Scotland?
Why aren't we carpet bombing Scotland?
>Why aren't we carpet bombing Scotland?
Because everyone, even Sturgeon, knows that a second vote will return an even bigger NO vote than last time.
Sturgeon needs to learn that's she's not PM. Her opinion doesn't mean shit.
Didn't these rock apes learn from last time.
>when we're independent we'll be an oil economy!
>lose referendum
>shortly after - oil price plummets
>realize you dodge a bullet
Fucking hell the SNP are fucktards.
bring it on
if you genuinely believe in the illuminati and all that masonic shit then sadly we scots invented this modern secret world. Bomb the motherland? It'll never happen ever.
I don't know, but someone please end that Sturgeon creature. She has the same shit-eating grin as Jo Cox
I want this cunt out of scotland ASAP.
Why would you not want Scotland to be independent? Just make sure you build a wall right after it's granted. Few months later you'll be dealing with a flood of refugees.
According to whom? I want to believe.
wee Nick has that unsettled look in her eyes like she's been told the ruth about the world and it's rigged politic and her Mums being held at gunpoint whilst she is forced to pretend to participate in the big lie.
Why does it seem the women leaders are the ones fucking over countries?
You got this bitch, the puppet in Germany, and Obama.
Will this teach the world that females are bad leaders?
Scotland has a net positive contribution to the UK economy. You English fuckers will miss 'em.
what's the point of becoming independent again just to throw it away before the ink dries?
She's like the attention seeking girl at a party.
>guys I swear to god that I'll go home if no one pays attention to me
I would one for independence then get the first train out of Glasgow Central to a job in England.
I would then laughave my ass off as the SNP voters slowly realise Scotland has no fucking money and 100% relies on England to survive as a modern nation.
I literally want to see this happen so badly, every single person I know who wants independence in Scotland, I want to see them realise 2 years after independence that they now have sweeping service cuts and huge taxes. And that they may finally realise how truly stupid they are.
Sturgeon is smart
*smart enough to know this.
She simply has had all the game she's got from chucks world wide go to her head.
miss 'em like a hole in the head
new labour was a scottish conspiracy to destroy england
the current conservative party is a scottish conspiracy to destroy england
meddling, conniving scots
Scotland has a 15 billion pounds deficient. Spending per head is higher.
Anyone who doesn't say Scotland is a net draw is a liar. Guess this is the fake news that the left peddle that actually has people believe this
This. They need to get the fuck out my country. They have given us the reputation as the cucks of the uk. Angry man hating dykes should not be allowed in politics.
Aberdeen economy relies on illicit black market activities from the Napolese Cammora. Because being associated with Mafioso isn't a crime in the UK they can get away with it
Any other scots in this thread better leave before the polis come and nick you for wrong think
How do we unfuck Scotland?
Why are scottish women so ugly ?
>Scotland need westminister approval for another referendum
>westminister says no
>autistic screeching from BTFO scots
Investigation into the activities of the Camorra, book detailing it lightly is called Gommorah by Roberto Saviano
Not the way I'd do it. Its good to know that their are likeminded scots out there though.
Never heard this before. Sounds interesting.
Read the white paper. By the highly biased projection from the SNP, we would still be bankrupt.
Understand that? Using the best possible figures to argue for independence, would still produce bankruptcy! That's how bad the Scottish economy is right now.
Also the only reason Scotland is pro EU is because we have no immigration essentially and left wing people think that Brussels will become our new sugar daddy. (Forgetting it was the UK who bailed out a bankrupt independent potato republic)
Not only that, but without the UK, even the EU doesn't want Scotland. They'd have to start the application from scratch.
Pro tip: They wouldn't get in alone.
Dream for the day: Scotland leaves UK, enters EU, EU collapses
>we want to be independent as a protectorate of germany and france!!!
scots are not human
Dunno, at uni I notice the difference with the foreign students. Even got a ranking going.
1. European (one Swiss girl in particular)
2. English - got a bit of the slag look going but generally decent
3. Scottish - polarised, either sturgeon or damn hot. Usually the former.
4. Arabs
5. Dogs
6. Niggers
Scots view themselves as tolerant by default because the only immigrant groups we have are English, Irish and a few poles. This would change very quickly if we had the levels of immigration places like Blackburn get.
Mostly immigrants don't want to live in the shit hole that is Scotland.
We have probably 20,00 Muslims or so, so they are still seen as a cultured minority to embrace as part of diversity.
I can't believe there are still independence cucks out there. A strong uk, outside the EU is what is necessary right now. Only the pro-Palestinian, "irish" seperatists actually want this now.
People who vote SNP think that the EU will embrace Scotland then pump in shit loads of funding so we can be a "Celtic Tiger" economy. (Like the one that bankrupted ireland)
That place is such a fucking shithole. Better to live in fucking Salford than there.
Aye it is, don't really think about criminal gangs working within Britain much. Here's an article from a few years about it,
because most scots homes don't have carpets
Scotland has no fucking money.
>Implying EU is not willing to give Scotland Billions if it leaves UK for EU while UK still has to pay at lot more Billions to keep access to the EU market.
You're not going to like your future.
I like the Scots as a whole but I do feel as if it would be better for all of us if we put a cordon around their major cities and shelled them with artillery.
In fact, we could do that to the larger English cities too and solve a lot of our demographic/political problems.
Did you do the pyramids too?
>Hurrrr Norn iron is British n shiet most of the people want it
>Wtf Scotland i don't care if most of you want to leave wtf nuke scotland
Daily reminder that at least 48% of Scots consider themselves as British as they do Scottish.
I agree. The thing that bugs me is that scots have a strong national identity, but because its not immediately under-threat, people are happily to roll over to leftist cuckery (Catholics here dont help this at all). We are not a tolerant people by nature. We have maintained a bitter rivalry with our neighbour and closest ally for centuries.
Why is it OK for England to have shitty shit eating leaders and globalist scumbags, pakis swarming their borders and sharia safe zones
But Scotland has a contrarian party in charge and suddenly our whole country deserves nuclear fire?
just miss the distilleries, please.
The media bigs this stuff up but Sturgeon has no power m8
No chance. If they give Scotland do billions then they have to give all the barricades states and romania the same deals.
EU can cut off its nose to spite it's face in terms of trade if it wants. They will agree to a deal as they need the export market. Think Spaniards are gonna buy German cars?
Scotland for would apply and be rejected for failing to meet financial requirements and would have to be independent for 2 years before applying anyway.
I like to think this man repelled most Muslims
Oil prices being dead, Conservatives becoming the main opposition, the SNP having the most eurosceptic membership of all the parties in holyrood, and the SNP going from a majority-majority to minority-majority to name a few.
Also check the polls, because it seems to be the only issue where they're stil acccurate.
For now it's OK.
I am 100% certain in an independent Scotland they would start considering flying the saltire as racist and offensive to immigrants.
We would quickly swedenize too.
Wrong image shit
Because the SNP is only nationalist in the sense that it dislikes the English. They do not care for the Scottish people, just like the British government.
They have no issue with Scotland becoming Somalia, they care only that it is done under the control of the Scottish government and not an English one. There's literally no point to Scottish independence and it would necessitate more pointless bureaucracy and expenditure to reorganise the two countries.
It makes a change from "clans" of indbred smack dealers running the drug trade here. There is fucking massive amounts of cocaine going about these days. Scum
Civic nationalists folks
Americlaps, take note
To all the people saying Scotland would benefit from more immigration does UK Visa law reflect this?
Is it easier for me to move to Caledonia or Angleland?
Because I live there
Some of the chinese girls at uni are pretty qt, shame they go about in groups with superdry chink '''''guys'''''''
Yep, Sturdgeon would push for this.
Given they are the same country it's exactly the fucking same.
>if you genuinely believe in the illuminati and all that masonic shit then sadly we scots invented
Hol up, is you sayin you wuz Illuminati n sheet?
SNP don't fucking get it
Scotland is inherently intolerant of other cultures and before Sturgeon open cunt policy on refugees we were also world famous for our racism
We have had a pretty backwards view towards our neighbour England for a long long time
The only reason people let her roam around parliament like lord muck is because the only fucking immigrants we have up here ARE bloody English
and maybe a couple of poles in Glasgow and Fife
Spain will veto them from joining anyways.
So the most recent election where SNP won all the seats didn't mean anything?
I do find it odd that like Sinn Fein the SNP's beliefs don't line up to their followers at all besides
>muh independence
Scotland has a greater muslim population per capita than Wales though and Wales is anti-immigration.
Probably Scotland. I'm not sure if the immigration laws are devolved to the Scottish parliament or not. Just claim to be a "child". Blacks get sent to the front of the queue.
It's the same process but you won't have the benefits of being Scottish i.e free tuition, elderly care and some other stuff we pay for mindlessly. Also Scots are dour cunts don't ever let anyone tell you different. I don't think I've seen anyone even smile in Scotland.
>So the most recent election where SNP won all the seats didn't mean anything?
It didn't really. They had already had their independence referendum, then they elected their independence party out of discontent at losing the referendum. Scots are retarded cucks.
The UK would be very right wing without them always voting for socialists, which they only do to spite the English anyway.
Scotland already cooked their bacon. Too late now. It's not like they weren't aware of all the ramifications before they voted.
>The Brain family
>tfw too brainy to live in Scatland
The SNPS policy is we welcome refugees. But as they all want to live in London it's a futile gesture. The ones they did accept in Glasgow and Bute just complained constantly.
They moved some in near me in Glasgow years back, they all hated it and where protesting to be moved to better accommodation. By which they meant London, where the rest of the Somalian community is.
Has there ever been a more pathetic or servile race than the Scot?
Scottish rites freemasons created the world we live in. America and the west from 1900-2000 WAS the masonic new world order. Jews/muzzies now seek to destroy that.
I feel sorry for based thin red line Scots who actually love the union, I'm part Welsh and hate it because everyone thinks that Welsh are beta faggots thanks to plyed cumre or however you spell it.
Hope you get rid of SNP and go back to being labour brining balance to Westminster.
I smiled when I saw the picture of Salmon with his head in his hands the day after he lost the referendum.
Jesus Christ I hate the government so much.
Military-backed monarchist coup when?
The welsh
Scotfag here, Scotland would collapse from more immigration with the current policies we have. You only need to live here for a year to get access to free education and bennies I believe. Worst thing is open immigration is SNP policy.
>mfw reading the white paper back in 2014
You mean like Cecil Rhodes?
Would aim to meet Nicola Sturgeon in January when I get home to Scotland, and get her pussy pounded by my big black cock again.
She craves cum
delet this
Dear god, please don't vote for them.
>free from Britain only to join the EU
>maintain 80% of trade with UK
>contribute nothing to world affairs
>generate meme economy based on low corporate tax rates
Why not just let them have independence ? They'll look stupid and will beg to come back once EU is dissolved.
They let then stay in the end due to public backlash. And the guy got a job so could legally stay
Is she the inspiration for the Nicola character in the first seasons of The Thick of it? The clueless,in over her head female politicians that fucks everything up?
>Military-backed monarchist coup when?
About 350 years ago.
>yfw when rUK eventually get their own referendum to kick Scotland out
Because we hope she suceeds
First I've heard of him. Turns out I like historical revisionism when its pro-anglo.
>So the most recent election where SNP won all the seats didn't mean anything?
If you mean last year to westminster, no since there was no coalition with Labour.
In fact a french diplomat released a statement claiming that sturgeon wanted the tories to win, since it made it easier to continue throwing tantrums. The fact they were madder about this than anything else in the campaigning proves it's exactlt the case.
>muh independence
>we still want to be part of the commonwealth and/or the EU superstate though
I don't get it
Didn't Junker already tell her where to stick it?
fucking this. Ukip needs to push for UK freedom from Scuckland next.
Aye I agree labour is shit but without Scotland the UK will either be conservative or a hung parliament and the latter is the worst outcome
>get bailed out by empire you hated when you bankrupt anyway
>First I've heard of him.
He's like the Anglo-est Anglo.